Sony's acquisitions and investments budget to spend during this FY2023 is only 16.9B yen (around $147M)

24 Jun 2022
Jeez, Yurinka, we get it. You REALLLLLY don't want Sony to acquire any publisher, even if you are also 100% fine with Microsoft acquiring ABK and a dozen other big publishers because you have the misguided idea that they wouldn't become a monopoly or that such acquisitions would have no effect on Sony and PlayStation. We get it.

You're 1000% wrong about that assumption, but it's your mistake to make.


21 Jun 2022
I'm confused, It seems every week for the past 1-2 months Sony's "Acquisitions funds" get smaller and smaller with no real reason to explain it.
Weeks ago, at the end of the previous fiscal year, Sony reduced it from "2 Trillion yen or more" to "1.8 Trillion yen".

Other than that, the amount of money spent in the previous 2 fiscal years (where they made many acquisitions and investments) and the remaining budget for the current FY2023 is the same.

But what changes over time is the dollar vs yen exchange. When the budget was announced a handful years ago 2 Trillion yen were around $18B, but are now are $14.8B.

This change in the dollar vs yen value may be the main reason of why Sony may have decided to decrease their acquisitions and investments budget and keep them in pause for a while. I think this is part of what they mean in the qoute linked in the OP where they talk about recent changes in market environment.

Jeez, Yurinka, we get it. You REALLLLLY don't want Sony to acquire any publisher, even if you are also 100% fine with Microsoft acquiring ABK and a dozen other big publishers because you have the misguided idea that they wouldn't become a monopoly or that such acquisitions would have no effect on Sony and PlayStation. We get it.

You're 1000% wrong about that assumption, but it's your mistake to make.
I personally want Sony to buy Capcom, From Software, Dimps and maybe ARC System Works, Square Enix or Bandai Namco too.

But the Sony data and quotes are what they are: the ones I posted in the OP with links to their sources. Factual data is not my opinion. They reduced their spent what they spent in the previous 2 fiscal years and reduced the budget to the amount they reduced it and they said what they said about their plans for short term acquisitions and about being more careful with future ones. It's their data and quotes, not mine.

Sames goes with the ABK acquisition: I personally want it to fail and be blocked.

But I also think that -looking at the market data- that it wouldn't be something dangerous for Sony and wouldn't negatively affect it much even if CoD ends going console exclusive, and in fact would make Sony to have a stronger competition so Sony would push harder in many areas. And that because of that reason I thought regulators were going to approve it after watching the factual market+PS+MS+ABK data because it won't cause any issue to competition in consoles.

It wasn't a misguided idea: it's the market data which says that the total gaming market is $184.4B (according to Newzoo) and that ABK made around 4% of that, and according to ABK financial reports being a big chunk of it from mobile. And also it's factual data that the amount of sales of each CoD are a very small portion of the PS installbase, or its MAU, or of the total game sales for PS, meaning that most PS players don't buy CoD and that the CoD units sold are a small portion of the amount of games sold every year or generation in PS.

But separated from that, there's the thing of MS saying to the platforms with cloud gaming that they'd share CoD but not paying them their 30% of game and DLC related sales. For that action, and not for any monopoly, I think that the acquisition must be killed by the regulators and MS should be punished.

What if I told you they already purchased the stuff they wanted. This is just numbers of now. They have already purchased stuff. Just no press releases yet.
They posted the numbers of what they already purchased, they are in the OP. And they match pretty well with the already announced acquisitions. There's no hidden big acquisition.

I think that the maximum thing that there could be unannounced would be an agreement with some company that would say that if somewhere in the future some conditions are achieved in both sides in certain point of the future then they could make the acquisition.

I mean, maybe in the 2nd party deal they had with people like Bluepoint, Housemarque, Firesprite, Haven, Firewalk, etc. they had some clause mentioning that if their games/studios achieved this and that in certain milestion, then Sony would buy the studio at that future point. Maybe they have a similar deal with Deviation and Ballistic Moon and we see their acquisition being announced a year or two from now, who knows.

Or who knows, maybe they have a deal with Square Enix saying that if FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth achieve certain MC and sales in certain period, and PS5 achives certain sales in certain period they may acquire them in the future. Who knows.

