Your Top 5 best selling Resident Evil games as of June 30th, 2022

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1 Jul 2022
4 is also bad and it's where 5 and 6 got their bad ideas from.
i don't get this at all. 4 is like 20 hours long, a single player game all the way through, and has no lowpoints to speak of.

6 and 4 play nothing alike. 5 and 4 are somewhat similar but 5 is a shitty co-op afghanistan shooter game in all reality lol

RE6 atleast has some dark, horrory areas and elements, especially leon's campaign. RE5 is just straight up Black Hawk Down, lol


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
i don't get this at all. 4 is like 20 hours long, a single player game all the way through, and has no lowpoints to speak of.

6 and 4 play nothing alike. 5 and 4 are somewhat similar but 5 is a shitty co-op afghanistan shooter game in all reality lol

RE6 atleast has some dark, horrory areas and elements, especially leon's campaign. RE5 is just straight up Black Hawk Down, lol
I don't liked RE4 to the point to never buy/try RE5 and RE6.
Loved RE7 and plan to buy RE8 too (yeap it is weird but I'm waiting PSVR2 version).

The point is the change in focus to action instead survival started in RE4... it bored me to even sleep playing the first 30 minutos of the game (that people says it is good)... the change was not good.

And while people take RE4 as the "masterpiece" it sales showed the opposite... it is one of the worst seller RE that only get high combined sales because had like 10 RE-REleases... when the best seller version of the games is a PS4/XB1 re-re-re-released and only sold around 2.5m you know there is something wrong.

In that regards I think RE5 is somehow a better game because it has a clear focus based in what RE4 changed.

But that is me.
RE for me is still RE1-3 plus CV and now RE7.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Shameful that the worst entry still the top.

I have played 4,5,6 also one that was on a boat, cant remember its name, revelations maybe?

As a none fan of the series i thought 4 was really good, 5 ok but no 6, was beyond terrible.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
To me it's a bad game (with a good start) and a terrible RE, it did massive damage for the franchise that was going in a great direction with REmake. The gameplay of RE4 is so bad it's offensive. I really don't get the love and I also don't understand how people can love 4 and then say that 5 and 6 are so bad.
RE4 and RE5 may play similarly but damn does RE5 not have the same amount of care put into it with its level design. Also to me Chris feels a bit slower when running then Leon does.

RE4 just feels super replayable while RE5 feels like your working too much with Sheva's or Chris's ai if you choose to play it solo. RE6 is a game you need to prep yourself to play due to all the mechanics it introduced and the absurd amount of QTE's and while it evolved from the previous two entries in some great ways it was just too much at times and RE6 also feels like the level design and enemy encounters where not given enough care!

But the weird thing to me is when I hear people complain that RE4 messed up the series is what did you want them to do? Resident Evil Code Veronica already introduced us the matrix Wesker with super powers which Resident Evil 5 would follow up on, Resident Evil Zero was loony as hell and that followed up RE1 Remake.
Resident Evil 4 too me feels like Capcom decided to take what worked with RE1 remake, and other things from previous RE games and evolve it to something bigger like what Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 did to their respective franchises!
Shinji Mikami felt like what Resident Evil was doing at the time was getting super stale by that point so they needed to look at what Resident Evil needed to do to evolve.
Resident Evil 5 is the game that messed everything up since Capcom got rid of Shinji and looked to Gears for inspiration instead of the game gears got it's inspiration from which was RE4!


8 Jul 2022
RE4 and RE5 may play similarly but damn does RE5 not have the same amount of care put into it with its level design. Also to me Chris feels a bit slower when running then Leon does.

RE4 just feels super replayable while RE5 feels like your working too much with Sheva's or Chris's ai if you choose to play it solo. RE6 is a game you need to prep yourself to play due to all the mechanics it introduced and the absurd amount of QTE's and while it evolved from the previous two entries in some great ways it was just too much at times and RE6 also feels like the level design and enemy encounters where not given enough care!

But the weird thing to me is when I hear people complain that RE4 messed up the series is what did you want them to do? Resident Evil Code Veronica already introduced us the matrix Wesker with super powers which Resident Evil 5 would follow up on, Resident Evil Zero was loony as hell and that followed up RE1 Remake.
Resident Evil 4 too me feels like Capcom decided to take what worked with RE1 remake, and other things from previous RE games and evolve it to something bigger like what Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 did to their respective franchises!
Shinji Mikami felt like what Resident Evil was doing at the time was getting super stale by that point so they needed to look at what Resident Evil needed to do to evolve.
Resident Evil 5 is the game that messed everything up since Capcom got rid of Shinji and looked to Gears for inspiration instead of the game gears got it's inspiration from which was RE4!
What I wanted is exactly what I got in RE Remake and later on RE2 Remake.

