Wave of Japanese tweeting about new bought Xbox. All biased Propaganda?


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Hi there,

recently for more than 5 months, I could observe literally a flood of Japanese people tweeting about how they finally got a Xbox Series console and mostly tagged it with Jump-IN.

What important is to tell you, is that many of them side blow at Playstation in their tweets. This seems like a intended propaganda from Microsoft to me. Of course I have no proof, so it's just pure speculation. Even the likes of Genki did question this and never observed such a strange occurrence like that. Not even to the Xbox 360 times. It's seems really odd to me. So what do you think about in general?
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The Legend - Scourge of the Green Rats
21 Jun 2022
MS using bots, fud from the masters of fud, 2022 got them shook with all the PS exclusives while xbox got nothing

Xsx didn't even sell 10% of what PS5 sold in Japan, so good luck with that when you have FF16 and FF7R2 PS5 exclusives
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
MS using bots, fud from the masters of fud, 2022 got them shook with all the PS exclusives while xbox got nothing

Xsx didn't even sell 10% of what PS5 sold in Japan, so good luck with that when you have FF16 and FF7R2 PS5 exclusives
Yeah I know Microsoft is seeing no horizon against Sony in Japan. As I know Sony is close on reaching two million PS5 consoles in Japan. I am just curious why all this Japanese Xbox tweets recently pooping up at Twitter and why there writing negatively against PS...
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Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
What you see on twitter tends (Not always) to be based on what you picked to follow when signing up to the service.
Then its based on who you follow and also who they follow.
So if you follow "Gaming" you will get random posts from "Gaming" and then if someone or more then one person you follow also follows gaming you could get recommended those tweets also.
It will also recommend tweets from Xbox / Sony and or Nintendo if you view a lot of those kinds of tweets regularly.
All that mixed with the current Top / Mid trending hashtags.
Then it goes into if they Bookmark / Like / Retweet you could also see those tweets.
The more in interact with any games tweets over the years the more it will recommend said tweets.

After all that any Company can pay for influencers to post a AD or just an Opinion and with a business account you can pay to promote tweets.

Even i see a lot of tweets about crap i don't care about but because at one point or another i clicked the tweet or AD the system remembers that and pushes it to me / you.

This is the same for most companies that use the internet as a service YouTube/Amazon/Netflix.
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Yeah I know Microsoft is seeing no horizon against Sony in Japan. As I know Sony is close on reaching two million PS5 consoles in Japan. I am just curious why all this Japanese Xbox tweets recently pooping up at Twitter and why there writing negatively against PS...

Pay Me Kim Kardashian GIF by GQ


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Paying “media”…. Twitter bots…. Ambassador program… Reviewers like Stevio….
Everytime there is a PS exclusive game coming there is a “concern” or ”game pacing” issue.

Literally one of the dirties companies out there and will do anything to get close to their competiton.

Company was built by a guy who met up with the biggest known pedophile of the century multiple times ( Bill gates and Epstein ) So MS will never get my money again. Havent for 14 Years


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Hasn't Xbox been outselling PlayStation there for like 2 months now?

Even looking at VGChartz.... you can see the red line is usually well above the yellow (Xbox) apart from 2 points in the last couple months....

So what we have is people reporting 2 points in 8 or more weeks as an Xbox win for each month.

Japan gets their sales data weekly from Media Create. Not monthly like USA.

Xbox is still doing much better in Japan and it was always going to be an uphill battle.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Hasn't Xbox been outselling PlayStation there for like 2 months now?
Not really, it was different each week. Sometimes Xbox sold in a week 9k and Playstation only like 2k. But I will tell you something, that's because of the chip shortages. If Sony could provide 250k consoles, they would sell them in a week. It's only a mere dream, if ever one thinks that Microsoft could beat Sony in Japan. If you interested in more data, I recommend you to follow Genki. He always informs you around this topic the best. It's nearly impossible to buy PS5. Remember back in 2021, when a store had 300 PS5 consoles it caused a huge ruckus. Police needed to come to send the customers back home.