But as of now, it doesn't seem likely that Sony would announce or close unannounced acquisitions during the current fiscal year because they said to their investors, market analysts and regulators what they said.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Weeks ago, at the end of the previous fiscal year, Sony reduced it from "2 Trillion yen or more" to "1.8 Trillion yen".

Other than that, the amount of money spent in the previous 2 fiscal years (where they made many acquisitions and investments) and the remaining budget for the current FY2023 is the same.

But what changes over time is the dollar vs yen exchange. When the budget was announced a handful years ago 2 Trillion yen were around $18B, but are now are $14.8B.

This change in the dollar vs yen value may be the main reason of why Sony may have decided to decrease their acquisitions and investments budget and keep them in pause for a while. I think this is part of what they mean in the qoute linked in the OP where they talk about recent changes in market environment.

It doesn't make much sense to keep their cash in Yen form and not spend it if they are losing value every day due to exchange rates and interest....

Yoshida, being an accountant, should know that. So I wonder what he is doing to preserve the value of their cash.


21 Jun 2022
It doesn't make much sense to keep their cash in Yen form and not spend it if they are losing value every day due to exchange rates and interest....

Yoshida, being an accountant, should know that. So I wonder what he is doing to preserve the value of their cash.
Well, they planned to spend 2T+ yen of cash in 3 years and spent almost all of it in 2 years, so they have been spending cash on acquisitions faster than they expected.

They also reduced it from 2T+ to 1.8T recently, but this 0.2T it's still going to be spent this FY but elsewhere (image sensors and servers).

He said that wants to continue acquiring but in mid/long term, because recent market changes made him being more careful with valuations and timings. I think the means that since they use yens because are Japanese, now with 2T yen can buy less stuff than they did 2 years ago because of the dollar vs yen valuation. They may estimate that in a year or two this valuation will improve in their favor, so with the same money in a year or two they'd be able to buy more than now.

I assume that the ABK stuff may also have affected: maybe like MS, Sony expected that the ABK was going to be completed before this summer, but it's going to take longer. Maybe Sony dediced to delay any potential big acquisitions until the ABK is over, because to announce big Sony acquisitions now could help MS to get ABK to get it approved.

They also may be confident that the ABK acquisitions will be killed so may think that no big acqusitions are needed to conter it, or that if regulators killed it then it would be more likely to see them killing any big acquisition from Sony because unlike MS, Sony really is a market leader in many gaming areas and have a way bigger market share so it's more likely to get troubles with regulators.

Maybe they want to see how the ABK acquisition really ends (as of now seems it's dead), after it reevaluate their acquisitions strategy accordingly and at the same time use this period to properly integrate the big amount of teams they acquired in the different divisions and hope that the dollar vs yen exchange improves in their favor.
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28 Jun 2022
Remember this...

All the way back in 2021, Sony revealed that it had earmarked around ¥2 trillion (~$18 billion) for strategic investments across its entire company, which expanded to the acquisition of developers like Housemarque and Bungie, as well as anime streaming service Crunchyroll. This money was intended to last until 2024, and during a Morgan Stanley web conference earlier this week, it confirmed that it has about ¥700 billion (~$5 billion) left.
Wed 8th Mar 2023


21 Jun 2022
Remember this...

Yes, this is the number we had until before Sony announced the Firewalk acquisition and the numbers of the OP in their more recent fiscal report.

As seen in the OP Sony announced that they reduced this investments budget from 2 trillion to 1.8 trillion (so a $1.48B decrease) and spent 1.0527 trillion yen of it in FY2022 (I assume this number also includes the recently announced Firewalk acquisition) and 728.1B yen in FY2021.

Meaning there's only 19.9B yen left ($147.3M) for FY2023, meaning until March 31 2024.
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24 Jun 2022
I personally want Sony to buy Capcom, From Software, Dimps and maybe ARC System Works, Square Enix or Bandai Namco too.

But the Sony data and quotes are what they are: the ones I posted in the OP with links to their sources. Factual data is not my opinion. They reduced their spent what they spent in the previous 2 fiscal years and reduced the budget to the amount they reduced it and they said what they said about their plans for short term acquisitions and about being more careful with future ones. It's their data and quotes, not mine.

