Totoki PS President wants to improve margins with releases outside console.


26 Feb 2023
They really following Xbox footstep lmao eh no one to blame when PS finally implodes in itself like Xbox this will effect PS6

Its literally what started it.
Xbox 360 many true exclusives. Reasons to own an xbox.

Xbox announces they will be releasing games day 1 on PC. Lots of comments from PC fans saying, I no longer need to get a Xbox then. Lots of people claiming there games are no long exclusives. It was a thing. Xbox 1 never recovered.

Years later they do gamepass, that killed software sales.
It wasnt Gamepass that killed them, that just finished there software sales off

Xbox never recovered since 2014. That was way before Play Anywhere


10 Feb 2023
Even for a quarter, 10billion revenue and 600m profit s a joke margin. They need to cut fat asap. 30billion for a year and 1.5 or 2billion profit also doesnt sound amazing. Solid. Dont know their analitics but somwthing s wrong. Hardware s not losing money. Probably making something. 50m subs paying. 3p royalties. Accesories. Big exclusives selling great and bringing billions.

Cut vr bullshit. Spends billion on development and it ll never be a major thing. Go8ng nowhere. Cut spending on 3p marketing deals. U do it in first 2,3 years to establish platforms. No point in doing it later.

Stop with stupid buy8ng timed exclusives. Also u do it in start of gen.

Also they must buy some publisher with bunch of studios or ip. Capcom. Square.

Namco has great profit margin. Go there.

PC ll do jack shit. Selling few mills therr ll do nothing except losing loyal customers.


Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
Xbox has been dying a slow death since at least 2013. They made terrible mistakes on the Xbox One, and they've never come close to building an audience outside the US/UK.
How many people skip xbox to play Starfield on pc. Even if I'm being generous at least 200k people would've bought and xbox.
Evidence is on myside
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25 Mar 2023
both trolls, but one is connected with real factors and the other is just making shit up.
No idea who is who. Certantly the one implying consoles are for children and poor people has to be the one making shit up as none of those claims line up with reality, right?

As for my claims, piracy is overwhelmingly more common on PC and GaaS are overwhelmingly more successful than single player games on PC as well. Based on leaked Sony data we know that on consoles single player games still dominate.
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21 Jun 2022
Game division increase revenue in 23% but decreased profits in 13%.
That is totally the opposite of what you aim when you increase revenue.
They basically wasted profit money to have that increase in revenue.
It was better not had to increased the revenue at all if you end up having less profit.
That is why they need to see what happened and yes the most common action is to increase profit margins.
Because something is not right.
You are increasing revenue at the cost of lower profit... that is an abomination to any business in any place in this universe.
There is a big elephant in the Sony executives room right now.
  • Selling more consoles at a loss means less profit now, but more in the future via games, subs and accesories
  • Growing their internal studios and making some acquisition means less profit now but more
  • Cost of previous acquisiions means less profit now, but more in the future because they will make more games
These are all investments that will result in more revenue and profitability in the future, nothing wrong with it. Same goes with many other posts that could be there like greenlighting new games or making more deals with 3rds or 2nd.

The results are not good at all.
The opposite, they posted many all time records this quarter. Including revenue, consoles sold, games sold, MAU, game subs revenue, revenue from SIE games outside PS.

There is nohing wrong with these numbers at all.
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21 Jun 2022
so more PC and mobile then?
Basically said they will continue with the current strategy. They still didn't release the mobile games, but have been working on them since a few years ago, they are coming. Same goes with playing PS5 games in mobile via cloud gaaming.

i told you day and date pc ports are coming. It makes sense if they want that bag.
They haven't said anything about day one games.

The most similar thing Totoki said is that due to hardware costs increasing after console launch instead of reducing as happened in previous generations, they will no longer will be able to have that hardware profitability in the 2nd half of the console lifecycle. And that they are compensating it partly with the profitability they get from other platforms (so mainly the PC ports).

Just before that he explained that 1st party games as exclusive are important because make your console more popular, and that in the past it was their only goal, but now they can also use them to milk more money (while continuing posting record numbers in console).

I'm still willing to bet that we don't see day/date releases for the next 3-4 years. Live-service games sure. SP won't though.

If Sony want higher margins they should invest in Asia and actually develop their IPs.
Their current strategy is helping them to achieve many records, so I think they won't change it:
  • Some games remain PS exclusive forever and never get released in PC
  • Some other games get ported around 2 years or more after its original PS release (not counting release of remasters or remakes)
  • Some of the GaaS that get ported to PC (some like GT7 or MLB weren't) will be released day one on PC, like the Bungie ones
Even for a quarter, 10billion revenue and 600m profit s a joke margin. They need to cut fat asap. 30billion for a year and 1.5 or 2billion profit also doesnt sound amazing. Solid. Dont know their analitics but somwthing s wrong. Hardware s not losing money. Probably making something. 50m subs paying. 3p royalties. Accesories. Big exclusives selling great and bringing billions.

Cut vr bullshit. Spends billion on development and it ll never be a major thing. Go8ng nowhere. Cut spending on 3p marketing deals. U do it in first 2,3 years to establish platforms. No point in doing it later.

Stop with stupid buy8ng timed exclusives. Also u do it in start of gen.

Also they must buy some publisher with bunch of studios or ip. Capcom. Square.

Namco has great profit margin. Go there.

PC ll do jack shit. Selling few mills therr ll do nothing except losing loyal customers.
One of the main reasons of the low profitability this quarter/FY are the relatetd costs (retention bonuses etc) from recent acquisitions. They said next FY they will be reduced.

Another one are the loses generated by selling a lot of hardware this quarter, because over time the cost of PS5 components isn't decreasing as happened in previous console: it has been increasing instead.

To make big acquisiions now would worsen he issue instead of helping. They have to wait until they completed paying these acquisiion costs of previous acquisiions before moving to new ones.

PSVR1 wss profitable, and PSVR2 is performing better so it should be more profitable.

They are making hundreds of millions per year with PC and are having a great increase every year. And PC ports only costs them a couple millions each, so it's a super highly profitable business for them. So they'll keep doing PC ports.
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14 Aug 2022
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Sony didn't say the PS5 is in the “latter stage” of its lifecycle, but late on the middle of its lifecycle.

IGN will IGN I guess.

Ign quoted them right, but their title is click bait asf. This november is what 4 full year so that would put them more towards mid than the end tho.


25 Mar 2023
Someone should inform this guy that Denuvo exists and he is losing money due to piracy on PC.

Running Man Abandon Thread GIF by MOODMAN
24 Jun 2022
Xbox never recovered since 2014. That was way before Play Anywhere

Play Anywhere contributed heftily to Xbox's console decline in relevance, though. That shouldn't be too at odds of understanding, and I don't know why some still insist on underplaying that push in how it's contributed to Xbox's current market situation console-wise.

The correlation should be a no-brainer.

only virgins would cry about this. more money for sony.

And only low-IQ idiots will pretend the only thing gamers should care about is how much money a multi-billion dollar corporation makes.

Hey, an insult for an insult. Fair game IMHO.