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1 Jul 2022
it does appear that microsoft is sending free series S units to japanese influencers and social media personalities. but then again they do that everywhere.

sometimes as many as 7 free xbox consoles per influencer. SEVEN. 🤯

on the playstation front, from what i can gather japanese are upset that sony didn't send enough units to japan and seem to have "betrayed" the home market with lackluster support. Up until recently you still had to enter a raffle to win a ticket to get the 'right' to then buy a PS5, even at retail stores. So you have people spending hours refreshing their webpages to WIN A CHANCE to then buy a PS5, which isn't even a guarantee you'll get one if you actually get lucky enough to win the damned ticket. It's extremely frustrating and has caused a huge backlash.

then there was shutting down japan studio, swapping the X/O button as 'cancel/confirm' (Extremely annoying when you've spent the past 25 years pressing O to confirm, for it then to be switched to X - especially when this ruins continuity with the Nintendo consoles button layout, and messes up a lot of OS stuff when playing japanese PS4 games on PS5).


(Machine translated, but you get the point).

there's a laundry list really, but it boils down to Japanese not feeling respected by Sony, who is one of their own so they get extra grief for it. MS is seen as American company who owes the Japanese market nothing and therefore is held to a lesser standard.

Of course, there's also the simple fact that Series S is cheap, small, and is always in stock at every store.

But at the end of the day, PS5 is still outselling Xbox over 10:1, these issues considered.
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Moderator- From the United Kingdom
20 Jun 2022
it does appear that microsoft is sending free series S units to japanese influencers and social media personalities. but then again they do that everywhere.

sometimes as many as 7 free xbox consoles per influencer. SEVEN. 🤯

on the playstation front, from what i can gather japanese are upset that sony didn't send enough units to japan and seem to have "betrayed" the home market with lackluster support. Up until recently you still had to enter a raffle to win a ticket to get the 'right' to then buy a PS5, even at retail stores. So you have people spending hours refreshing their webpages to WIN A CHANCE to then buy a PS5, which isn't even a guarantee you'll get one if you actually get lucky enough to win the damned ticket. It's extremely frustrating and has caused a huge backlash.

then there was shutting down japan studio, swapping the X/O button as 'cancel/confirm' (Extremely annoying when you've spent the past 25 years pressing O to confirm, for it then to be switched to X - especially when this ruins continuity with the Nintendo consoles button layout, and messes up a lot of OS stuff when playing japanese PS4 games on PS5).


(Machine translated, but you get the point).

there's a laundry list really, but it boils down to Japanese not feeling respected by Sony, who is one of their own so they get extra grief for it. MS is seen as American company who owes the Japanese market nothing and therefore is held to a lesser standard.

Of course, there's also the simple fact that Series S is cheap, small, and is always in stock at every store.

But at the end of the day, PS5 is still outselling Xbox over 10:1, these issues considered.

In terms of button placement, that is an easy fix in the console settings though, to switch x/o back around for what you are used to. Unless you're the type that constantly looks down at the controller for which button to press. I agree that they have been less Japan focused with PS5 though. But this is to be expected, when the home console market is no longer what it was in the PS3s time.


1 Jul 2022
Another thing to keep in mind with these fake 'Japan loves Series S' tweets:

Series S is barely ahead of the Series X in sales, which means demand for series S is actually extremely low as well.
  • PlayStation 5 – (1,479,080)
  • Xbox Series X – (123,620)
  • PlayStation 5 Digital Edition – (248,465)
  • Xbox Series S – (136,884)
PS5 digital is completely undesirable too, because Wi-Fi and internet are usually pretty awful in japan. Nobody is downloading games here, they buy physical everything. A driveless console is fucking useless in the region. :LOL:

and since Xbox discs don't even release here most of the time, series X is especially useless.

So yeah, a lot of it is just twitter echo chamber fanboys amplifying the response.... and wishful thinking.
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1 Jul 2022
In terms of button placement, that is an easy fix in the console settings though, to switch x/o back around for what you are used to. Unless you're the type that constantly looks down at the controller for which button to press. I agree that they have been less Japan focused with PS5 though. But this is to be expected, when the home console market is no longer what it was in the PS3s time.
Stiffer competition too, with the Switch.

You have to keep in mind japanese usually only play japanese-made games. So, sony's heavy hitters like Spiderman, Ratchet, Returnal, GOW, and Horizon don't mean half as much to the Japanese market as they do back home. And since sony doesn't really make any japanese games themselves anymore, the writing is on the wall for Playstation in the region.

The reality is it's the Switch that has eaten up the Lion's share of Sony's market in Japan, and will continue to do so. The Xbox has very little to do with it.