4 never clicked with me, made no sense and didn't even feel like a game from the same series. It's has atrocious controls for what it is trying to do, so I can't really appreciate it as it's own thing and I did play it close to release, it wasn't a matter of the game aging poorly. The story is way too stupid even for RE standards as well.

I don't know how Code Veronica holds up today but I did like it at the time when I played it on the Dreamcast.

People seem to like RE4 a lot, I don't, I'm ok with that.(wouldn't be the first acclaimed game I dislike). I hope they go out of their way to change it in the remake.


1 Jul 2022
anyone hating on re4 didn't play it when it came out. it was so far ahead everything else that released at the time.

some major revisionist history going on with RE4 right now. yes it was the best.

Anyone claiming otherwise is pretentious faux-fan and probably started playing with REmake 2. Lol.

funny part was i remember how down EVERYBODY was on REmake and especially RE zero in 2003. People legitimately hated zero. The games were being lambasted for dated design and controls even back then. there was a real chance the franchise would not have lasted after that game.

When 4 came out, it was a game changer. We only go back now and say how great the classics were because of RE4.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
anyone hating on re4 didn't play it when it came out. it was so far ahead everything else that released at the time.

some major revisionist history going on with RE4 right now. yes it was the best.

Anyone claiming otherwise is pretentious faux-fan and probably started playing with REmake 2. Lol.

funny part was i remember how down EVERYBODY was on REmake and especially RE zero in 2003. People legitimately hated zero. The games were being lambasted for dated design and controls even back then. there was a real chance the franchise would not have lasted after that game.

When 4 came out, it was a game changer. We only go back now and say how great the classics were because of RE4.
Not sure... I said the same about it being boring and a departure more focused in Action in 2007 or so when I tied to play it.
It is probably a good game but not a good RE.
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8 Jul 2022
anyone hating on re4 didn't play it when it came out. it was so far ahead everything else that released at the time.

some major revisionist history going on with RE4 right now. yes it was the best.

Anyone claiming otherwise is pretentious faux-fan and probably started playing with REmake 2. Lol.

funny part was i remember how down EVERYBODY was on REmake and especially RE zero in 2003. People legitimately hated zero. The games were being lambasted for dated design and controls even back then. there was a real chance the franchise would not have lasted after that game.

When 4 came out, it was a game changer. We only go back now and say how great the classics were because of RE4.
Pathetic that you can't accept people with different opinions, I played it 2 years after release at the most.

I had played every main RE game until then. I loved REmake on GameCube and never even heard that people had a problem with it, seems like you are the one that has some sort of revisionist history.

You last sentence is beyond absurd, you must be trolling I guess.
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
I don't liked RE4 to the point to never buy/try RE5 and RE6.
Loved RE7 and plan to buy RE8 too (yeap it is weird but I'm waiting PSVR2 version).

The point is the change in focus to action instead survival started in RE4... it bored me to even sleep playing the first 30 minutos of the game (that people says it is good)... the change was not good.

And while people take RE4 as the "masterpiece" it sales showed the opposite... it is one of the worst seller RE that only get high combined sales because had like 10 RE-REleases... when the best seller version of the games is a PS4/XB1 re-re-re-released and only sold around 2.5m you know there is something wrong.

In that regards I think RE5 is somehow a better game because it has a clear focus based in what RE4 changed.

But that is me.
RE for me is still RE1-3 plus CV and now RE7.
I don't know if I agree with that. Action started becoming more normal in the series with RE3. What RE4 did do is focus less on being a puzzle game with limited ammo and not being able to see you enemies in the distance and focus more clearing enemies and getting from point a to b.
I would consider RE4 to be about survival but I think it's just easier to master due to the nature of not obscuring things in the distance.

But the thing you said about its sales is that RE4 didn't have similar launches to RE5 or RE6 in anyway. It released on Gamecube two months after the PS2 port was announced. Look at that old Neogaf thread from November 1st, 2004 and see how people reacted lol.

and The PS2 port released close to the end of the PS2's Life (a month before the release of the Xbox 360) as well in a generation where digital sales are not a thing.
RE5 and RE6 seemily still sell 100k on PS3/360 every quarter but all of that is most likely digital sales and not physical copies which the early version of RE4 don't have to luxury of having. (The Wii Edition does seem to include Wii U eShop sales since the platinum listing has "DL" next to it but it wasn't enough to push the Wii Edition listing up 100k since you know the Wii U was well... the Wii U!)
The first version of RE4 that got the luxury of Digital sales to boost them was the PS3/360 versions and that released when Digital Sales were no where as big as they are today and RE4 on PS3/360 only got a physical release in Japan and no where else! (Not even the 2007 PC version was released digitally!)

