The many lies and failure under Jim Ryan leadership

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18 Jul 2022
Jim Ryan, Is the current president of SIE. Ryan succeeded John Kodera as President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment in April 2019.

Let's look at the many lies & negative things that have happened to PlayStation under his leadership:

- PS5 exclusives raise to $70, here in Australia it is $120+ AUD

- Japan Studio closure / But Why Why Why? / Letting Nintendo totally owned the Japanese gaming market..

- Say's "We believe in Generations" Only then to have most of their new Games be Cross-Gen. So Much For the "We believe in Generations"

- Disrespect older Generation of PlayStation Fans & Gamers by saying "PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?"

- Letting Xbox steal Bethesda and Activision away without even putting up a fight / thus losing ground on the North & South America market

- Legacy PSN Stores closing / Because of outcry they decide to delay the closure for a while longer. But for how long?

- Killzone Franchise dead & gone / No plans of ever making another again, What a damn shame...

- Days Gone 2 denied / instead to make another full priced remaster/remake for the 3rd time LOL

- Web store gets downgraded badly, with missing features still not added back

- Game patches starting to disappear due to legacy stores closure / closing soon..

- Currently killing any hope of long time loyal PlayStation fans for full backward compatibility support despite according to two patents they are working on solutions.

- Turned down legendary game developer Hideo Kojima's next game (allegedly) thus Kojima now working with Xbox on a Exclusive game

- Closing the Video/Movie rental store DESPITE LITERALLY just starting a new video service on their new bravia TV's.

- Signing terrible deal with Aspyr for a 'KOTOR Remake' only then for the game to be delayed indefinitely, or worst might never even see the light of day...

Under this mad man 'egomaniac' leadership, I can't think of a single good thing that he has accomplish. I've never seen a company leader pull off such levels of self-absorbing sabotage before. It's as if this man has no idea what made the PlayStation brand the household global name that it is today.

Hell there isn't even a reason to NOT do full backwards compatibility at this point, instead we need to stream PS3 games.
More on backwards compatibility for past generations of PlayStation games. I keep hearing "can't be done due to it being different architecture". That there is another falsehood in itself. RPCS3 runs on x86. And to add insult to injury, those backwards compatibility patents i mention earlier started showing up AFTER Sony hired some of the RPCS3 programmers.

In conclusion; Jim Ryan needs to go, There is even a Petition to "Remove Jim Ryan as Ceo of PlayStation"
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22 Jul 2022
This will always be his lasting legacy


Ryan has always come off like a prototypical executive who doesn't really know the first thing about gaming itself.

I miss Jack Tretton's mic dropping days.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I’m liking what he is doing with PlayStation… some step back, other move forward… needs more time. He ended taking good decisions with the issues like COVID, supply, etc.

PlayStation grew a lot with his lead.

BTW I’m just bored to counter the OP points as they are not exactly true at all.

Edit - I forget to say sometimes he say a lot of unnecessary things.
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Can't argue any of that except for Microsoft acquiring Bethesda and Activision. Sony was never going to be able to do anything about either regardless of who was in charge. Jim Ryan isn't a gamer, he's a business man. A money guy. That's all he is and as long as he makes Sony massive amounts of money, he isn't going anywhere.


Active member
11 Jul 2022
Jim Ryan isn't a gamer, he's a business man
"Bu but Phil Spencer, the sleezeball millionaire politician is a gamer just like me because he wore a gamers Tshirt once"

Phil Spencer is as much a "gamer" as Jim is.

But it's funny how Phil doesn't even like and play xbox games🤣

xbox games are such shallow garbage americanized slop, that xbone executives don't even play xbox games
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Active member
30 Jun 2022
Also, I'm going to add this.

Kojima making a game with Xbox is exactly in line with the studio. He wants to make games that aren't Metal Gear, who publishes them he clearly doesn't give 2 shits about. I mean Death Stranding 2 is already confirmed to be in some form of development so it really doesn't matter.

Hell, would you feel that weird about it if he made a switch game? Do any of you who even complain about this care he started making adventure games on PC or had some really fun games on GBA? Just seems like some kind of concern trolling honestly.


22 Jul 2022
Shits been a little suspect before Jim. Evolution closure, no longer cultivating highly creative studios responsible for landmark games like Journey and Edith Finch. Not backing unique studios responsible for Until Dawn.

