VGC: HELLBLADE 2 COULD BE XBOX’S MOST IMPORTANT EXCLUSIVE (Same thing was said about almost every exclusive since Redfall, input Starfield)


28 Jun 2022

Its powerful first trailer, shown during The Game Awards in December 2019, was shown literally 120 seconds after the Xbox Series X itself was first revealed, and as such, was the first game to sport a trailer with the name of the console at the end of it. Ever since Xbox Series X has been a known name, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 has been a known name alongside it.

Its value to Xbox, then, cannot be understated. The first game was praised for its visual detail, its incredible use of sound and, most importantly, its impressive writing and character development. As a game that dealt with mental health, and psychosis specifically, developer Ninja Theory put in its due diligence to make sure it presented Senua’s condition as authentically and respectfully as possible, and the result was a truly unique game that, fittingly, lingered in the mind long after the credits rolled.

It’s easy to forget, though, that Hellblade was originally a PlayStation 4 console exclusive, and remained that way for eight months. As Xbox fans watched on at this brave, groundbreaking new IP picking up multiple awards for performance, audio design and writing, Hellblade was a valuable asset to PlayStation because it allowed fans to point to an exclusive that wasn’t just a sequel or a remaster.

Now that Ninja Theory is part of Xbox Game Studios, that valuable asset now belongs to Microsoft, and now that the shoe is on the other foot, it’s imperative that its exclusivity becomes as important to Xbox as its predecessor was to PlayStation. Xbox’s plan is for those same PS4 fans who boasted about Hellblade’s exclusivity to now be the ones watching on as its sequel becomes the game picking up multiple awards

Nothing is a given in this world, however, and we now sit here four years after that initial trailer, with only a handful of subsequent trailers and one video showing purported gameplay since then. The only other thing we have to go on at this stage is a release year – 2024.

In an industry that’s been plagued with delays over the past few years, though, just how certain is it that this deliberately vague window will be met? The 2024 release was first confirmed back in June 2023, and six months down the line, it hasn’t been narrowed down any, suggesting that if the game does make it out in time for 2024, it will likely be nearer the end of it.

It’s a frustrating wait for fans, and will be similarly frustrating for Microsoft itself. But it’s a wait that will be necessary because if 2023 has proved anything, it’s that the company can’t afford to be impatient with any more high-profile releases, or it’ll start to get an unwelcome reputation.

So far, the signs are positive, even though in reality, so much remains unknown. We still have no real idea what the plot for Hellblade 2 is going to involve, or how the gameplay will look beyond the small section we’ve been shown already.

“In an industry that’s been plagued with delays over the past few years, though, just how certain is it that this deliberately vague window will be met?”
One thing we do at least know is that the audio design will once again be incredible. Watch the June 2023 trailer while wearing headphones and it’s clear that the voices Senua hears will be as intrusive as ever, meaning you can probably set aside the 2024 audio design awards already. Assuming it does end up being 2024, of course.

And therein lies the biggest question mark so far. Of all the 2024 Preview articles we’ve been posting, Hellblade 2 is one that feels like it could get a 2025 Preview article too this time next year. As we say, given recent disappointments, this wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing if the resulting game is fantastic.

That said, we’re now three years into the Xbox Series X/S lifespan, and fans are eagerly awaiting another bombshell as universally loved as Forza Horizon 5. Patience is a virtue, but there may eventually come a point for Microsoft where continually asking its user base to be patient starts to come across as a vice.


Well-known member
15 Dec 2023
i dont get the overhyping of this title. Could be a very impressive and graphic looking game but the original wasn’t a massive appealing title that had tens of millions of players. Also overhyping continues as was the case for Starfield, “the game of the generation.”


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Why overhype.

Because they still feel like they can make a comeback. Delusional


28 Jun 2022
i dont get the overhyping of this title. Could be a very impressive and graphic looking game but the original wasn’t a massive appealing title that had tens of millions of players. Also overhyping continues as was the case for Starfield, “the game of the generation.”
It's not about the game at this point, they overhype everything since Xbox is so in the gutter and ppl feel they need a super big release. Every exclusive release for them before it drops is the end all be all with ppl saying dumb shit like GOTY or gotg without even playing the game. It's hyperbolic, frivilous, nonsense.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
It's always the same thing with these "journalists".

When will they realize that constantly crying wolf about how xbox is the next big thing isn't helping them


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
I'm sure this game will be good but it's really being set up to fail to matter what and that's a shame for Ninja Theory.


19 Dec 2023
That title is so out of pocket, not too surprising coming from VGC. They like their eye catching headers. This is the "for click" economy in action.

Hellblade 2, no matter the increased budget is not the type of game that is going to move the needle. It might turn out okay, good or event great but it's not the type of product that's going to convince the masses to invest in the ecosystem.

I'm sure this game will be good but it's really being set up to fail to matter what and that's a shame for Ninja Theory.

I agree, like, you could make the argument that something like Starfield was a very important title for Xbox.
But Hellblade 2? Come on now, this is not an idea worth entertaining for more than half a second.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Oh boy, the game no regular person ever played and ever has any interest in playing. I just can't fucking wait.


23 Jul 2022
So far, the signs are positive, even though in reality, so much remains unknown. We still have no real idea what the plot for Hellblade 2 is going to involve, or how the gameplay will look beyond the small section we’ve been shown already.
That's because there isn't any 😄
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3 Mar 2023
If Starfield cant sell many consoles I cant see how anything else can until Elder Scroll but that wont be released until end of current gen.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
It's going to be the sequel to Hellblade, a game hardly anyone cared about.

At this point it's pretty obvious that overhyping games is a strategy adopted by MS to move subscription in anticipation to these guaranteed flops.
But im gona honest hellblade does have the quality compared to those hi fi rush, starfield, redfall etc

It might be a niche game but from the first game it shows something special imo at least for a certain audience who like dark mature game

Sucks the second game is xbox exclusive now
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
But im gona honest hellblade does have the quality compared to those hi fi rush, starfield, redfall etc

It might be a niche game but from the first game it shows something special imo at least for a certain audience who like dark mature game

Sucks the second game is xbox exclusive now
First game was dark in terms of visual tone. I'd hardly call it "mature." It's way more emo than mature, and the idea that it "dealt with issues" like schizophrenia or mental illness is, quite simply, laughable.

I think people misunderstand what maturity really means. It's not Mortal Kombat. It's The Old Man and the Sea. Huge difference. And Hellblade ain't it.

The graphics will be nice. They were nice in the first game. But they don't make the tech (it's a UE5 game, first one was UE4) and the gameplay is severely lacking. The game will also feature the cheesy chin down, eyes up, glower that seems to permeate the industry.

This video is ten years old, and these game companies still haven't graduated from this. I mean look at the promo art for Hellblade 2! 😂

Anyway, the game will be a looker, and will be completely boring like the first one. I'll bet solid money on it.