Why is ‘The Verge’ Pro-Microsoft and typically Anti-Sony?


26 Jun 2022
The Verge has been on Sony's case for well over a decade now. This is not like there is much credibility to their takes, they're just bad at tech in general, but a lot of people take them seriously 😒.

They have been useless as tech news source for a long time now, I'm not surprised that they almost strangled themselves with the psvr2 cables.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
A game's journalist that doesn't let their bias enter into it usually sucks, most of why IGN is hard to care about for hardcore gamers is because there's absolutely no personality to it, just a huge staff of interchangeable nobody writers, the only ones who stand out are the ones who are the most clearly stupid and deranged. I think the idea is to strive for impartiality as a journalist (as in, don't ignore evidence to other arguments) but don't hide who you are completely and give the journalism no flavor what-so-ever

Its funny you bring up IGN considering Mcaffery and Destin work there
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Who the fuck at PlayStation decides to send out hardware and games to influencers and media?

Cause they are absolutely incompetent, just terrible at their jobs. They are actually a liability to PlayStation.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Who the fuck at PlayStation decides to send out hardware and games to influencers and media?

Cause they are absolutely incompetent, just terrible at their jobs. They are actually a liability to PlayStation.
I dunno man, I'm glad Sony doesn't seem to engage in the same lowball tactics that MS does. Why would you want fake fans making your product look ridiculous?

Edit: I get where you are coming from on this, but I personally think Sony comes across as a way more premium brand than anything MS has ever done. I mean it's the company that Apple looked to for inspiration during its revival. I don't think you would get that kind of a rep with a bunch of screaming, sniveling idiots parroting your marketing departments goofy angle of the day.


28 Jun 2022
I dunno man, I'm glad Sony doesn't seem to engage in the same lowball tactics that MS does. Why would you want fake fans making your product look ridiculous?

Edit: I get where you are coming from on this, but I personally think Sony comes across as a way more premium brand than anything MS has ever done. I mean it's the company that Apple looked to for inspiration during its revival. I don't think you would get that kind of a rep with a bunch of screaming, sniveling idiots parroting your marketing departments goofy angle of the day.
I doubt many Japanese companies do it if at all. Does not surprise me Microsoft does. They must also have many politicians in their pockets too.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I doubt many Japanese companies do it if at all. Does not surprise me Microsoft does. They must also have many politicians in their pockets too.
I'm sure it "runs deep" with them. I mean this is only the stuff that has been forced to the surface. Imagine what lies beneath so to speak.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I dunno man, I'm glad Sony doesn't seem to engage in the same lowball tactics that MS does. Why would you want fake fans making your product look ridiculous?

Edit: I get where you are coming from on this, but I personally think Sony comes across as a way more premium brand than anything MS has ever done. I mean it's the company that Apple looked to for inspiration during its revival. I don't think you would get that kind of a rep with a bunch of screaming, sniveling idiots parroting your marketing departments goofy angle of the day.

I just mean, why are they sending preview units to the Verge... out of all the people they could send them to!
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28 Jun 2022

Overall very low corruption on all levels. I know big corporate is big corporate and deals, corruption, paying off ppl etc happens from one degree to another but over here it's a diff ball game and alot of it is just cultural differences and beliefs.

For e.g. You'll hear shit and whispers about paid reviews or certain favorable sites getting some funding for whatever reason from Microsoft but I dont really hear that shit about Sony or Nintendo for that matter. Not saying they aren't involved in some shit from time to time but nah nowhere like these morons.


8 Jan 2023
They have to send it everywhere, especially to outlets that antagonize them, otherwise accusations of favoritism would be hurled their way.
There are already a few internet reviewers who have a history of bashing most of their games that are now complaining about not getting review codes from them anymore.

Edit: Honestly though, I don't think it's worth it to go to war with random media outlets. As long as the fans as a whole like their games and console, it doesn't really matter.
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26 Jun 2022
There are already a few internet reviewers who have a history of bashing most of their games that are now complaining about not getting review codes from them anymore.

Edit: Honestly though, I don't think it's worth it to go to war with random media outlets. As long as the fans as a whole like their games and console, it doesn't really matter.
I don't think review copies are owed to every single "reviewer" who asks for it. These things are send as a PR exercise, you don't send that to people who you deem unreasonable (at this point there is a degree of judgement on the side of the company as to what they will and will not tolerate).

However, sending irate emails about a bad review is bad practice, you just take the review and on the next release you either ghost the place or tell them that you did not think it was fair and you invite them to buy the games they want to review (like the really good reviewers do). Then move out politely, and brace for the backlash, assuming there is one.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Sony lost the American games media. Partially their fault for not playing the game but either way.... Narratives are hard to stick these days. Games journalism / journalism is a dying brand....

Sony however needs to learn to play the social media game.