Sony's future and possible studio/publisher acquisitions


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I really think if Sony announces to acquire Square Enix PC, Nintendo and Xbox guys will have a meltdown the internet has not witnessed yet. This will probably cause for weeks headlines and controversy in media.
I don't think Xbox fans will care too much beyond losing points in an online argument. They certainly never brought those games in large numbers. Nintendo fans on the other hand will be pissed especially in Japan. Remember, in addition to their internally developed games they also have had a lot of guns for hire working on lesser titles like Star Ocean in recent years.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I don't think Xbox fans will care too much beyond losing points in an online argument. They certainly never brought those games in large numbers. Nintendo fans on the other hand will be pissed especially in Japan. Remember, in addition to their internally developed games they also have had a lot of guns for hire working on lesser titles like Star Ocean in recent years.
I honestly doubt Sony will pull Square’s smaller games off Nintendo. DQ will probably stay also on Nintendo systems for the foreseeable future.
Sony proved they are not greedy as Microsoft. Bungie’s titles still hitting Xbox in the future (see Destiny III & new IPs like Marathon.
Nintendo Fanboys will soon realise who is the real enemy of gamers: Microsoft.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I honestly doubt Sony will pull Square’s smaller games off Nintendo. DQ will probably stay also on Nintendo systems for the foreseeable future.
Sony proved they are not greedy as Microsoft. Bungie’s titles still hitting Xbox in the future (see Destiny III & new IPs like Marathon.
Nintendo Fanboys will soon realise who is the real enemy of gamers: Microsoft.
Bungie demanded multiplat be written into their merger agreement and, since they only do "GaaS"/online stuff it only makes sense for it to be multiplat. SE's niche back-catalog of JRPGs are mostly single player. They've also been underperforming and I wouldn't be surprised if their release slows to a trickle no matter what happens to S-E. But no, if brought out that type of title will be PS console exclusive, at least.
24 Jun 2022
Bungie demanded multiplat be written into their merger agreement and, since they only do "GaaS"/online stuff it only makes sense for it to be multiplat. SE's niche back-catalog of JRPGs are mostly single player. They've also been underperforming and I wouldn't be surprised if their release slows to a trickle no matter what happens to S-E. But no, if brought out that type of title will be PS console exclusive, at least.

Nintendo fans have dealt with losing Square and Enix games in the past, when the PS1 came out and those companies chose to prioritize that platform over the N64. They got over it, and bought PS1s and PS2s to play those games.

They'd get over it again and get PlayStations to play those games, if they actually were removed off their platform. But there could be strategic reasons why Sony would not remove stuff like Octopath, Dragon Quest etc. from Nintendo platforms even if they acquired Square-Enix.


10 Feb 2023
These MS shills on ERA are something else. U cant have normal conversation with them there. I tried. They ll repeat same shit with backhand trolling and fake concerns. I d love sony to spend 10B on capcom or 8 on square so they just eat their shit.

Bidding war? Lmao. Idiot living in shill fantasy. So ms l lgo around and bid everywhere sony goes. After they fought for 2 years for AB. Especially for japanese publishers. SPent 85 billion. Sure it ll go well with japan. Not happening.

Tenscent and Saudis re not interested in owning and managing consoles publishers. They just invest for roi.
Apple showed zero interest in competing in console market while collecting billions from mobile and keeping that. Not to mention they re in bed with sony.

Biggest danger re MS and amazon imo.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
No need to get into a war with Nintendo by buying Square or SEGA or Capcom just to please the wild dreams of certain PS fans and their irrational fears and wants. You don't create a two front war voluntarily on yourself by being an absolute idiot with your acquisition/merger strategy. If the competition is using muskets to shoot at you, you don't buy a katana and then rush kamikaze style to fight them - you buy a musket of your own.

MS made acquisitions in the West. MS bought Western publishers with the goal to deprive its competitors of strategic content and become dominant in the western market, with western audiences in western leading genres (WRPG/Shooters). Thus the most effective way to combat that is through attrition warfare for key strategic players that serve those audiences in the West (with impact IPs relevant to those genre's). Sony should do so not only to deprive the competition of key content in the same manner as MS does aka a direct response but also as a defensive mechanism to make sure no more western devs with strengths in those genres get poached by MS or at least effectively shrink the overall pool of publishers and developers for those audiences - thus minimizing the room for even greater damage and preventing the competition from establishing an effective monopoly for those genres. What Sony should seek to prevent most of all is that the competition (MS) doesn't create effective differentiation using those genres - and it will definitely try and is the intent. Sony doesn't prevent that by buying SEGA/Square or Capcom per say.

Japanese pubs should stay as they're. To disrupt the status quo is Japan in like taking a double barrel shotgun and shooting your head with it. It plays into MS hands by settling and allowing MS differentiation strategy for the Shooter/WRPG western audience go unanswered. MS could give two fucks if Sony secures the JRPG audience or reinforces the action adventure stranglehold - that's a trade-off they'll be more than willing to live with if Sony is stupid enough to settle along those lines.

