What do you think was the most influential Game of the 00s?



4 Resident Evil
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
As much as I hate it for ruining Resident Evil it has got to be Resident Evil 4 for the 2000s.

But do you think it was more influential than COD 4 or GTA 3? It's hard to say, The OTS perspective became the standard after RE4 across multiple genres but every FPS tried to be COD 4 and so many people tried to make their open world games like GTA III.


22 Jun 2022

But do you think it was more influential than COD 4 or GTA 3? It's hard to say, The OTS perspective became the standard after RE4 across multiple genres but every FPS tried to be COD 4 and so many people tried to make their open world games like GTA III.

Way more influential than COD 4 and GTA 3.

Many great games today wouldn’t exist without OTS.

GTA 3 and COD 4 don’t have that in their credit.


21 Jun 2022
I dont think its just one. And the previous posts have got it right

My opinion: 2000’s

-GTA3/San Andreas
-Half Life 2
-World of Warcraft (MMO’s to the next level)
-Halo (Next level what Golden Eye did for console shooters in the 90’s)
-RE4 ( 3rd person over the shoulder camera angle )
-Gears ( 3rd person shooters)
-Dark Souls (I know Demons Souls started it but Dark Souls was a commercial hit that everyone knows)
-Cod modern Warfare
-Uncharted 2 ( Story driven action games, cinematic set pieces )

-Super Meat Boy, Limbo for that indie like revolution
-Minecraft (Dec 2010 Beta release ) but this could be classed as 2010’s.

Before the 90’s- 2000’s is also interesting

Heres just some

-Tetris ( Yes it was released in 1989 but gonna include it)
-Sonic ( Gaming rivalry Mario vs Sonic )
-Doom ( We all know why )
-Street Fighter 2 (Took games and fighters to a new level)
-Final Fantasy 7 (Put JRPG’s and RPG’s on the commercial map)
-Resident Evil/Silent Hill - Survival Horror Genre is born
-Gran Turismo ( Racers became more popular than Ever
-Mario 64 - 3D Platformers
-Zelda OOT - 3D Adventure games
-MGS - Took Story telling in games to a new level
-Golden Eye ( Took 1st person shooters/multiplayer games up a level for Consoles )

-Quake 3? Unreal Tournament? Counter Strike - Competitive online shooter

Others: Half Life, Diablo, Civilisation, Sim City, Command and Conquer. Star/WarCraft. Ultima Online. Mario Kart. Sims
Dark souls and Skyrim are not 2000s. They 2010s
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