The GoWR, TLOU2, and GoT, megathread! The soup of PS 1st Party goodness

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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
The Elden Ring comparison is a bit weird.

I mean even the GoW 2018 for me due the dialogues is better GOTY content than Elden Ring... if Ragnarok improve that then it is a clear winner here.
That from somebody that loves the Souls formula.

I was amazed how good GoW 2018 is.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
I like elden ring but thte game is actually using animations from two decades ago in their new game lol

The only people that think elden ring is a whole new gaming experience are people that haven’t played souls games before.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yea, ER is definitely going to get GOTY. But that's OK. It doesn't make GoWR any less of a good game.

Of course not, my problem is more related to the constant downplaying of Sony exclusives, like they belong in a judgment category of their own. HFW being reviewed similarly to Halo Infinite proves this.

Well, FromSoft games are a major part of the game world now. There are just more fans since the word is out - and - admittedly the game is of much larger scope.

I don't think a game with a barren open world is much larger in scope than GOW.

Yep that would've been my guess too

Sacha Baron Cohen Thumbs Up GIF by Amazon Prime Video

If the game actually does end up feeling like a part 2 and 3 together like what was said a while back I don't think they can call it glorified DLC. I mean they could try to but it will probably be the gaming journo meme of the month if that happens. I also don't get the Elden Ring worship,game is good but I do not see it as a game changer.

They absolutely will. Those "professional" reviewers that play 2h at most of each game will call it a DLC because it picks up from the previous game. I'm betting on it. And that has a purpose. And Elden Ring is a standard souls like game, nothing more, nothing less. I'll reiterate that IMO it only got the scores it got to drown HFW.


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30 Jun 2022
Collectors Edition are disappointing man at least for me

No disc and no big fancy art book which i always like

The box look expensive but i dont really need that my room are crowded already theres no place for something that big

I mean wtf they give you steelbook but theres no disc?

Thats like ordering cheeseburger but you got nothing inside

Think im gona get regular edition
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  • thinking_hard
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4 Jul 2022
That it?

A blog post and plonked on YT for arguably the biggest game of the year!

What are you doing Jim Ryan?
I'm sure that alone is enough to get the industry positiving and negativing. All type of content creators will get their mileage. Yet, I bet you Ragnarok will be the most talked about gaming news this week.....


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I'm sure that alone is enough to get the industry positiving and negativing. All type of content creators will get their mileage. Yet, I bet you Ragnarok will be the most talked about gaming news this week.....

Hey bro, so good to see you!

I really liked the RPG that was posted first... keeping my eyes on that.
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24 Jun 2022
It's technically not port-begging if you know that something will release on it 100% and you are just waiting on it's time to release. "I'll just wait on the PC version" is now actually viable. Before if something was released and one said "I hope they make this for the PC.", would be considered port-begging IMO.

I mean in general it isn't, but I just kind of don't see the point in stating it when the game doesn't even have a PC version officially announced. That's operating under an assumption; it might be a fair assumption to make to some degree but it's not like Sony have committed all their 1P games to PC. Even for as well as GOW 2018's seemingly done, it doesn't 100% guarantee Ragnarok will get a PC version anytime soon, if ever. The probability's high, yes, but it's not 100% and it's not been made official.

And like I was also saying, unfortunately there's some people out there who are now using it to kind of troll PS or voice it out of spite towards the platform. I don't think anyone ITT is doing that FWIW, however around other spots there are some who do. Places like Twitter are usually the worst for it, but also certain podcasts or influencers/personalities in the gaming scene have encouraged or fueled it as well.

If people are just being genuine about looking forward to playing it on PC, that's cool. Even tho there isn't anything official for Ragnarok on PC anytime soon, it's fair to think it'll eventually get a port. But the people who aren't genuine about it know what they're doing, and FWIW it's not exclusive to one platform or whatever. There were lots of people saying, the very moment Deathloop or Ghostwire came out, they were just going to play them on GamePass and I'm just wondering, what's the point of saying that if that's the only thing you have to say about the games? Or people saying they were just going to wait for Tunic on PS4/PS5 when it dropped in GamePass. Sadly I think a lot of those kind of comments, intentional or not, are just being used to fuel more console war ridiculousness.
  • they're_right_you_know
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24 Jun 2022
True but now after the positive results from Sifu I think now they know spreading titles across a whole year is the best approach. 2021 they had first half covered, but then nothing for fall of 2021 but Kena. After April they had basically nothing.

