i like what
@David Jaffe said in his recent video, even though we're on opposite sides of the politics debate.
The franchise is on a downwards trajectory after the creative decisions of the Last of Us 2.
The reviews couldn't even save it, because half the audience of the first game was deeply offended and spoke with their wallets. My opinion - good on them.
Thinking about a brand new IP like Ghost of Tsushima pretty much outdoing TLOU2 hot off the heels of "the best game ever tlou1" is insane.
Seems like they're trying to go back to the last of us 1 out of desperation and trying to revitalize the franchise, or atleast get the people who left at 2 (Around 10 million paying customers) to give the franchise a second chance. Hence the quick and easy 'remaster' of the first game. Hey guys look, you liked this one right? It's back!
Sony, if they have any business acumen (which they do) is diverting resources away from any potential TLOU3 after TLOU2's disaster. Yes, disaster, those are my words.
This is why you see smaller scale projects like factions and useless remaster of the first game in the works. Last of us is on the decline.
I personally hope no one gives the franchise a second chance, ND doesn't deserve it. They've proven what entitled, preachy, and downright hateful people/children they are.
there are other studios and games more deserving of your time and I urge everyone to go support those games. Let ND and TLOU rot.