-PS5 will certainly do worse than PS4 did.
-Xbox Series is looking to do better than Xbox One did, but XBox One did exceptionally poorly to begin with.
-both aren't doing very well, both didn't consider the Japanese market or Japanese sensibilities with their product design, so both probably won't ever do that well moving forward.

what you're seeing is Xbox Twitter aficionados take pleasure in and run with the above, that's all. Misery loves company.

Plus Sony's just lost a lot of the Japanese games exclusivity that won them the PS4 gen's japanese game supremacy over xbox, all in one small window of time (Yakuza, Persona, Nioh/Team Ninja, Street Fighter, etc). Doesn't mean anything in Japan because the games probably won't even release for Xbox there, but it does explain why you're hearing more vocal Japanese games 'Talk' (FUD) spread by Xbox twitter types.
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8 Jul 2022
I still don't understand how MS thinks it's worth to waste their time with Japan when even Sony can't be bothered. Is that a reflection of how desperate Xbox is for new markets? Why not send those Series consoles to markets like the UK or US where they maybe still have a change to build a lead over Sony and the get some momentum from there?

When the stock problems are solved these Japanese consoles won't even be active anymore and Xbox in Japan will die it's natural death. These are probably people that are desperate for a console to run games that are not in the Switch but PlayStation consoles are all sold out.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I still don't understand how MS thinks it's worth to waste their time with Japan when even Sony can't be bothered. Is that a reflection of how desperate Xbox is for new markets? Why not send those Series consoles to markets like the UK or US where they maybe still have a change to build a lead over Sony and the get some momentum from there?

When the stock problems are solved these Japanese consoles won't even be active anymore and Xbox in Japan will die it's natural death. These are probably people that are desperate for a console to run games that are not in the Switch but PlayStation consoles are all sold out.

I think the significance of Japan is underplayed in terms of home consoles.... selling 10 million in a single country is huge and a home territory is overall a huge advantage.

I think if they had stock and games for the audience PS5 could sell 15 million but the lack of interest from the company is sad.
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8 Jul 2022
I think the significance of Japan is underplayed in terms of home consoles.... selling 10 million in a single country is huge and a home territory is overall a huge advantage.

I think if they had stock and games for the audience PS5 could sell 15 million but the lack of interest from the company is sad.
It couldn't sell 5m more than the PS4. The PS4 sold less than the PS3 there. It's an important market but not a growing market for non-portable consoles.

I think Sony is smart to allocate as much stock as they can to market where MS is more competitive, once stock is normalized they should still be able to make up the difference in market where they are more dominant.


1 Jul 2022
I think the significance of Japan is underplayed in terms of home consoles.... selling 10 million in a single country is huge and a home territory is overall a huge advantage.

I think if they had stock and games for the audience PS5 could sell 15 million but the lack of interest from the company is sad.
more than that imo. the japanese games scene is so integral to the overall gaming landscape and the history of the medium. i'd say the most passionate game players play japanese games. The trickle down effect that it has for a platform can't be understated.

having the japanese region, and all the games and fans it brings around the world, has been a feather in playstation's cap over xbox recently. If sony were to lose that they'd be in big trouble, and fanboys know this.

there was a brief time during the 360 era where MS was getting Japanese support that outmatched even sony's, around 2005 - 2008ish, when PS3 floundered out the gate.

Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Vesperia, Ace Combat 6, IDOLMASTER, Dead Or alive 4, Ninja Gaiden 2, Earth Defense Force, and pretty much every shootemup (RAIDEN, Dodonpachi, etc). all were Xbox exclusives. Thats utterly unfathomable today. :LOL: Oh, and picking off former PS exclusives like Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, etc. All of it was extremely damaging to PS3.

No wonder why Xbox fanboys are rooting for it to happen again, especially after the Xbox One gen where they were skipped on pretty much everything.

I don't see it happening though, but Sony needs to be very careful. Stop neglecting the market before it's too late.
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24 Jun 2022
it does appear that microsoft is sending free series S units to japanese influencers and social media personalities. but then again they do that everywhere.
It's unlikely they had a presence in japan sending free consoles until recently where their polls asked for Japan support.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
This whole propaganda seems to like a waste of money and time. Microsoft will never get a foot in Japan and that’s a good thing. It’s like they’re fighting against two dragons (Sony & Nintendo) in Japan as mere soldier…