No, it won't. The CoD revenue that Sony gets is a tiny % of the total revenue they get from games. And the yearly CoD are a very small fraction of the total PS active userbase.
If PS loses part of these players will ignore CoD and will move to other PS games. Other part of these players also have Xbox and/or PC, so will play CoD elsewhere but will continue with PS. Only a portion of the small fraction of the total PS active userbase that buys CoD would leave PS because of having to play CoD elsewhere.
In addition to this we also have to remember CoD has active their deal for Sony during who knows how many years and that MS offered to continue releasing CoD on PS for 3 years more after that. So during this time Sony may have released the multiple new IPs Bungie has in the works plus the new IP from Deviation (new studio by ex-CoD devs) and the new IP from Firewalk (new studio by ex-Bungie devs).
We have to remember that they took apart a bunch of billions from their cash on hand to create that special budget for acquisitions, investments and Sony stock repurchases.
The creation of that $18B budget was the main reason of why it went down from 44B to 19B. A year later they expanded it because already spent most of it, so I assume it's also a reason of why it decreased from 21B to 13B.
We also have to remember that if needed they also can pay with cash equivalents, sell some of the many actives they have, can pay with Sony shares, get debt etc.
As a Japanese company, Sony has their money in yens but in the worldwide market almost everything is paid in dollars. This means that a very strong dollar vs yen hurts Sony, because the Sony money (in yens) has less value when paying with dollars.