GAAS shooters in the works by Sony + Bungie acquisition etc lends to belief Sony is not that stupid - yet. I do disagree on resource distribution of those efforts and their PC push.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Sony and Nintendo were never on friendly terms. On every opportunity Nintendo had, they tried to backstab Sony. Prime example is signing this worthless 10 years contract of Microsoft. Just to contribute their part of helping to screw Sony.
Sony doesn’t care about Nintendo. Sony will buy Square Enix and they will not care how Nintendo might feel.


14 Aug 2022
Sony and Nintendo were never on friendly terms. On every opportunity Nintendo had, they tried to backstab Sony. Prime example is signing this worthless 10 years contract of Microsoft. Just to contribute their part of helping to screw Sony.
Sony doesn’t care about Nintendo. Sony will buy Square Enix and they will not care how Nintendo might feel.
And they should not care about Nintendo, they need to care about their share holders.
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Nintendo took something as opposed to having nothing beforehand - a net gain. While Sony that had something, settled for less of what they had. Both are decisions not grounded in emotions, neither out of spite or solidarity - just calculated business moves. The stupidity on display is outstanding.

When Nintendo makes a move for Square you have permission to cry and then beg daddy Sony for scorched earth on mean Nintendo. Till then stupid, on top of stupid. MS takes COD and Elder Scrolls and somehow Final Fantasy is an answer. Can't get any more stupid if folks tried.

MS takes Elder Scrolls, Diablo and Fallout and you take out the Witcher, Baldurs Gate, Castlevania, Souls, and watch them squirm. They take away COD, Rage, Doom, Overwatch you take away Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, the Division, you buy Bohemia Interactive for ground up, new AAA military shooters, you hold Bungie IP's hostage to that 10 year COD deal etc.

WTF is Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest gonna do compared to the above? That it hasn't already done in favor of Sony with the current arrangements to begin with? Final Fantasy is more or less dead on Xbox, its AAA releases sell at best ok on PC and only the MMO is relevant on PC. And you still don't address the areas or audiences of concern and weakness. You're only gaining a marginal boost on already existing strengths with a Square buyout. With the strategy I propose you get a massive boost in existing weaknesses, as well as creating an effective deterrent equation to discourage MS from further acquisitions, failing that - you've already bought up key IPs, thus minimizing further potential damage. It's win win everywhere. Buying Square literally amounts to, in a way, capitulation.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Nintendo doesn’t have the necessary amount of financial resources nor infrastructure to buy and integrate a big publisher like Square Enix.

I said it several times and now I will repeat it a last time:
I don’t care if you are heavily in denial of the idea, Sony investing in Japanese gaming companies. Neither does anyone care if you do prefer western games more than anything. Nobody cares if GaaS or WRPG are the future in YOUR OPINION. Sony is already enough westernised. 90% of their studios are studios from Europe or NA. This Antipathy of yours against Japanese Gaming is really getting annoying. No matter what arguments folks do deliver, you keep repeating the same empty bs all over again. You know nothing about Sony, you do just look shallow on gaming. Again Sony is not just GAMING. Yes they care about Anime, they said it even more than once they want to aggressively grow in that field in their investor calls. If Sony wants to realise their ambitions they will need to invest in Japan. Who is better suited than a primarily Gaming publisher with coincidentally having an arm in Manga & Anime? If you like it or not, Sony will not pursue this fanboys dreams of buying heavy western pubs like EA, Ubisoft or Take2.
Sony will buy Square Enix, there is no doubt about it. The keyword is synergies for Sony, like it or not.
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Nintendo doesn’t have the necessary amount of financial resources nor infrastructure to buy and integrate a big publisher like Square Enix.

I said it several times and now I will repeat it a last time:
I don’t care if you are heavily in denial of the idea, Sony investing in Japanese gaming companies. Neither does anyone care if you do prefer western games more than anything. Nobody cares if GaaS or WRPG are the future in YOUR OPINION. Sony is already enough westernised. 90% of their studios are studios from Europe or NA. This Antipathy of yours against Japanese Gaming is really getting annoying. No matter what arguments folks do deliver, you keep repeating the same empty bs all over again. You know nothing about Sony, you do just look shallow on gaming. Again Sony is not just GAMING. Yes they care about Anime, they said it even more than once they want to aggressively grow in that field in their investor calls. If Sony wants to realise their ambitions they will need to invest in Japan. Who is better suited than a primarily Gaming publisher with coincidentally having an arm in Manga & Anime? If you like it or not, Sony will not pursue this fanboys dreams of buying heavy western pubs like EA, Ubisoft or Take2.
Sony will buy Square Enix, there is no doubt about it. The keyword is synergies for Sony, like it or not.
First bold is crazy, ignorant, and stupid all mixed into one. You better look at those Nintendo Financials. Just plain laughable. Nintendo can easily dish out between 4B-8B if it needs to. Just look at their cash-on hand alone - $13 billion. 🤡

