Third party exclusivity is such a nasty thing and should be illegal and punishable by law


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I make high 4 figures and i can speak 3 languages and you are calling me Low IQ, then what are you? LOL 😁 you can disagree, but i'm nowhere near low IQ sir.
But you do come across like Craig of war a lot of the time, just saying.

He also said he had a 169 IQ and earned mega bucks.


I bring da Smoke.
  • haha
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Active member
LMAO That's the most bizarre comparison ever.

You do realise at least 25% of square enix sales from xbox?

yea....thats the point, its crying over a companies rights to sell their product where they feel just...

How would your tears be any different? Its the same thing, you are mad a company has free will to do business with other companies by their choice.

Thats it.


2 Jul 2022
LMAO That's the most bizarre comparison ever.

You do realise at least 25% of square enix sales from xbox?
Firstly, I’d like to see a source. Secondly, square enix is not the only Japanese publisher there is. If you like Japanese games, you shouldn’t have an Xbox as your main machine since it’s more likely than not that the console will be skipped by Japanese publishers.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


1 Jul 2022
Here's what I don't understand, and it pertains to Xbox beggars specifically. I know there's a deep seated jealousy over PlayStation's marketing deals/timed exclusives/3rd party deals these past few years, but you best believe Microsoft would still be doing the exact same thing if they had the market share to leverage. Thank God they don't. Microsoft is getting outsold 3:1, so your tears and cries ring hollow. To the victor go the spoils.

Xbox has been completely boxed out of the premium games market out of their own doing: a focus on gamepass eliminated any possibility a premium, full priced, desirable HARDCORE GAME will sign ANY ecxlusivity deal with Xbox. GAMEPASS means more and more games being exclusive to PS5. It's a fact.

But, this is why now we see the desperation moves, their only hope to co-market these desirable 3rd party juggernauts is to acquire them by devious means. The hostile takeover of Activision comes for a reason: Xbox is about to be positioned out of the console market. We are in a generation where every 3rd party game that matters is aligned with PlayStation:

-Callisto Protocol: extra stuff on Playstation
-Hogwarts: extra quest on Playstation
-Resident Evil 4 and 8: VR mode on Playstation
-Modern Warfare 2: early/extra stuff on Playstation
-Final Fantasy (franchise on Playstation)
-Silent Hill (franchise on Playstation)

Xbox gamers: You are not entitled to anything. Especially games where the PlayStation heritage is so strong, that the deal will naturally fall into Sony's lap for next to nothing. You're selfish, jealous, and want to hurt these franchises, their developers, and their fans for Xbox/MS's and YOUR PERSONAL gain. No one feels sorry for you.

Microsoft understands this, that they can't compete. Sony are the tastemakers in this industry. The gaming heritage runs so deep, that a majority of the enthusiast properties in the 3D game space started on playstation 1, or have their foundation on the platform.

Take Silent Hill for instance:



Silent Hill. Final Fantasy. These games are hard-earned and built off the back off the playstation legacy. Sony is an integral part of these franchises whether you like it or not. Just because MS has conditioned you to think exclusive=bad because they occupy a disadvantageous market position and can't afford to cut the deal, doesn't mean Sony has to listen. We don't have to listen.

oh and speaking of FF7, because i think some of the Xbox 'fans' need a reminder:


bottom right corner: Sony Computer Entertainment.

You were never entitled to receive anything FF7 related in any capacity. Sony was the co-publisher of the original game, and it's likely that heritage was a factor in the creation of the Remake.

Scorn. The Medium. Stalker 2 for 3 months. This is the extent of what MS can afford given their marketshare. It is what it is, you backed a losing horse willingly. If you couldn't see this coming after the Xbox One generation, that's YOUR OWN FAULT.


3 Oct 2022
Just because MS has conditioned you to think exclusive=bad because they occupy a disadvantageous market position

This is disgustingly true. Meanwhile gamer Phill has planned to spent tens of billions in order to have more exclusives, all while arguing exclusives are bad.

And there are people who believe in that barrel roll...


Well-known member
16 Jul 2022
So you make less than $10k a year?

What!!! That's what I make in a month. A year it would be 6 figures I think. That's so pathetic you think I would humble brag making 10k$ a year 🤦‍♀️ even an illiterate ugly maid who peaked in middle school can make more than that.