Steam and the PS4/XB1 remaster are really the only ones comparable to how RE5 and RE6 released since the PlayStation and Xbox Port launched Day and Date with each other (11 and a half years after the original release.) and the Steam just about 2 and a half years before. RE5 and RE6's PC ports where just months after the original release as well!

Also don't forget RE5 has a gold edition, an Nvidia Shield port, 2 PC ports like RE4 (Microsoft Windows, and Steam.)
Also RE4's 11.8 Million sales don't include the PC 2007 port, Mobile 2008, Zeebo, Ios, Android versions
The Steam versions of RE5 and RE6 have not hit 1 million while the Steam port of RE4 hit 2 million last quarter and The PS4/XB1 port of RE4 has sold better than the PS4/XB1 port of RE5 and RE6 despite both of those release before RE4 on those systems.
It will be interesting to se which game hits 1 million on Switch first but this might take longer than excepted because I wouldn't be surprise if the Digital versions of RE4 is going to be counted separate from the Triple Pack physical release the Switch got since digitally RE4 released on Switch on May 21st, 2019 and released again on Switch in the Triple pack later in the year when RE5 and RE6 made their debuts with the triple pack!


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
What I wanted is exactly what I got in RE Remake and later on RE2 Remake.

4 never clicked with me, made no sense and didn't even feel like a game from the same series. It's has atrocious controls for what it is trying to do, so I can't really appreciate it as it's own thing and I did play it close to release, it wasn't a matter of the game aging poorly. The story is way too stupid even for RE standards as well.

I don't know how Code Veronica holds up today but I did like it at the time when I played it on the Dreamcast.

People seem to like RE4 a lot, I don't, I'm ok with that.(wouldn't be the first acclaimed game I dislike). I hope they go out of their way to change it in the remake.
I'm not in anyway saying you are not allowed to not like RE4 or even think its the worst game ever. I'm just saying RE4 was not the first game in the RE series to have a stupid story or be over the top.
If anything RE4 might be more grounded in some ways than code veronica and RE0, yes there is a giant mecha salazar statue in RE4 that can walk but Code Veronica Introduced us to these Super Power like characters and Resident Evil Zero didn't do any better.
At the time RE4 came out it felt like the most realistic depiction of any characters in the cutscenes. (Even replaying REmake on PS4 some of the voice acting still doesn't hold up but is miles better than the original RE1.) While RE4 is quotable because while some of the dialogue is weird, Overall it's not delivered cringy or awkwardly.
I don't see how you can blame the weird shit in RE5 and RE6 on just specifically RE4 when Shit like that has been in the DNA of the series years before RE4 launched.

The change it did make that you can either blame or praise RE4 on is that it's what made the series be less about being a puzzle game to get from point a to b but more about getting from point a to b while crowd controlling any enemies you come across. or just getting thru bosses.
(To Be fair RE7 and RE8 don't have much more puzzles than RE4 does but it does feel more like the original trilogy)

There is this amazing post said on Resetera in December of 2017 (In a thread called Anybody here that dislikes Resident Evil 4? Post #7)
That Resident Evil 4 is the Bob Dylan starting to play Music on the electrical guitar of gaming.
It alienated fans of the Resident Evil games before it but it brought in more fans and arguably saved the franchise
Anyone is allowed to hate it or love it but when we blame everything that followed it on the game when Shinji Mikami wasn't even there to follow it up is just absurd in my opinion
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  • thinking_hard
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8 Jul 2022
there is a giant mecha salazar statue in RE4
I can't get over that, it's so dumb. That entire part of the game is where it really lost me for good and it's hard to understand how people don't have a massive issue with it.

There is a huge difference for me between stuff being dumb/silly/making no sense and a a giant mecha Salazar statue.


1 Jul 2022
yeah no way, the franchise was literally on life support in 2003-2004 with RE Zero and the Outbreak games.

RE would be dead right now if it weren't for 4. Most legendary game of all time


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
I can't get over that, it's so dumb. That entire part of the game is where it really lost me for good and it's hard to understand how people don't have a massive issue with it.