Sames goes with the ABK acquisition: I personally want it to fail and be blocked.

But I also think that -looking at the market data- that it wouldn't be something dangerous for Sony and wouldn't negatively affect it much even if CoD ends going console exclusive, and in fact would make Sony to have a stronger competition so Sony would push harder in many areas. And that because of that reason I thought regulators were going to approve it after watching the factual market+PS+MS+ABK data because it won't cause any issue to competition in consoles.

It wasn't a misguided idea: it's the market data which says that the total gaming market is $184.4B (according to Newzoo) and that ABK made around 4% of that, and according to ABK financial reports being a big chunk of it from mobile. And also it's factual data that the amount of sales of each CoD are a very small portion of the PS installbase, or its MAU, or of the total game sales for PS, meaning that most PS players don't buy CoD and that the CoD units sold are a small portion of the amount of games sold every year or generation in PS.

But separated from that, there's the thing of MS saying to the platforms with cloud gaming that they'd share CoD but not paying them their 30% of game and DLC related sales. For that action, and not for any monopoly, I think that the acquisition must be killed by the regulators and MS should be punished.

Here's my counter to the idea COD being foreclosed on PlayStation would not harm Sony and can just compete by making an alternative: can't that same argument apply to Microsoft? What's the notion behind thinking Sony can make their own COD competitor from the ground-up, but Microsoft "has" to buy COD to be competitive?

Is that an implication of opinion that Microsoft lacks the ability to successfully make a COD alternative, while Sony has the capability? Because while that can be argued as true based on the 1P releases from both companies comparatively over the past decade, I would also say that implication works even worst against Microsoft. If they can't make a COD alternative and make it successful, how do people expect them to manage COD itself and ensure it continues to be financially successful? I would say, you have to know how to make some genuinely successful (critically & commercially) marquee AAA games yourself if you're going to buy one of the biggest AAA franchises on the market and attempt managing it.

I would take it a step further: I'm more confident that RedFall would have released in a better state if Zenimax weren't acquired, vs. what has actually released under Microsoft. Upper management incompetence can manifest a number of ways; maybe if the buck really stopped with Pete Hines, Arkane Austin would've gotten more time and resources specifically to complete the game so that it launched in a better state. Zenimax would've also felt more pressure to ensure the quality was higher at release because as an independent publisher they would need to rely on RedFall revenue a lot more than being under Microsoft. If the game really was scrapped in some iteration upon MS buying Zenimax and the scope changed as a result, we would have seen a different, better game released.

And I do think these issues regarding quality have weight with regulators in deciding things, not just the money itself, because games that release to poor reception tend to not end up selling well or generating a lot of money. And, I can't imagine seeing results like RedFall makes Microsoft's case for ABK look better in the eye of regulators; people who think it's going to work as a sob story are missing the fact a regulator is looking at it going, "Well what if ABK output similarly degrades under their ownership? Does that weaken the market value and revenue power of franchises like COD? Do we sign off on that?". In fact I think that's a reason there may've been frustration from Phil in that interview; BTS they know stuff like RedFall isn't a good look to regulators when you want to get yet another publisher under your wing.

Even stuff like Ghostwire's port to Xbox could be seen as unfavorable because while yes you've opened the game up to more people, the quality of their experience is notably lesser, so how is working out as a net benefit since you've acquired them? Is the acquisition improving system sales? Are the games generating the levels of revenue through console/Game Pass strategy to match or exceed the revenue that would've been made making the game multiplat through a B2P model? These are all things I think regulators are, or should, be considering when determining if an acquisition of a publisher like ABK is worth approving or blocking.

Personally I think those concerns feed into and compliment the things which you bring up and it's worth remembering that regulatory bodies want to protect fair competition, but that's not just among platform holders. It's among 3P publishers & developers as well. Any company acquiring something the size of ABK makes the open market of competition for publishers like EA, Take-Two, Ubisoft etc. much easier and more favorable for them. But if THOSE companies can expect less competition as a result, could that impact customers? There's a chance it could, yes, and that ultimately might tie back to Microsoft's purchase coming under scrutiny for such. It's unfortunate for them then that ABK have one of the single largest IP in the console gaming market in COD, in that particular case.


