Will Concord be a surprise hit or fade away as a flop (Poll)

Will Concord be a surprise hit or fade away as a flop

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  • Flop

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10 Jan 2023
I think this games ace card is the $40 down. If all of the content is great and plentiful AT LAUNCH, that could get eyes from many f2p enjoyers jaded from its business model. Risky, but it could pay off.

It’s also the most graphically detailed PVP game I’ve ever seen( barring cod ), the visuals are clean as hell.

Both sides of that “woke” coin are the worst. I remember the losers complaining about FFXVI being too white, they are just as imbecile as those who complain about women and black characters. Gtfo w both of those disingenuous ass takes. You can’t get far in games discussion if your personal insecurities continue to blind you.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
I think this games ace card is the $40 down. If all of the content is great and plentiful AT LAUNCH, that could get eyes from many f2p enjoyers jaded from its business model. Risky, but it could pay off

First descenders is getting killed for micro transaction hell right now also.
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21 Jun 2022
Since Overwatch 2 is in shambles, Valorant being only on PC (& not on Steam) and this seems more in line with the Crucible PVP this will also appeal to Destiny players. Compared to the other hero shooters the fidelity looks way better and I imagine Firewalk can deliver the same top of the line gunplay like Bungie. There is a clear market for this since there is a gap on (current-gen) console.

I am rooting for it cause imo the FPS genre this gen has been severely lacking. To be a hit it will rely on word of mouth so a 40 euro price entry would definitely help.

Poll is a bit unclear btw.
Why would it appeal to Destiny players? I don't understand. There's no connection at all.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Well, as a player of Bungie games for decades you can definitely see that the gunplay, movement and abilities very much has that Bungie dna even in video form. I also have no interest in buying this as that fan

By no means does it mean it would pull Destiny players or even PvP Destiny players. I don’t even think Marathon will pull those players either aside from seeing what else they’re gonna make.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Why would it appeal to Destiny players? I don't understand. There's no connection at all.
You can tell its got some Desiny gunplay vibes. Only found out there are ex bungie developers involved recently.

Destiny is like 1 of 5 PVP games I ever got involved in including Rocket League. But I was mostly on Destiny for PVE modes and I wasnt a fan of Overwatch much so we’ll see. For the lower price and enjoying Destiny PVP Im intrigued.
Ill try the Beta and see, the art style is no Destiny lol
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21 Jun 2022
Why would it appeal to Destiny players? I don't understand. There's no connection at all.
You can tell its got some Desiny gunplay vibes. Only found out there are ex bungie developers involved recently.

Destiny is like 1 of 5 PVP games I ever got involved in including Rocket League. But I was mostly on Destiny for PVE modes and I wasnt a fan of Overwatch much so we’ll see. For the lower price and enjoying Destiny PVP Im intrigued.
Ill try the Beta and see, the art style is no Destiny lol
Many Concord devs are ex-Bungie staff. In fact both Bungie and Firewalk are in the same city (Bellevue, Washington). They also have many ex-Treyarch, Respawn, Blizzard, Activision, 343 devs. Plus a few ex-Insomniac, Bluepoint, People Can Fly, Arenanet, Valve, Bioware, EA, WB (Howgarts Legacy) etc.

As an example, Concord's game director was the creative director the last two of the 7 years he was in Bungie (2014-2016, before Destiny 2 release).

It isn't a random startup with a few students, it's a top tier team with people experienced in some of the top MP shooters or other top AAA titles, mostly ex-Destiny/Halo/CoD/other top MP shooters or GaaS.

There's a ton of pedigree here.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Why would it appeal to Destiny players? I don't understand. There's no connection at all.
I’m a huge Destiny fan and what made me like Concord in the last show was the Destiny + Guardian of the Galaxy vibe.

If it plays like Destiny it is already a must to buy.

BTW you can see here I posting during the showcase as was the first time I saw gameplay from it:

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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I’m a huge Destiny fan and what made me like Concord in the last show was the Destiny + Guardian of the Galaxy vibe.

If it plays like Destiny it is already a must to buy.

BTW you can see here I posting during the showcase as was the first time I saw gameplay from it:

Im mostly PVE when it comes to Destiny or MP games, but Im gonna try it as Crucible was cool


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I think this games ace card is the $40 down. If all of the content is great and plentiful AT LAUNCH, that could get eyes from many f2p enjoyers jaded from its business model. Risky, but it could pay off.

It’s also the most graphically detailed PVP game I’ve ever seen( barring cod ), the visuals are clean as hell.

Both sides of that “woke” coin are the worst. I remember the losers complaining about FFXVI being too white, they are just as imbecile as those who complain about women and black characters. Gtfo w both of those disingenuous ass takes. You can’t get far in games discussion if your personal insecurities continue to blind you.

I think the characters will make or break the game. And I mean that purely when comparing to how Overwatch treated its characters. $40 is the right price seeing the amount of game modes at launch. But honestly if the shooter people are not interested in those modes, then its going to compete against marvel rivals, and any other hero shooter.

I have not seen any hype for the game outside of initial previews. It's pretty telling that more people are high on Astrobot and Lego Horizon. Honestly the beta will make or break this game. But even if they get a good 90-100k on steam thats good.

I'm interested in the non Overwatch modes, tbh.


26 Jun 2024
Not going to vote because I don't care either way. I never hope for a game to "flop", even when it looks outright bad (coughSuicideSquadcough). But, looking at the state of the genre, I think they have a hard road to success. The gameplay looks derivative and kinda outdated plus the hero shooter fad peaked several years ago. They're going to have to compete against F2P behemoths in Overwatch and Valorant where people are already invested. Asking people to pay up front for a game like this is going to be a turn off for many when they could just get their similar fix elsewhere for "free".


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Valorant’s console launch coming will definitely make it more difficult for Concord. It’s ranked 13 on XBL in console already and I’d assume it’s similarly placed on PlayStation.

Sony really needs to reconsider the ps plus paywall on console. It’s ridiculous to give your competitors such an advantage over your own software.