There is a huge difference for me between stuff being dumb/silly/making no sense and a a giant mecha Salazar statue.
thats fair, you can have an issue with a giant mecha statue but this is still the series that had a Giant snake, Giant Shark, Giant Spiders, A giant Plant Boss and a Tyrant all in just the first game. (Also Lisa Trevor if you prefer the Remake more) So of course things are going to get more silly as time goes on like most sequels.
RE2 had mothman added, Mr. X and walking Plant enemies
RE3 had Nemesis that could mutate from more and more damage and the giant worm The Gravedigger
Also RE3 had Jill survive being infected by Nemesis, and Jill, someone half the size of Nemesis pushing him off a bridge if you choose to!
Code Veronica had the weirdest last boss ever until the Fly boss in Leon's RE6 campaign
Code Veronica also had Claire and Steve surviving being in a vehicle being grab and tossed like 40 feet in the air and exploding
and depending on the version you played Alexa beating the shit out of Wesker or Wesker running on wall to dodge the fire attacks and just so happens to leave when he notices chris
RE0 had a dude that could control leeches and even tho I actually recently replayed that game I can't even remember the other crazy stuff in that game besides moving that one chess piece in the wrong place and having poisonous gas fill the room.

It's all subjective on what you consider the breaking point of absurdity and if Mecha Salazar is that to you fine but that doesn't change that RE4 is not the game that started this over the top shit we saw in RE5 or RE6 and I haven't even touched on the spin offs that released before RE4.
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Enter The Fox
21 Jun 2022
Shadow Moses
Unfortunate they gone lazy with 3, game would have exploded in sales. Hopefully this will serve lessons for futures RE games.


8 Jul 2022
thats fair, you can have an issue with a giant mecha statue but this is still the series that had a Giant snake, Giant Shark, Giant Spiders, A giant Plant Boss and a Tyrant all in just the first game. (Also Lisa Trevor if you prefer the Remake more) So of course things are going to get more silly as time goes on like most sequels.
RE2 had mothman added, Mr. X and walking Plant enemies
RE3 had Nemesis that could mutate from more and more damage and the giant worm The Gravedigger
Also RE3 had Jill survive being infected by Nemesis, and Jill, someone half the size of Nemesis pushing him off a bridge if you choose to!
Code Veronica had the weirdest last boss every until the Fly boss in Leon's RE6 campaign
Code Veronica also had Claire and Steve surviving being in a vehicle being grab and tossed like 40 feet in the air and exploding
and depending on the version you played Alexa beating the shit out of Wesker or Wesker running on wall to dodge the fire attacks and just so happens to leave when he notices chris
RE0 had a dude that could control leeches and even tho I actually recently played thru that game I can't even remember the other crazy stuff in that game besides moving that one chess piece in the wrong place and having poisonous gas fill the room.

It's all subjective on what you consider the breaking point of absurdity and if Mecha Salazar is that to you fine but that doesn't change that RE4 is not the game that started this over the top shit we saw in RE5 or RE6 and I haven't even touched on the spin offs that released before RE4.
Yet none of that gets close to Salazar and all the nonsense in that castle. :coffee:

So I guess it's just that I could only suspend my disbelief up to a point. That guy selling weapons didn't help at all with that as well.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Yet none of that gets close to Salazar and all the nonsense in that castle.
you really should replay code veronica and tell me if you still think that way afterwards but hey its all subjective and most people don't seem to have as much of an issue of the giant salazar statue or you would be seeing petitions here and there calling for the remake to remove it!


8 Jul 2022
you really should replay code veronica and tell me if you still think that way afterwards but hey its all subjective and most people don't seem to have as much of an issue of the giant salazar statue or you would be seeing petitions here and there calling for the remake to remove it!
There is no way they won't remove it from the remake.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Something we agree on, remove Leon from RE4 and it's not even Resident Evil. It's basically a new IP with RE slapped on the box.

Not a bad game, just a bad RE game.
Do you feel Ocarina of time is basically a new IP If you remove Link since it has very little references to the 2D Zelda's?
Do you feel Super Mario 64 is basically a new IP if you remove Mario since it has very little references to the 2D Mario games?

how come RE4 and even RE7 gets all this it should of been a new IP but other games franchises that had huge changes to them don't?
I don't see anybody saying Metroid Prime was basically a new IP and that wasn't made by the original creator of the series (RIP Gunpei Yokoi)
Yes maybe you can say RE4 was a shift to open up the audience Resident Evil could sell too by ditching fixed camera and focusing less on puzzles but it still very much feels in many ways a natural evolution of Resident Evil just in a different perspective.
Still has tank controls and Limits player abilities by not allowing you to aim while moving or move while shooting so you have to make tactical choices on when you need to stop and make your attacks!