28 Jun 2022
Well, they planned to spend 2T+ yen of cash in 3 years and spent almost all of it in 2 years, so they have been spending cash on acquisitions faster than they expected.

They also reduced it from 2T+ to 1.8T recently, but this 0.2T it's still going to be spent this FY but elsewhere (image sensors and servers).

He said that wants to continue acquiring but in mid/long term, because recent market changes made him being more careful with valuations and timings. I think the means that since they use yens because are Japanese, now with 2T yen can buy less stuff than they did 2 years ago because of the dollar vs yen valuation. They may estimate that in a year or two this valuation will improve in their favor, so with the same money in a year or two they'd be able to buy more than now.

I assume that the ABK stuff may also have affected: maybe like MS, Sony expected that the ABK was going to be completed before this summer, but it's going to take longer. Maybe Sony dediced to delay any potential big acquisitions until the ABK is over, because to announce big Sony acquisitions now could help MS to get ABK to get it approved.

They also may be confident that the ABK acquisitions will be killed so may think that no big acqusitions are needed to conter it, or that if regulators killed it then it would be more likely to see them killing any big acquisition from Sony because unlike MS, Sony really is a market leader in many gaming areas and have a way bigger market share so it's more likely to get troubles with regulators.

Maybe they want to see how the ABK acquisition really ends (as of now seems it's dead), after it reevaluate their acquisitions strategy accordingly and at the same time use this period to properly integrate the big amount of teams they acquired in the different divisions and hope that the dollar vs yen exchange improves in their favor.
Sony is not the market leader in gaming though. Theyre a leader in one arbitrary definition of it. Maybe theyve concluded MS have been no shows almost a year and half so far and this generation is over so why spend unnecesary money? I dont think that one slide tells the whole of it though. There is another slide that says sony want to focus on gaming and networks services and willing to borrow up to 4 trillion yen which is close to 30 billion US cash, not sure what your agenda here is really?


25 Mar 2023
Sony is not the market leader in gaming though. Theyre a leader in one arbitrary definition of it. Maybe theyve concluded MS have been no shows almost a year and half so far and this generation is over so why spend unnecesary money? I dont think that one slide tells the whole of it though. There is another slide that says sony want to focus on gaming and networks services and willing to borrow up to 4 trillion yen which is close to 30 billion US cash, not sure what your agenda here is really?
Dude has been obsesses with these numbers for some time. Like as if MS was going around telling people that had the money set aside for a $70B acquisition in gaming before it happened.

If something happens we'll find out the same day as everyone else, we won't find out in some power point slide months in advance.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Weeks ago, at the end of the previous fiscal year, Sony reduced it from "2 Trillion yen or more" to "1.8 Trillion yen".

Other than that, the amount of money spent in the previous 2 fiscal years (where they made many acquisitions and investments) and the remaining budget for the current FY2023 is the same.

But what changes over time is the dollar vs yen exchange. When the budget was announced a handful years ago 2 Trillion yen were around $18B, but are now are $14.8B.

This change in the dollar vs yen value may be the main reason of why Sony may have decided to decrease their acquisitions and investments budget and keep them in pause for a while. I think this is part of what they mean in the qoute linked in the OP where they talk about recent changes in market environment.

I personally want Sony to buy Capcom, From Software, Dimps and maybe ARC System Works, Square Enix or Bandai Namco too.

But the Sony data and quotes are what they are: the ones I posted in the OP with links to their sources. Factual data is not my opinion. They reduced their spent what they spent in the previous 2 fiscal years and reduced the budget to the amount they reduced it and they said what they said about their plans for short term acquisitions and about being more careful with future ones. It's their data and quotes, not mine.

Sames goes with the ABK acquisition: I personally want it to fail and be blocked.

