Sony releases PlayStation Accessories PC App


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I just wonder why you guys think Sony doesn't have data that backup their actions...
If they continue doing it then it is because it is working for the business.

They are not losing console revenue and PC revenue is increasing.
Their userbase is probably increasing.

I just think they should focus on there platform like they have and Nintendo does.
Yes there not losing console revenue. And they might not in the future. But they are going into unknown grounds, so the data can only show the good side for now. And the only other platform who has done similar is Microsoft and we know how that ended. Thats the closest data we have.

And about datat. All these corporations with the experts mess up all the time with there data. X1, Xseries, Vita, Wii U, PSVR, PSVR2, certain games etc etc.
Ive sat in game testing rooms where they come up with ideas and they come out with some shit that only someone who doesnt play games comes up with lol.

Yeah they will make extra profit, but they will/could also lose potential customers on their platform. Thats what happens when you give a choice.
Lets put it into food context.
Food court Steam has multiple restaurants but it doesnt have your favourite dishes, so you go to your favourite restaurant, Playstation cafe for that. But if Foodcourt Steam also has most of your favourite extract dishes that Playstation Cafe, and plays them at a higer setting, then “less” reasons need to go Playstation Cafe.

In general it wont effect hardcore fans like or you, a small percent both ways maybe.
But If its someone new theres no denying that theres less influencing the choice for PS or Playstation Cafe. Yeah some dont like to game on PC. But thats becoming less and less.
Lets say an a 18 year old has his payheque and thinks shall I buy PS6 or an PC? PS6 has less reasons to be bought now, there games can be bought else where. Whereas if PS is exclusive, it can hold its own argument like Nintendo.

If they released games years and years later and Im talking an whole generation apart to make some extra profit thats one thing. But now they gap is getting smaller and also im done with hearing Steamfans boys shitting on everything because of there stats. Playstaion is Playstation, PC arent fans of Playstation fans. If they were, they buy a Playstation.

Making some extra money isnt worth it, invest that money into making your Platform the place to be. Thats how they done it before, and thats how Nintendo does it

I dont think it effects much now, and with Xbox leaving Playstation will be increasing its fanbase. But your also giving up your own value and giving a choice to consumers to go elsehwere. Playstation makes most of its money from customers who buy 3rd party on PSN. Thats potential customers going elsewhere.

PC and Steam is also increasing its userbase. They are getting new fans. New gamers. People think and make a choice depending on benefits. They days of I dont like PC because i like to play on my TV is becoming less and less. The more reasons for people to buy elsewhere and they will then buy elsewhere.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Not sure what are you comparing here…

Gamepass killed MS hardware… not releasing old games on PC.

Lots of things killed Xbox. 1.Kennect 2. Day 1 PC games. 3Gamepass. All 3 of them result in less Games being bought on your platform.

But you can clearly see some people left Xbox to PC after that day 1 gameds. They had no reason to own a Xbox. And you can clearly see Playstation fans say, Xbox doesnt have exclusives anymore. I clearly remember those days and you can check those threads.

Ngaf has plenty of hardcore PC guys who were Xbox 360 fanboys, thats why they are the way they are towards PS lol. There was a recent thread a few months ago about where do you game. Some of the worst fansboys say they went PC after 360.

Games like Gears, Halo, Forza, RDR, Lost Odessy etc etc gave a reason to buy Xbox 360. Those same gamers who owned both no longer needed to buy it.

Im not saying its just day 1 sales, but Xbox was dead and pointless way before gamepass.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Lots of things killed Xbox. 1.Kennect 2. Day 1 PC games. 3Gamepass. All 3 of them result in less Games being bought on your platform.

But you can clearly see some people left Xbox to PC after that day 1 gameds. They had no reason to own a Xbox. And you can clearly see Playstation fans say, Xbox doesnt have exclusives anymore. I clearly remember those days and you can check those threads.

Ngaf has plenty of hardcore PC guys who were Xbox 360 fanboys, thats why they are the way they are towards PS lol. There was a recent thread a few months ago about where do you game. Some of the worst fansboys say they went PC after 360.

Games like Gears, Halo, Forza, RDR, Lost Odessy etc etc gave a reason to buy Xbox 360. Those same gamers who owned both no longer needed to buy it.

Im not saying its just day 1 sales, but Xbox was dead and pointless way before gamepass.
I don’t think day 1 PC has anything with Xbox failure… in fact I think PlayAnywhere give them a breath.

The issue was always they didn’t investing in first-party games.

If they had a strong lineup even with PlayAmywhere they could be successful… delivery was the issue not PC.

And after that Gamepass happened.

The issue with Series consoles where not the amount of hardware sold… not console ever died selling more than 30 million units… in fact 30 million units is health enough to support you in the business… heal Xbox One sold even more than 50 million.