PlayStation to me at least was about the creative and unique endeavours as much as the AAAA blockbusters.

I also agree about being derelict with great franchises like Killzone.

Not sure what next with the multiplayer GaaS ambitions.


21 Jun 2022
- Japan Studio closure / But Why Why Why? / Letting Nintendo totally owned the Japanese gaming market..
They didn't close it, restructured it after decades of unprofitable games including some money pits and many bad rated games. Japan Studio got rebranded and its 2nd party publishing team got branched off into its own studio as they did before in EU and USA. In additon to these 2 Sony has multiple internal Japanese studios more.

- Say's "We believe in Generations" Only then to have most of their new Games be Cross-Gen. So Much For the "We believe in Generations"
In that interview he said they were going to continue supporting PS4 for several years. He never said there or anywhere else that they weren't going to make crossgen games.

- Letting Xbox steal Bethesda and Activision away without even putting up a fight / thus losing ground on the North & South America market

- Legacy PSN Stores closing / Because of outcry they decide to delay the closure for a while longer. But for how long?

- Killzone Franchise dead & gone / No plans of ever making another again, What a damn shame...

- Days Gone 2 denied / instead to make another full priced remaster/remake for the 3rd time LOL
Sony never received a Days Gone 2 pitch from Bend. The one who rejected it was the boss inside Bend studio, who didn't want to make a sequel but to make a new IP. The only pitch Sony got from Bend after DG was the new IP and approved it. Bend didn't work in the TLOU remake, between the new IP and DG they did help on the TLOU MP game and an Uncharted spinoff that we don't know if still exists or no.

- Web store gets downgraded badly, with missing features still not added back
Which ones?

- Game patches starting to disappear due to legacy stores closure / closing soon..
Which ones?

- Currently killing any hope of long time loyal PlayStation fans for full backward compatibility support despite according to two patents they are working on solutions.
It's the opposite: he added the PS1 and PSP emulators and are expanding their team to improve their emulators and to make new emulators.

- Turned down legendary game developer Hideo Kojima's next game (allegedly) thus Kojima now working with Xbox on a Exclusive game
Not true. They are working on Death Stranding 2. Absolutely nothing says Sony turned down any project.

- Closing the Video/Movie rental store DESPITE LITERALLY just starting a new video service on their new bravia TV's.
Jimbo runs SIE, the gaming part. Not Sony Pictures.

- Signing terrible deal with Aspyr for a 'KOTOR Remake' only then for the game to be delayed indefinitely, or worst might never even see the light of day...
The Star Wars deal with with Lucasarts, who owns the IP. Sony will only publish it on PS. In any case, the boss of PS Studios is Hermen, not Jimbo.

Under this mad man 'egomaniac' leadership, I can't think of a single good thing that he has accomplish. I've never seen a company leader pull off such levels of self-absorbing sabotage before. It's as if this man has no idea what made the PlayStation brand the household global name that it is today.
It's the opposite. Their exclusives sell better than ever, are better reviewed than ever, win more awrds than ever, the game division makes more money than ever, broke many gaming industry history records for any console maker including fastest selling console (until hit by chip shortages), bigger active userbase, PSN MAUs, engagement, amount of games sold for a console, games sold per console, and bought more studios than ever and grew more the existing 1st party teams headcount than ever.

Hell there isn't even a reason to NOT do full backwards compatibility at this point, instead we need to stream PS3 games.
More on backwards compatibility for past generations of PlayStation games. I keep hearing "can't be done due to it being different architecture". That there is another falsehood in itself. RPCS3 runs on x86. And to add insult to injury, those backwards compatibility patents i mention earlier started showing up AFTER Sony hired some of the RPCS3 programmers.
The dev of RPCS3 and Sony engine programmer for PS3/Insomniac both said it's impossible to properly emulate PS3 in PS4 or PS5.

In conclusion; Jim Ryan needs to go, There is even a Petition to "Remove Jim Ryan as Ceo of PlayStation"
Nonsense. He's the most successful CEO of a console maker in gaming history.


21 Jun 2022
Jim Ryan, Is the current president of SIE. Ryan succeeded John Kodera as President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment in April 2019.

