Sony reverses position & will no longer require PSN account linking for Helldivers 2. Must take the right lessons from this fiasco.


21 Jun 2022
No you can't. Modern Sony fanbase was educated (by them) into wanting nothing but games with the best production values. AA like games from the competition were used as ammo for the console war (recore, state of decay, sea of thieves, grounded)

Ico bombed in a spectacular fashion back in the day. Picture now.
that is misleading as fuck. recore, state of decay, sea of thieves are mediocre at best if we don't even count a lot of bugs and glitches.

look, Sifu, Kena, Stellar Blade and etc is praised on Playstation and they sold very solid numbers. even Returnal was huge success to Housemarque that Sony even bought them.

yes, few games were not success, but we are talking Sony, which offers best 3rd party and 1st and 2nd party games. it is just impossible to make every single game successful, it is just unrealistic, but still, it offer biggest probability to succeed.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
that is misleading as fuck. recore, state of decay, sea of thieves are mediocre at best if we don't even count a lot of bugs and glitches.

look, Sifu, Kena, Stellar Blade and etc is praised on Playstation and they sold very solid numbers. even Returnal was huge success to Housemarque that Sony even bought them.

yes, few games were not success, but we are talking Sony, which offers best 3rd party and 1st and 2nd party games. it is just impossible to make every single game successful, it is just unrealistic, but still, it offer biggest probability to succeed.

Imagine seeing high quality standards as something negative.


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Steam users when they realize they need to connect Ghost of Tsushima to a PSN account to get that overlay and them trophies they did victory laps about:
perfect loops smash GIF
I was only half-joking but imagine my shock to learn it's actually happening.


8 May 2023
Imagine seeing high quality standards as something negative.

I don't but you can't then expect them to pump out games left and right if they cost the GDP of a small country.

In a way I can understand the frustration of SOME Sony fans. At face value, PC gamers are getting more "new" games than then. But that is because ports are easier and faster to put out than entire brand new AAA games.

Maybe they should port other legacy games from PS3/PS Vita to PS5/PC to fill the catalogue.


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
no one cares about creating a PSN account, in fact, a lot of us probably already have one, I do. The outrage was for the hundreds of thousands of players in other countries who had to risk bans to create a PSN account or the absurd barrier of entry in some countries such as Ukraine where you MUST own a PS4/5 to make an account. Some countries straight up have denied access to creating one.
Is that why so many of the same people are already pressuring Sucker Punch to get Sony to drop it for their game too after making it VERY clear it would be required?

Seems to me that it IS about having to create and link an account after all. The faux outrage was indeed largely faux outrage, I'm so surprised.

(BTW, they put out there that you could choose the country nearest yours to create a PSN account, There was a workaround. The people having issues were those trying to use a VPN to make one and connect. But w/e I guess.)


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Reverse Fran Healy GIF by Travis

I'm glad for Sony's decision and for that I already reversed my Steam review to recommended.

Again, I'm not against the PSN linking.
However, the perceived bait&switch made it look pretty bad, and the matter of hundreds of thousands of people with the game not having any legitimate way to get a PSN account turned the situation a bit insane.
"The perceived bait & switch"

Ah yes, you mean an entire community's inability to read.


8 May 2023
You didn't need a VPN to create a PSN account in another region.

FFS people on console make Japanese PSN accounts all the time while being in Europe and NA with no bans. The TOS violation was the VPN, not the account.

Why TF would you need to make accounts from different countries in tbe first place? You should be able to switch account regions if you move. PSN infrastructure is archaic. It's just that Sony gamers are used to it.
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21 Jun 2022
You didn't need a VPN to create a PSN account in another region.

FFS people on console make Japanese PSN accounts all the time while being in Europe and NA with no bans. The TOS violation was the VPN, not the account.
don't bother, these people are with 80 IQ.


21 Jun 2022
Why TF would you need to make accounts from different countries in tbe first place? You should be able to switch account regions if you move. PSN infrastructure is archaic. It's just that Sony gamers are used to it.
trophy hunting? access some games which are not released in that region?

if you bought game and DLC on EU account, you can't play DLC from US account. so if you change the region, you would lose all access to EU additional content.
and you could scam the 'shop' with making one day brazil region, buy a game for 5$ and move to other region the other day.

you think, you can do it with STEAM?
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
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29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Why TF would you need to make accounts from different countries in tbe first place? You should be able to switch account regions if you move. PSN infrastructure is archaic. It's just that Sony gamers are used to it.
PSN is supported in more regions than XBL accounts, and Xbox games require linking for those. Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, etc. I have yet to see even a FRACTION of this outrage. A FRACTION.

It was never about that. Period. It's all about who asked, and that much is painfully clear.

But as an FYI:

-JP exclusive demos
-JP exclusive games
-EU exclusive themes on PS4
-JP exclusive themes on PS4
-NA exclusive themes on PS4.

Each region's storefront, and sometimes even content, are unique. I have multiple accounts to access any of them should I choose to. It's not hard, it takes like two minutes, and I never violated TOS by doing it.


27 Feb 2024
I say let them keep porting, 5 years down the line they will land up the same place where xbox is with no console base and customers to bring the moolah. They will then have to take their begging bowls and look for steam leftovers. Xbox has at least microsoft money, Sony has jack shit money to fall back on. There are pretty sweet deals on the oled switch looks like they will get my money moving forward. The day they do a day and date single player pc port is the day playstation as a whole dies because these imbeciles don't even have a phil spencer like cult to astroturf for them


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
if you bought game and DLC on EU account, you can't play DLC from US account.
I bought a US edition for wasteland 3 for my PS4 WO paying any attention to it (IDK how a US copy even got here) and could not use the DLC I bought on my UK PSN account. Need to pay more attention to it in the future.
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25 Mar 2023
Yeah, that's the lesson to be learned here.

Not: "PC gamers are whiny babies."... those whiny babies just made Sony stop in their tracks.

You can also make them stop stealing your money for online services.
There's nothing to learn from this situation, why don't PC clowns apply that same vitriol to Nvidia for overpriced GPUs? Or against devs for the countless buggy ports that they've come to accept? Or you know, the 1000 other games that also require linking a 3rd party account? 🤔

And paid online was normalized by Xbox idiots, the same Xbox idiots that are now larping as PC gamers and acting like they're above it all.

Y'all are mistaken, PC gamers didn't get any win, Sony just took a big fat L and made another incredibly stupid business decision. Which is par for the course for them these days.

The only time Sony "pissed on" consumers was when they raised PS Plus prices. Beyond that, most PS fans have been happy for the most part, getting GOTY worthy games almost every year. PC players get pissed on just as much, if not more, than everyone else in gaming.
I was just being ironic and pointing out the current absurd situation where Sony is willing to threat PC players much better than PlayStation players, fuck Sony, I hope they end up just like Xbox. I'm out after PS5 and if I didn't have one I would not be interested in buying it.
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