Now they start off 2023 with Forspoken, followed by something in February, March is RE4 and MLB: the show. DLC updates for GT7, and possible other titles. Street fighter beta's in summer. FF 16 early fall. And somwhere in all that Spiderman 2.

Wasn't FF XVI set for Summer 2023? I hope it wasn't pushed back.

There's also FF VII Rebirth and that one's set for Fall 2023; SE looks like they'll be pretty busy next year no matter the case but 2023 for PS5 is looking really strong exclusives-wise (KOTOR Remake should also be dropping sometime H1 2023). Looks pretty good for Xbox, too, although my excitement for Starfield's mellowed out a good bit. Forza and RedFall are looking good, though but I don't know what else they're going to have that'll be AAA coming from 1P or 3P exclusively.

People in the media already trying to concern troll, thank god Cory is back on Social Media lol

He killed her with kindness. The best way.

yea i was just about to say that they already laid out a plan to release titles on PC and the first game is on PC, why would the sequel not be on PC? So I think it makes sense to see this as a later type deal as its release on PC is inevitable. It would be weird if after all this Sony didn't release it on PC lol

I don't want anyone to think that I might think they're being disingenuous or port-begging if them wanting to play Ragnarok on PC is genuine. I know @VFX_Veteran is a big PC guy and he genuinely wants to play it there because PC's his main platform. I assume @DynamiteCop 's being genuine as well.

It's just IMO a part of a weird trend in people seeing a game coming out for one platform, but then saying they're gonna wait until it's on X platform in order to actually play it. For a lot of people it's just them being genuine because they may only have that one platform, or have multiple platforms but would prefer playing it on X platform (tho if it were me, and I had those multiple platforms but really wanted to play the game bad enough, I'd just play it on the platform it's currently actually on).

However it's also been a sentiment coopted by disingenuous people online who basically use it in console war fodder, especially since this generation's kicked off. I've seen Xbox guys doing it to PS games. PS gamers doing it not so much to MS games, but 3P GamePass console timed exclusives (like Tunic or The Medium). PC guys doing it to PS games especially now with somewhat more Sony 1P games having gotten PC ports (and weirdly enough, Xbox guys masquerading as PC guys and vice-versa to do the same thing). I just find that tasteless, but it's basically a Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube thing.

But since that isn't the case here, since it's just people being genuine and off a realistic expectation, I guess there's no reason to drag in the other stuff.

saw that, literal industry professionals jumping in on the Frosk roast. You love to see it. Frauds like her need to be chased out of their safe spaces and removed from the gaming industry. Spreading misinformation and lies to the extent she does is extremely damaging and dangerous.

She's toxic.

I noticed that they barely put her on G4 anymore, or at least it seems that way. They probably know she is advertiser and viewership poison given some of the tangents she's gone on, and the way she just makes up FUD about PlayStation online.

Guessing she has a preference for PC & Xbox and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, unless you're using it to make up lies or concern troll over competitor platforms. I don't know why she does it, it's only making her look like a fool.

BUT, I think if she's willing to stop being so toxic towards certain platforms (or really, any platform; it'd be just as messed up if she suddenly "flipped" and was now making up FUD about Xbox), maybe she deserves a second chance. It might be too hard for her to do tho 🤣

I think people are in for a reality check on this game. I have no doubt it's going to be incredible, with an amazing story, gameplay, graphics, etc.

But it will be compared to Elden Ring, and it will be downscored because there's an agenda to make Elden Ring the game of the year. I would highly doubt this game scores above GOW, even if it improves on every single thing. I can bet some reviewers will call it a glorified DLC as well.