But I also think that -looking at the market data- that it wouldn't be something dangerous for Sony and wouldn't negatively affect it much even if CoD ends going console exclusive, and in fact would make Sony to have a stronger competition so Sony would push harder in many areas. And that because of that reason I thought regulators were going to approve it after watching the factual market+PS+MS+ABK data because it won't cause any issue to competition in consoles.

It wasn't a misguided idea: it's the market data which says that the total gaming market is $184.4B (according to Newzoo) and that ABK made around 4% of that, and according to ABK financial reports being a big chunk of it from mobile. And also it's factual data that the amount of sales of each CoD are a very small portion of the PS installbase, or its MAU, or of the total game sales for PS, meaning that most PS players don't buy CoD and that the CoD units sold are a small portion of the amount of games sold every year or generation in PS.

But separated from that, there's the thing of MS saying to the platforms with cloud gaming that they'd share CoD but not paying them their 30% of game and DLC related sales. For that action, and not for any monopoly, I think that the acquisition must be killed by the regulators and MS should be punished.

They posted the numbers of what they already purchased, they are in the OP. And they match pretty well with the already announced acquisitions. There's no hidden big acquisition.

I think that the maximum thing that there could be unannounced would be an agreement with some company that would say that if somewhere in the future some conditions are achieved in both sides in certain point of the future then they could make the acquisition.

I mean, maybe in the 2nd party deal they had with people like Bluepoint, Housemarque, Firesprite, Haven, Firewalk, etc. they had some clause mentioning that if their games/studios achieved this and that in certain milestion, then Sony would buy the studio at that future point. Maybe they have a similar deal with Deviation and Ballistic Moon and we see their acquisition being announced a year or two from now, who knows.

Or who knows, maybe they have a deal with Square Enix saying that if FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth achieve certain MC and sales in certain period, and PS5 achives certain sales in certain period they may acquire them in the future. Who knows.

But as of now, it doesn't seem likely that Sony would announce or close unannounced acquisitions during the current fiscal year because they said to their investors, market analysts and regulators what they said.

If you do a little research into Dimps, it was founded as a joint project between Namco and Sony and both companies own it jointly already. So, no need to buy it, they owned half of it from the very beginning.


22 Jun 2022
So that puts a damper on any major publisher being acquired.

Still believe the likes of Deviation Games, Ember Labs etc. will be acquired this fiscal year if they haven’t been already.


21 Jun 2022
Sony is not the market leader in gaming though. Theyre a leader in one arbitrary definition of it.
I didn't say Sony isn't the market leader in the gaming market, I said: "Sony really is a market leader in many gaming areas and have a way bigger market share".

There is another slide that says sony want to focus on gaming and networks services and willing to borrow up to 4 trillion yen which is close to 30 billion US cash, not sure what your agenda here is really?
No, you are wrong, there isn't other slide talking about acquisitions or capital allocated for them. I shown in the OP all that Sony said in their slides related to acquisitions and their related budget.

The first image in the OP shows the 4 Trillion capital allocation for the 3 fiscal years (FY2021, FY2022 and FY2023) period for the whole Sony, not only the gaming & network services division.

And it isn't only for acquisitions, as shown in the image only 1.8T (until that report was 2T+, they reduced the budget recently) of the 4T is for the strategic investments budget (acquisitions, investments and Sony stock repurchases) of the whole Sony, not only their gaming division.

And ot of these 1.8T yen for the 3 fiscal years (of which there is only 1 year left, the current fiscal year), in the previous 2 they already spent 1.0527T during FY2022 and 728.1B yen in FY2021.

Which means that with basic matchs if you make a substraction you see that Sony only left 19.9B yen (which now is $147.3M) to spend in the current Fiscal Year 2023 for acquisitions, investments and stock of the whole Sony, not only the gaming division.

My agenda is to show and explain you the factual data, like the one shown in the OP. If you think I'm wrong, I'd welcome links to the original sources of factual data proving such claims.

If you do a little research into Dimps, it was founded as a joint project between Namco and Sony and both companies own it jointly already. So, no need to buy it, they owned half of it from the very beginning.
The early investors of Dimps weren't only Bandai and Sony. They were Sega, Sammy, Bandai and Sony.