Now one point you guys who say RE4 isn't Resident Evil is that it's story is very clearly set as a side story (Even tho it originally wasn't at first.) to the rest of the games but that could be attributed to Mikami deciding to write the story on his own which was a first for the Resident Evil series (This was also the first story he wrote for a video game ever, and Killer 7 is the only other one I know of.) and even criticized it himself looking back at it. The development hell RE4 went thru with all it's scrapped versions probably didn't help as well!

Besides that I don't really get where all this RE4 isn't Resident Evil when it followed a lot of trends previous games setup.
Salazar wouldn't be out of place with all the other characters in code veronica, Saddler wouldn't be out of place with that leech dude in RE0.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
anyone hating on re4 didn't play it when it came out. it was so far ahead everything else that released at the time.

some major revisionist history going on with RE4 right now. yes it was the best.
One thing I see people try to do nowadays is say games like conker deserve credit for the over the shoulder camera when shooting (You could also move and shoot in Conker) because it did it 5 years before RE4 but man were the controls for that zombie section really bad and practically unplayable when I first played the game in the summer of 2016!

I think the only game that truly beat RE4 to the over the zooming in to the over the shoulder camera when aiming was Manhunt but even that game doesn't feel as good as RE4 even tho I know that's kind of subjective. Some people might find Manhunt more playable since you can move and shoot and lock on to enemies like in GTA in that game than RE4 but too me gameplay wise it just doesn't hold up as well. Also Manhunt doesn't zoom in as much as RE4 which might help some people with motion sickness but while I can see people who grew up on Third Person shooters in the late 7th gen and 8th gen having some issue getting use to RE4 I think it is still think it holds up better than any third person shooter from the PS2/GC era. It holds up super well and doesn't overwhelm you like RE6 does with its controls!

But the reason why I think RE4 is looked at as the fundamental change in Third Person Shooters for the following generation and is because it did it so well!
Everything worked and felt like Capcom put all the pieces that needed to be put together perfectly that nobody else was able to do, not just the gameplay but the level design, the set pieces, the dynamic difficulty, everything just seems to work with RE4! Other details that put RE4 above everything else at the time was Leon's Hands shaking a bit when aiming. using the Red dot instead of a cross hair to rely on aiming, The movement doesn't feel super slippery like other games like Manhunt or GTA SA when aiming. The reload animations were just perfection, it literally felt like graphically at the time like a next gen game, and it was so long compared to previous Resident Evil Games.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Do you feel Ocarina of time is basically a new IP If you remove Link since it has very little references to the 2D Zelda's?
Do you feel Super Mario 64 is basically a new IP if you remove Mario since it has very little references to the 2D Mario games?

how come RE4 and even RE7 gets all this it should of been a new IP but other games franchises that had huge changes to them don't?
I don't see anybody saying Metroid Prime was basically a new IP and that wasn't made by the original creator of the series (RIP Gunpei Yokoi)
Yes maybe you can say RE4 was a shift to open up the audience Resident Evil could sell too by ditching fixed camera and focusing less on puzzles but it still very much feels in many ways a natural evolution of Resident Evil just in a different perspective.
Still has tank controls and Limits player abilities by not allowing you to aim while moving or move while shooting so you have to make tactical choices on when you need to stop and make your attacks!

Now one point you guys who say RE4 isn't Resident Evil is that it's story is very clearly set as a side story (Even tho it originally wasn't at first.) to the rest of the games but that could be attributed to Mikami deciding to write the story on his own which was a first for the Resident Evil series (This was also the first story he wrote for a video game ever, and Killer 7 is the only other one I know of.) and even criticized it himself looking back at it. The development hell RE4 went thru with all it's scrapped versions probably didn't help as well!

Besides that I don't really get where all this RE4 isn't Resident Evil when it followed a lot of trends previous games setup.
Salazar wouldn't be out of place with all the other characters in code veronica, Saddler wouldn't be out of place with that leech dude in RE0.
I’m not sure your example are really that telling.

Both Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time have everything the previous 2D versions had but in 3D.

If you tell me Mario 64 and Ocarine of Time were remakes I should believe because they have more recycled content than FFVII to FFVIIR.

Well Nintendo success with these series are based in recycling.
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