But even beyond the obvious stupidity.... what is worse is to entertain and encourage a bidding and acquisition war with Nintendo in Japan while confronting one already in the West with MS. Cause that is what can potentially happen if Nintendo is deprived of key Japanese third party developers. Somehow be OK with that.... 🤡

Rest is also crazy. "Denial" of an idea. That's a mischaracterization to turn it personal. My opinion is an assessment that goes contrary to the stupidity written at large and the fanboism surrounding the brain-dead Square merger suggestions that pollute sensible and reasonable discussions. You're a kid, no amount of rhetorical games will get through. You'll keep hitting yourself into that wall, and looking stupid and deranged the more you type.

I never said GAAS or WRPG is the future - that's a straw-man, of many, to create a fictitious punching bag for you to easily word your responses around. The real thing is obviously much harder to crack. Specially for someone who has on balance, negative opinions about GAAS and that opinion is well known around these parts. The audiences that MS targeted are FPS (shooters) and the WRPG audience (both GAAS and traditional model). That's an obvious observation, thus an objective assessment, based on fact, not a opinion of the "future". Those genres and the audiences that consume it will be the battleground that MS has chosen to wage war against Sony's PlayStation, and it's there that the war will be fought... kicking or screaming, wanting it or not. Your opinion in this regard, as you describe mine, is cared for by nobody.

Sony is westernized because that's where the money, and the market for premium consoles reside - can't get any more obvious. But to draw on the stupidity of the rationales being used - if Sony is already too westernized, then synergies lie with more westernization not with Japanization. Dumb defeats itself. A mix of ignorance, low IQ rhetoricals and anger - explosive combination.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Cash on Hand doesn’t mean they could freely spend it you ignorant.
Nintendo has only gaming software, hardware and merchandising as revenue stream.
So a company doesn’t have ongoing payments like rent, lease, maintain reserves, keeping equity capital, paying wages & HR costs, Accounting costs, maintaining infrastructure and equipment, doing investments, paying off credits and loan, share buy backs, distribute dividends, paying off mortgages, market research and development??? Having cash on hand is not equivalent of being able to spent if freely. Of course Nintendo could afford bidding wars. Poor education a d rhetoric speaking of you as usual. Lmao you’re really a delusional clown. Your knowledge about economy is zero and you have the nerve calling me a deranged kid. You’re really an prime example of stupid kids on the internet. You keep reverting in insults and you dare call other people low IQ?
Sure mate you’re a hard goofball. 🤡🤡🤡
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
If your opinions are idiotic in nature it's not my fault. You put them out there. And as always I do indirect responses. Folks are the ones that take a leap of faith to bite and engage with me when they feel the standing and strength of their opinions are threatened by what I type. If you jump in, you better be prepared.

All of what you mentioned applies to all companies, including Sony, just the same. Sony's cash on hand - 14. 4B. Nintendo's cash on hand - 13 B.

The matter is not a question of who has more cash on hand. The matter is the ability to acquire Japanese publishers. Nintendo is financially capable and able to do so - specially if incentivized by a competitor to do so as a defensive maneuver. Nintendo is capable with the current levels of cash-on hand or otherwise through other means. To suggest the contrary is again crazy, ignorant, and stupid all mixed into one - it's not based in reality, of this world or the next.

Of course the real problem here is that you couldn't see that angle of attack towards your opinion - that is, the potential unintended consequences of buying Square by Sony: like opening a two front war with Nintendo, East and West, Microsoft. And that goes beyond the usual struggles of dealing with the other angle of attack as it concerns the core audiences of contestation - westerners and the FPS/WRPGs audiences. That too you can't solve either except just writing tripe hoping its sticks by repetition or tiring out others. Thus you gotta scramble and settle for desperate and deranged ideas such as that - which boils down to - "Nintendo can't respond". As for the other, strawmans and delusions.

It's called check mate.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
It’s an utter waste of time to try to argue with you. You can’t argue like a normally behaved person without falling into slurs. I am tired of your shit.
@TubzGaming @BloodMod @Bryank75
Could you please remove the user KnittedKnight from this thread? His continuing provocations and insults are annoying and exhausting.


25 Mar 2023
Nuke this thread, we have no control over what Sony is going to do and people hoping that Sony is going to acquire Ubisoft/Embracer/Epic is just depressive.
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14 Aug 2022
It’s an utter waste of time to try to argue with you. You can’t argue like a normally behaved person without falling into slurs. I am tired of your shit.
@TubzGaming @BloodMod @Bryank75
Could you please remove the user KnittedKnight from this thread? His continuing provocations and insults are annoying and exhausting.
😂😂, you said fuck this.
game over referee GIF by Univision Deportes