Right now the major stockholders are -in this order- their CEO (a legendary ex-Capcom and ex-SNK dev, designer of Street Fighter 1 and creator of things like Neo Geo and many 2D SNK classics), Bandai Namco, Sony and the Dimps employees.

I think that as the devs of the Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter V and Street Fighter 6 series they are highly strategic for the fighting game genre and for the eSports of this genre.

The fighting genre grew a ton since SFIV resurrected it, specially during the PS4, to a point all its major brands are making more money than ever, it's becoming of the top genres for console and its eSports are also experiencing an important growth.

Due to multiple reasons I think Street Fighter 6 will be way more successful than the SFIV and SFV series were (not only in games unit sold, but also in revenue, engagement, and eSports audience). So the value and importance of Dimps will become higher. On top of that, in a year or two Riot will release their League of Legends fighting game, which will make the genre grow (and as side effect SF too a bit).

I think Capcom will never stop releasing Street Fighter in PS unless Xbox buys them (something I think will never happen), but if possible I'd prefer to secure both Capcom and Dimps just in case MS, the saudis or someone else steps in. And in the case of Dimps, to also secure that Bandai Namco doesn't acquire them.
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  • haha
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21 Jun 2022
Here's my counter to the idea COD being foreclosed on PlayStation would not harm Sony and can just compete by making an alternative: can't that same argument apply to Microsoft?
Yes, regulators allow Sony make acquisitions and 3rd party exclusivity deals because like MS, Sony doesn't have any monopoly, and such acquisitions and 3rd party deals -at least the ones done until now- don't affect competition.

MS telling the platforms with cloud gaming that they could get CoD but receiving 0% instead of the 30% is an unfair tactic that affects competition, so shouldn't be allowed by regulators. But other than that, same applies for both.

What's the notion behind thinking Sony can make their own COD competitor from the ground-up, but Microsoft "has" to buy COD to be competitive?
Sony and MS are free to make their own COD or whatever, both from the ground-up or to acquiring it, as long as they don't secure a monopoly or apply unfair/abusive tactics that block or highly difficult competition.

In gaming and its submarkets the market share is spread across many companies and the major players have small market shares, so there aren't monopolies (meaning someone is basically 100% market share that on top of that blocks others from competing with them).

Is that an implication of opinion that Microsoft lacks the ability to successfully make a COD alternative, while Sony has the capability?
In terms of capability, I think out of the two MS is the only one who has the money to buy a CoD, and Sony is the one with the talent to achieve a CoD competitor built from scratch (thanks to the acquisition of Bungie, Firewalk and Haven).

I mean, I think Sony is capable of building a shooter with the same qualilty and sales in PS and PC that CoD has. But I think Sony doesn't have the manpower to keep releasing a new game of that series every year.

Because while that can be argued as true based on the 1P releases from both companies comparatively over the past decade, I would also say that implication works even worst against Microsoft.
If we look at the 1P releases of the last decade, Sony released a shit ton more than MS and have been a shit ton more successful in terms of sales, reviews and awards.

If we add 3rd party exclusives, the difference becomes even way bigger: Sony every year had way more 3rd party exclusives and way more successful than the MS ones.

So I think that allowing MS to get CoD would help MS reduce that distance, fostering competition between Sony and MS.

If they can't make a COD alternative and make it successful, how do people expect them to manage COD itself and ensure it continues to be financially successful?
I think MS is awful managing teams and this issue grows as they keep acquiring more teams.

Activision Blizzard King is also known to have big management issues looking at these controversies and all the key staff that left. I think that under MS this shiftfest would become bigger to the point it can cause the collapse of the MS gaming division.

MS would put CoD on GP day one, which is nonsensical financially. On top of that they could remove it from PS, which also would be nonsensical financially. It is so dumb that the UK market regulator saw that it would damage MS so badly that they don't think it's a concern for them in the console side.

I would say, you have to know how to make some genuinely successful (critically & commercially) marquee AAA games yourself if you're going to buy one of the biggest AAA franchises on the market and attempt managing it.
MS has made or bought very successful stuff, and Sony too.

I would take it a step further: I'm more confident that RedFall would have released in a better state if Zenimax weren't acquired, vs. what has actually released under Microsoft.
I think Redfall should have been cancelled, or heavily improved in early stages of development to address structural quality issue. That would be what any normal publisher would have done.

