Gained subs last fiscal quarter like
@Dodkrake said, and set record revenue. To the point where at least Sony are willing to share their services revenue.
Guess who isn't, despite pushing subscriptions as the future of the industry? Even Nintendo shares their services revenue.
Anyway to the main point of the thread...
It's no wonder they don't share the Game Pass numbers. You've done a lot of looking into Game Pass revenue over the year and I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers are within an accurate range. Similar to when we were trying to figure out Xbox Series sold-through as of end of 2022; looks like Brad Smith basically confirmed our own extrapolative speculation (either that or he's lying to regulators by downplaying Xbox market share globally).
Game Pass numbers, I'm guessing they are sub-25 million. Maybe not too much lower, but closer to 20 million than 25 million. Just like with the console sales numbers, what's in the closet will eventually come out. The truth will at some point be revealed or confirmed. And if one was right in figuring out Xbox console sales numbers, chances are they're right about the Game Pass numbers, too.
So we might need to throw two parties