But no matter if you have 20m, 30m or 50m user base you need to sell software… if you have enough user base buy nobody is buying your software then you really have a huge issue.

That was what happened with Xbox… enough hardware sold… less and less of user base buying software.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I don’t think day 1 PC has anything with Xbox failure… in fact I think PlayAnywhere give them a breath.

The issue was always they didn’t investing in first-party games.

If they had a strong lineup even with PlayAmywhere they could be successful… delivery was the issue not PC.

And after that Gamepass happened.

The issue with Series consoles where not the amount of hardware sold… not console ever died selling more than 30 million units… in fact 30 million units is health enough to support you in the business… heal Xbox One sold even more than 50 million.

But no matter if you have 20m, 30m or 50m user base you need to sell software… if you have enough user base buy nobody is buying your software then you really have a huge issue.

That was what happened with Xbox… enough hardware sold… less and less of user base buying software.

Yeah them not investing into 1st party at the time was also a big reason I forgot about that.

I still remember the backlash they had when they went day 1 PC though. They had a huge lack of sales compared to the likes of Halo 3 and Gears trilogy on 360.
I wont be biased and ignore that these X1 games also didnt play as well as those titles, were getting repetitive releases which carried on from the end of 360gen, and not reviewing well, so that played a huge part too, the quality of 1st party like you mentioned.

They did though also get the same treatment concord is getting, being dominating by steam numbers and reviews etc but that is another issue with releasing on a rival platform with most those players not having any love for Xbox etc. They did get some lucky gems like Sea of Thieves and Flight Simulator which was liked by all like Helldivers 2.

And with the low number of console purchases it was hard to recover. At the same time, you must remember that some people would say, I dont need to buy an Xbox anymore, if they release anything good I could play it on PC.
Which did effect console sales in part with them not investing into 1st party like you said, vicious circle lol.

I agree with your points about needing to sell software though, it works both ways I guess

Personally I dont think its worth the hassle and wish they doubled down on console and pro’s. But Im not in charge lol. At most Id put port previous gen stuff slowly. Give them a taste. Even MP is hard, you get the benefit with PC ports with HD2 but you get the negative aspects of pc port with Concord and Steam numbers/cancel culture.
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24 Jun 2022
I just wonder why you guys think Sony doesn't have data that backup their actions...
If they continue doing it then it is because it is working for the business.

They are not losing console revenue and PC revenue is increasing.
Their userbase is probably increasing.

They're gonna lose me as a PS5 Pro and PS6 buyer going forward, that is for sure at this point. No reason for them when I can invest in a good PC setup and consolidate all of my stuff there.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
They're gonna lose me as a PS5 Pro and PS6 buyer going forward, that is for sure at this point. No reason for them when I can invest in a good PC setup and consolidate all of my stuff there.
That is fine if you continue buy their games on PC.

But I think most won't lose the convenience of consoles to start to use a PC... I will continue with PS6 (not sure about PS5 Pro because I'm not a Pro guy... it doesn't make sense to me).


21 Jun 2022
I just wonder why you guys think Sony doesn't have data that backup their actions...
If they continue doing it then it is because it is working for the business.

They are not losing console revenue and PC revenue is increasing.
Their userbase is probably increasing.

Corporates are much more complicated than that. There are layers upon layers of corporate and individual interests. If you understand corporates, you would be swimming in gold and not bother to waste your time with peasants in this forum.
24 Jun 2022
That is fine if you continue buy their games on PC.

But I think most won't lose the convenience of consoles to start to use a PC... I will continue with PS6 (not sure about PS5 Pro because I'm not a Pro guy... it doesn't make sense to me).

I'll wait 'till they're on sale and mods are prominent enough for the games there.

The "inconvenience" of PC gaming is overstated these days anyway; if you're moderately sensible in how you use your PC and know just a bit to technical troubleshooting (closing processes in Task Manager, for example), and know the limits of your specs....the convenience factor is almost on par with modern consoles.

If anything the consoles have lost some of the convenience they once had, between price increases, ever-growing UI options (and the gamepad being the limiting factor for input, especially if you need to "type" anything), and Day 1 update patches & system freezes requiring reboots.

The only real inconvenience in a well-kept PC gaming setup is arguably shader compilation, but even that is partly dependent on how well you keep your system configured properly (just don't do anything stupid with system settings). Keep your graphics drivers updated and that becomes much less an issue.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I'll wait 'till they're on sale and mods are prominent enough for the games there.

The "inconvenience" of PC gaming is overstated these days anyway; if you're moderately sensible in how you use your PC and know just a bit to technical troubleshooting (closing processes in Task Manager, for example), and know the limits of your specs....the convenience factor is almost on par with modern consoles.

If anything the consoles have lost some of the convenience they once had, between price increases, ever-growing UI options (and the gamepad being the limiting factor for input, especially if you need to "type" anything), and Day 1 update patches & system freezes requiring reboots.

