The future of console is very bright - Mark Cerny interview with Dring


12 May 2024
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I can see the fake tech Gurus like Linus, Austin Evans, OhNoItsAlexxx, etc. getting TRIGGERED AF!


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
"I like to think that occasionally we’re even showing the way for the larger industry, and that our efforts end up benefiting those gaming on PC as well. It’s a tech-heavy example, but on PS4 we had very efficient GPU interfaces, and that may well have spurred DirectX to become more efficient in response. Or to look at something more consumer-focused, I believe that releasing PS5 in 2020 with a very high-performance integrated SSD put pressure on the PC world to get their corresponding DirectStorage API into the hands of their gamers."

"They had to get a used motherboard," he says. "That was the only way that they could build a PlayStation 5 equivalent for a PlayStation 5 price. And if you're using used parts… well you can get a used PlayStation 5 for eBay for $300-something."


He's 100% right here, but watch the insecure PC cucks get extremely triggered by these statements 😂
No lies detected.

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Console killers at console price points early in the lifecycle was an anomaly from the 8th generation. Never the norm. It's still a good comparison point for PC builders.

Both Linus and Cerny are wrong here. Both omit certain things to drive their narratives.
There's no narrative Xbox is going to be a pc with Xbox on the case the only proper home console in town will be the playstation & that's what he's saying
  • haha
Reactions: Banana


21 Jun 2022
Cerny is a good guy and must suck for him to see his best hardware so far get undermined by its parent company while they shove him out to do PR to ease the growing narrative about PlayStation no longer being a main priority
If Lego Horizon looks super impressive, the PC version will undermine any advantage they could use to promote PS5 and PS5 Pro. It will be just another multiplat title like the dozens that come out every week.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Cool hand luke


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
tech gurus?......
Cringe Reaction GIF
Yeah.. that's gotta be a troll. Those people aren't anywhere close to tech gurus lol, they're youtubers that do clickbait content. None of them are technically proficient beyond your basic bitch "haha i built a computer, pat me on the head for knowing how to use a screwdriver and use zip ties and maybe sometimes run a few test runs on benchmark software (but don't know anything deeper than bigger number better)"


21 Jun 2022

"I think as long as we continue to create that very nice package, the future of consoles is pretty bright."

Cerny turns 60 this year, and it's at moments like this when one might look back on where they've been. He says he tries not to get nostalgic, but if there are days he looks back on with fondness, "it's probably back to the days when a single designer could lay out a third of a game, half of a game or even an entire game."
Cerny is a genious, and I agree with everything he said in the interview.
  • Shake
Reactions: 2spooky5me


27 Jun 2023
if it's all about value, then PS5 should be costing $299 now, instead of that we're seeing the opposite, it's costing $499 and the digital version increased to $449, if the prices are not going down, it's hard to see a bright future for consoles, the only appeal they had... Exclusives, nowadays are nonexistent


Well-known member
10 Jan 2023
"I like to think that occasionally we’re even showing the way for the larger industry, and that our efforts end up benefiting those gaming on PC as well. It’s a tech-heavy example, but on PS4 we had very efficient GPU interfaces, and that may well have spurred DirectX to become more efficient in response. Or to look at something more consumer-focused, I believe that releasing PS5 in 2020 with a very high-performance integrated SSD put pressure on the PC world to get their corresponding DirectStorage API into the hands of their gamers."

"They had to get a used motherboard," he says. "That was the only way that they could build a PlayStation 5 equivalent for a PlayStation 5 price. And if you're using used parts… well you can get a used PlayStation 5 for eBay for $300-something."


He's 100% right here, but watch the insecure PC cucks get extremely triggered by these statements 😂
I don't think any PC player argues that a console is usually cheaper in initial sales.