The thing is, MS was desperate for big 1st party release so they are ok with releasing any shit they can ship. I assume they also were maybe too optimistic and didn't expect that it was going to be that bad and that was going to be better received both by media and the players.

Upper management incompetence can manifest a number of ways; maybe if the buck really stopped with Pete Hines, Arkane Austin would've gotten more time and resources specifically to complete the game so that it launched in a better state. Zenimax would've also felt more pressure to ensure the quality was higher at release because as an independent publisher they would need to rely on RedFall revenue a lot more than being under Microsoft. If the game really was scrapped in some iteration upon MS buying Zenimax and the scope changed as a result, we would have seen a different, better game released.
In this case this release it's the fault of many people: the dev team, Arkane Austin studio management, Arkane management, Zenimax/Bethesda management (Pete Hines as head of publishing), Matt Booty (as head of MGS) and Phil Spencer (as CEO of MS game division).

I think all of them have been incompetent because they should have said "no" at some point and should have asked to improve it and not releasing it on this state, delaying it as much as needed or killing it if they saw it was impossible to improve it to a decent enough state (I don't know, to achieve at least maybe a green Metacritic, >75).

And I do think these issues regarding quality have weight with regulators in deciding things, not just the money itself,
They are market regulators, they don't look at quality or talent. They only make sure that there aren't monopolies and that companies compete with fair conditions that don't prevent/grossly affect competition. They are there to protect the fair competition.


25 Mar 2023
It doesn't make much sense to keep their cash in Yen form and not spend it if they are losing value every day due to exchange rates and interest....

Yoshida, being an accountant, should know that. So I wonder what he is doing to preserve the value of their cash.
Sony CEO is an accountant? That explains a lot, dude is so boring.
  • they're_right_you_know
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9 Dec 2022
I'm confused, It seems every week for the past 1-2 months Sony's "Acquisitions funds" get smaller and smaller with no real reason to explain it.
But as everyone knows it does not really matter how much they "have" to spend as if they really want to buy something they can get more in other ways.
Because it’s being spent 🤷🏽‍♂️ didn’t they just redirect m&a funds to console production and first prty studio invest. Also some of it might be going to 3rd prty deals.
  • brain
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Because it’s being spent 🤷🏽‍♂️ didn’t they just redirect m&a funds to console production and first prty studio invest. Also some of it might be going to 3rd prty deals.

Perhaps, the fact of the matter is that it's really ambiguous.... we don't know exactly where every cent went and we cant be sure of anything unless Sony themselves comment on it. I believe there is an investor relations event coming soon though.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Perhaps, the fact of the matter is that it's really ambiguous.... we don't know exactly where every cent went and we cant be sure of anything unless Sony themselves comment on it. I believe there is an investor relations event coming soon though.

Is there somewhere that shows where the 10-5billion was spent on?
Acquisitions means buys, so its not like expanding departments, studios or whatever. It means new acquisitions.

Even If its acquisitions outside of gaming, where is the news? Remember when Sony would splash money on Gaiko? I wonder why they dont do the Same for there most important department… Games
  • they're_right_you_know
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Is there somewhere that shows where the 10-5billion was spent on?
Acquisitions means buys, so its not like expanding departments, studios or whatever. It means new acquisitions.

Even If its acquisitions outside of gaming, where is the news? Remember when Sony would splash money on Gaiko? I wonder why they dont do the Same for there most important department… Games

Yeah, we don't have a clear picture. My advice is just to wait a bit and hopefully we will have more info after the investor relations event.
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There's no money left because Sony have spent their allocated budget and don't need to make any new acquisitions until next year.

It takes time to get new studios into the fold of Playstation. Why buy more when doing this?
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22 Jun 2022
There's no money left because Sony have spent their allocated budget and don't need to make any new acquisitions until next year.

It takes time to get new studios into the fold of Playstation. Why buy more when doing this?

Agree I believe it’s a case of acquisitions already done and waiting to be announced.

I will be shocked if Deviation games isn’t acquired/announced soon.