The only real inconvenience in a well-kept PC gaming setup is arguably shader compilation, but even that is partly dependent on how well you keep your system configured properly (just don't do anything stupid with system settings). Keep your graphics drivers updated and that becomes much less an issue.

And with "console-like" alternatives, like the Steam Deck, lines are fading.

If the rumors have some truth and MS is really planning an Xbox branded PC portable/console-like device, on which people can play PS games, it will be a pretty funny turn of events.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Maybe, but just maybe, having to develop for an additional platform led to that drop in quality?

Id say the quality of games like Horizon, Spiderman 2, GT7, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank hasnt dropped. Spiderman2 evening being better than the original. Ragnaro is subjective with story and “pacing” etc. But there are other issues for sure, quality I dont think is one of them
24 Jun 2022
And with "console-like" alternatives, like the Steam Deck, lines are fading.

If the rumors have some truth and MS is really planning an Xbox branded PC portable/console-like device, on which people can play PS games, it will be a pretty funny turn of events.

Definitely going to be interesting how that shakes out, the next-gen Microsoft gaming hardware. Of course, it could also be a complete cash grab lazy hack job that they screw up massively. 50/50 chance.

It also isn't lost on me that a lot of what questionable choices we may be seeing from SIE, at least on the software front with stuff like Concord, were mainly done in the Jim Ryan era, and I did say a long time back that if SIE were going to fix some of that balance there'd be a year or two where things are rough before stuff balanced back out.

Unfortunately, other actions they've been doing since his departure (actually a bit before that, when he basically soft-retired) aren't showing that they're making the right moves, IMO. I would've expected to hear stuff about partnerships with some Japanese 3P by now, or scrapping Concord's launch altogether and putting it as a tax write-off. Maybe finally reveal even a single new 1P AAA traditional game from one of the internal studios, or give an update to them. Maybe announce work on a Wolverine demo for PS5 owners, or some announcement to help open up PC VR streaming options to PSVR2 owners on PS5.

We haven't seen any of that and those are things that the current leadership could have been on top of. But they aren't, because they don't care. And them not caring about that stuff makes me less enthused to see what they do with the platform going forward, specifically on the console side. This year SIE have done more for the PC community than console owners, WRT their own 1P-developed titles or ecosystem feature rollouts. I'm not counting 3P exclusives in this because the 3P devs/pubs should mainly get the credit for those, plus it seems like there will be less of that going forward anyway.

I think if you look around certain parts, enthusiasm for the brand in areas not concerned with "record-breaking profits" or whatever is at a low point. Maybe not the lowest, but that depends on who you ask. A lot of the Xbox expats who have hopped over to the PS ecosystem probably don't see it that way, but that's because they're coming over from a destitute famine-stricken deadland. Almost anything is going to feel like a big step up for them, by comparison.

But some of us who've been involved with the brand since the PS1 days, or PS2 or even PS3 days, it feels like Sony's focus on the console as the premier spot to play, their confidence in the console as the absolute path for growth, the creativity and standard-setting pushes of their 1P just doesn't feel like it's "there" anymore. Probably many different reasons as to why, but that's what it feels like, and the feeling isn't getting any better.
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10 Jan 2023
And with "console-like" alternatives, like the Steam Deck, lines are fading.

If the rumors have some truth and MS is really planning an Xbox branded PC portable/console-like device, on which people can play PS games, it will be a pretty funny turn of events.

Prepare yourselves for the biggest meltdown of all time. It only gets worse from here.. I wonder how Sony will react to this. Phil is literally playing 4D chess.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
PC with “console like” is not console.

There is a big difference in covinience.
Even if take Steam Deck and compare with Switch you will understand.

Plus there is even more advantages in a console to PC in terms of coviniece than Switch vs Steam Deck.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Id say the quality of games like Horizon, Spiderman 2, GT7, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank hasnt dropped. Spiderman2 evening being better than the original. Ragnaro is subjective with story and “pacing” etc. But there are other issues for sure, quality I dont think is one of them
Majority of those games had either more than usual bugs (Horizon), or missing stuff (Spider-Man 2, Ragnarök, no NG+ mode even though the predecessors got one), or didn't use the PS5 capabilities properly (Ragnarök loading times), or didn't look better than the cross-gen predecessor (Spidey 2).


21 Jun 2022
Id say the quality of games like Horizon, Spiderman 2, GT7, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank hasnt dropped. Spiderman2 evening being better than the original. Ragnaro is subjective with story and “pacing” etc. But there are other issues for sure, quality I dont think is one of them
Horizon had 60fps mode broken and full of bugs, the same with Returnal.
People has such short memory.

You missed that GT7 is still an exclusive so obviously it's in better condition.

Only Ratchet was great. And this one is smallest title.
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