Hate that this will probably be the case. Not because I think ER's a bad game (I haven't even played it yet; I was planning to pick it up after beating HFW), but because it did get a slap on the wrist for performance issues other games would have and were criticized much more for. Also kind of exposed a double-standard where it seems like among reviewers, only FromSoft games are allowed to be "difficult" because they are more fair somehow, but games like Sifu got marked down for apparently being the "wrong" type of difficult.

ER will probably win majority of GOTYs for the reason you mention; it's not about the game's actual merit, just satisfying popular groupthink among masses. There's always been some of that at hand but now it feels like it's gone overboard. Did It Takes Two genuinely win TGA's Game of the Year because it was the actual best pick, or because it was the least inoffensive and controversial (in terms of potential platform warring)?

Didn't have to really ask that question in the past, now it's going to become more common feels like.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
He killed her with kindness. The best way.

lol so concerned. Says games without delays are worrying, yet the game was delayed from last year already. 🙃

Funny how this type of concern only comes about with certain games. A lot of people really had their hopes high that once BoTW2 and Starfield got delayed GoW would follow
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2 Jul 2022
Wasn't FF XVI set for Summer 2023? I hope it wasn't pushed back.

There's also FF VII Rebirth and that one's set for Fall 2023; SE looks like they'll be pretty busy next year no matter the case but 2023 for PS5 is looking really strong exclusives-wise (KOTOR Remake should also be dropping sometime H1 2023). Looks pretty good for Xbox, too, although my excitement for Starfield's mellowed out a good bit. Forza and RedFall are looking good, though but I don't know what else they're going to have that'll be AAA coming from 1P or 3P exclusively.

He killed her with kindness. The best way.

I don't want anyone to think that I might think they're being disingenuous or port-begging if them wanting to play Ragnarok on PC is genuine. I know @VFX_Veteran is a big PC guy and he genuinely wants to play it there because PC's his main platform. I assume @DynamiteCop 's being genuine as well.

It's just IMO a part of a weird trend in people seeing a game coming out for one platform, but then saying they're gonna wait until it's on X platform in order to actually play it. For a lot of people it's just them being genuine because they may only have that one platform, or have multiple platforms but would prefer playing it on X platform (tho if it were me, and I had those multiple platforms but really wanted to play the game bad enough, I'd just play it on the platform it's currently actually on).

However it's also been a sentiment coopted by disingenuous people online who basically use it in console war fodder, especially since this generation's kicked off. I've seen Xbox guys doing it to PS games. PS gamers doing it not so much to MS games, but 3P GamePass console timed exclusives (like Tunic or The Medium). PC guys doing it to PS games especially now with somewhat more Sony 1P games having gotten PC ports (and weirdly enough, Xbox guys masquerading as PC guys and vice-versa to do the same thing). I just find that tasteless, but it's basically a Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube thing.

But since that isn't the case here, since it's just people being genuine and off a realistic expectation, I guess there's no reason to drag in the other stuff.

I noticed that they barely put her on G4 anymore, or at least it seems that way. They probably know she is advertiser and viewership poison given some of the tangents she's gone on, and the way she just makes up FUD about PlayStation online.

Guessing she has a preference for PC & Xbox and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, unless you're using it to make up lies or concern troll over competitor platforms. I don't know why she does it, it's only making her look like a fool.

BUT, I think if she's willing to stop being so toxic towards certain platforms (or really, any platform; it'd be just as messed up if she suddenly "flipped" and was now making up FUD about Xbox), maybe she deserves a second chance. It might be too hard for her to do tho 🤣
Trust me it's genuine, I've got like almost 900 games on Steam. The fact of the matter is Sony is already investing heavily into PC and even by their own graphs they're going to increase that investment. So with that being said it's fairly obvious that Ragnarok is going to find its way to PC especially since the first game is already there.

With virtually everything coming to PC these days it just makes sense to wait, the games will eventually come and there's plenty to play in the interim especially with the fact that Microsoft is all in on PC now as well.
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