Sony Might Have Just Internally Delayed Several PlayStation Exclusives

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I’m because how much money ps makes directly effects how much many of her have to find our games genius! U think they are going to keep funding $200mil + video games not including marketing with slipping profit margins increase dev cycles which means waiting longer for return on investment forever? Let them go hard as Fck in fcking gaas let them go hard asf on streaming as long as they keep making bank I’ll keep getting the type of games I like.
U ppl are shortsighted if sony listened to u ppl it would end up a pile of sht like sega or Xbox or Nintendo. “Oh but but Nintendo is doing great doing great just sticking to single player games” Nintendo is fcking garbage. Ugly games, shit services, no innovation no new tech lagging behind the whole fcking industry and making less than half the revenue of PlayStation m. Only reason Nintendo continues to make more profit than sony is because of nostalgia, milking sht, selling toys ip infants and investing nothing in their tech or studios. U ppl lack vision and thank god Jim and German are ignoring u guys.
Bruh did you just say nintendo wasn't making more revenue than Sony but then say 'only reason Nintendo is making more profit' you do realise profit > revenue right 🤣


9 Dec 2022
Why do I care how much money PlayStation makes? Some of y'all are starting to sound like the Xbox people who keep gloating about the money Microsoft makes.

I. Do. Not. Care. How. Much. Money. These. Companies. Make. Unless I'm a shareholder, it's only worth bragging rights in some sales conversations and little more to me.

What does this even signify? Inflation is a thing. Costs go up. Of course they'd be spending more money...

...but they're releasing less new 1P games than certain previous periods. And among non-GaaS titles, most of what few we know about are sequels.

Uh OK I guess :/

Based on what metric(s)? Because I can think of a few where they clearly do not.

This is also very debatable, and again depends on if we're going by strictly bean counter metrics or stuff outside of playing pretend accountant.
Bruh did you just say nintendo wasn't making more revenue than Sony but then say 'only reason Nintendo is making more profit' you do realise profit > revenue right 🤣

so makes about double revenue Nintendo does but sees more profit because it has a lot less overhead. And no actually profit isn’t necessarily more important than growth genius for a publicly traded company revenue drives growth Nintendo can generate more profit but it means Fck all because it’s potential for revenue growth isn’t as strong.
Bruh did you just say nintendo wasn't making more revenue than Sony but then say 'only reason Nintendo is making more profit' you do realise profit > revenue right 🤣
so makes about double revenue Nintendo does but sees more profit because it has a lot less overhead. And no actually profit isn’t necessarily more important than growth genius for a publicly traded company revenue drives growth Nintendo can generate more profit but it means Fck all because it’s potential for revenue growth isn’t as strong.
Bruh did you just say nintendo wasn't making more revenue than Sony but then say 'only reason Nintendo is making more profit' you do realise profit > revenue right 🤣
so makes about double revenue Nintendo does but sees more profit because it has a lot less overhead. And no actually profit isn’t necessarily more important than growth genius for a publicly traded company revenue drives growth Nintendo can generate more profit but it means Fck all because it’s potential for revenue growth isn’
Bruh did you just say nintendo wasn't making more revenue than Sony but then say 'only reason Nintendo is making more profit' you do realise profit > revenue right 🤣
🤡 for publicly traded corporations revenue is the most important indicator of growth and potential growth is more important than profit. Nintendo profit doesn’t mean fckall that much because it doesn’t spend hence limited growth. Netflix hasnt shown profit for most of its existence but it’s bigger than Nintendo because investors love growth more than immediate profit. PS generating less profit now is temporary because they are spending more on content, more in studios, more on r&d. Eventually increasing spending will generate more revenue and profit. 🤡