Let's look at the many lies & negative things that have happened to PlayStation under his leadership:
A lot of your complaints do not make sense.

- PS5 exclusives raise to $70, here in Australia it is $120+ AUD
Umm ... currency conversion?
- Japan Studio closure / But Why Why Why? / Letting Nintendo totally owned the Japanese gaming market..
When was the last time Japan Studio shipped a commercially successful game without going through dev hell? I'll wait.
- Say's "We believe in Generations" Only then to have most of their new Games be Cross-Gen. So Much For the "We believe in Generations"
Did you even read his full quote in that interview? Let me post it for you.

"We have always said that we believe in generations. We believe that when you go to all the trouble of creating a next-gen console, that it should include features and benefits that the previous generation does not include."

"We do believe in generations, and whether it's the DualSense controller, whether it's the 3D audio, whether it's the multiple ways that the SSD can be used.

"We have always felt that we had a responsibility to serve that [PS4] community for several years after the launch of PS5 and that it represented a huge business opportunity for us. The numbers are quite straightforward. If you say in broad brush figures that we have a community of 100 million PS4 owners right now, and in the first couple of years... I don't know, somewhere between 15 and 25 million might migrate to PS5, that still leaves a huge number of people with PS4s."

Jim did exactly what he said. Not his fault that people could not understand it.

PS Studios make PS5 exclusives. PS Studios made PS5 versions of cross-gen games that added the aforementioned PS5 features. PS Studios also released some games on PS4 to support the 100 million PS4 users as Jim said they would.

- Disrespect older Generation of PlayStation Fans & Gamers by saying "PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?"
I agree with Jim. The overwhelming majority of console gamers do not play older games.
- Letting Xbox steal Bethesda and Activision away without even putting up a fight / thus losing ground on the North & South America market
They didn't want to buy a struggling company (which is still struggling in shipping games).
- Legacy PSN Stores closing / Because of outcry they decide to delay the closure for a while longer. But for how long?
Xbox sells legacy games but for how long? See how weird it sounds? Wake me up when they do close it for good.
- Killzone Franchise dead & gone / No plans of ever making another again, What a damn shame...
They moved on to better IPs. It's called taking risks and innovating. That's the stagnation and IP fatigue that Halo, Gears and Forza suffer from. PS Studios are smart to move on to better IPs at the right time.
- Days Gone 2 denied / instead to make another full priced remaster/remake for the 3rd time LOL
Do tell me which remaster/remake Bend Studios is working on. Please.
- Web store gets downgraded badly, with missing features still not added back
It's pretty good. At least the search function works unlike Xbox's.
- Turned down legendary game developer Hideo Kojima's next game (allegedly) thus Kojima now working with Xbox on a Exclusive game
Instead of the smaller game, they are working on the big AAA Kojima game, reportedly. PS exclusive.
- Signing terrible deal with Aspyr for a 'KOTOR Remake' only then for the game to be delayed indefinitely, or worst might never even see the light of day...
It'll still release in a pretty good shape and well before than many XGS games.
Under this mad man 'egomaniac' leadership, I can't think of a single good thing that he has accomplish. I've never seen a company leader pull off such levels of self-absorbing sabotage before. It's as if this man has no idea what made the PlayStation brand the household global name that it is today.
Record-breaking revenue, reach, engagement, console launch, subscription, and profits.

That his competitor, Phil Spencer, could not achieve even after nearly 10 years.
The Legendary Warrior
18 Jul 2022
I’m liking what he is doing with PlayStation… some step back, other move forward… needs more time. He ended taking good decisions with the issues like COVID, supply, etc.

PlayStation grew a lot with his lead.

BTW I’m just bored to counter the OP points as they are not exactly true at all.

Edit - I forget to say sometimes he say a lot of unnecessary things.
That 37% drop from the PlayStation earning reports today is not helping.
The Legendary Warrior
18 Jul 2022
Can't argue any of that except for Microsoft acquiring Bethesda and Activision. Sony was never going to be able to do anything about either regardless of who was in charge. Jim Ryan isn't a gamer, he's a business man. A money guy. That's all he is and as long as he makes Sony massive amounts of money, he isn't going anywhere.
Their earning reports drop 37% year to year today so if that continue he might be replace. Get someone that actually cares about games.
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