The GoWR, TLOU2, and GoT, megathread! The soup of PS 1st Party goodness

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29 Jun 2022
Animated GIF

Seems GOW got woked... unless this is tied to Norse mythology.

EDIT: Seems like that's just Loki in Norse mythology.
Loki fucks men, women, horses. Turns himself into every gender and Animal

Man is an absolute menace, it would actually be inaccurate if he was just a straight white dude


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4 Jul 2022
I just understood something now about the Serpent Jörmungandr already being in the game before Loki have you know with Angrboða.
Mimir tells us that one of the Ragnarok prophecy says that "Thor will hit Jörmungandr so hard that that it splinters Yggdrasil and sends him back in time to a period well before his birth".

That basically explain why she shows in the lake at that period.
Freya says too that the "serpent mysteriously appeared one day in the Lake of Nine" that fits the story.

My theory is that the Serpent if rom the future (from the Ragnarok hit from Thor) and she did not born yet in the actual timeline.
Santa Monica created artificies to follow the actual Norse story.
WARNING, unmasked spoilers for the first game!!!

I'm not so sure about that theory since in the last trailer we can see Fenrir which I believe is the son of loki.
What I believe would fit the thematics of breaking the curse of sons killing their fathers would be that Kratos at one point dies (as seen in jotunheim) an older version of Loki gets sent in the past and fights his dad to avoid him coming in asgard ( I think we'd play Loki desperately fighting his dad to avoid him being killed)...But the snake miraculously appearing doesn't really fit that theory though....So who knows.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I find it hilarious that to some, the studio can seemingly do nothing right in accordance to this game.

So far I think it looks awesome... I'm not sure if criticism of the game really came from PlayStation gamers.

More likely gamers from other communities (Not pointing fingers) to undermine the titles release, which has become a common thing.
A Thor design like the films would have been so artistically boring for instance.

The cool thing about Baldur was that he was small and you didn't expect him to punch you over a roof, so it was incredible when it happened.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
GoW Ragnarok coming in 2022 sucks let me tell you why cos now it got fierce GOTY competition with Elden Ring

At least thats the only bad news from this information


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It's technically not port-begging if you know that something will release on it 100% and you are just waiting on it's time to release. "I'll just wait on the PC version" is now actually viable. Before if something was released and one said "I hope they make this for the PC.", would be considered port-begging IMO.

yea i was just about to say that they already laid out a plan to release titles on PC and the first game is on PC, why would the sequel not be on PC? So I think it makes sense to see this as a later type deal as its release on PC is inevitable. It would be weird if after all this Sony didn't release it on PC lol
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