The Brazil numbers are official. Ampere had estimated XBS at 21.3M back in March.
My numbers are shipped.
Xbox has sold ~1.25M in the US in the 6 months after March 2023. Ampere estimated Xbox sold 1.8M in Q1 2023 (19.5M as of December 2022). US sales were ~720K, or 40% of worldwide that quarter.
Assuming US was 50% for April to September, that would mean 2.5M Xbox's have been sold. 21.3M + 2.5M = 23.8M
My shipment LTD for XBS is 25.8M, or just 2M unsold units, which is average right before the holidays.
Nah I've been about spot on for most of the XBS life.
PS5 had a 63% market share in Microsoft's FY2021 Q1-3 PS5 Calendar Year 2020 Quarter 4: 4,500,000 PS5 Calendar Year 2021 Quarter 1: 3,300,000 Total: 7,800,000 7,800,000 / 0.63 = 12,380,000 Xbox Series = ~4,600,000 PS5 had a 54% market share in Microsoft's FY2022 Q1-3 PS5 Calendar Year 2021...
We have the total of 5 of the first 6 quarters for XBS and my estimates were near spot on for those.
4.6M actual shipments in first two quarters.
My estimates were 3.1M + 1.5M = 4.6M, so spot on.
And then 7.8M actual shipments for quarters 4+5+6.
My estimates for those quarters were 7.9M, so I was only 100K higher than actual.
There's then the LTD shipments I had at the end of 2022 which was proven to be more accurate after Ampere adjusted XBS sell through up by 1M.
My numbers aren't going to be off by an egregious amount.
I think it was at the start of the year we decided to create a theme for each platform's big exclusive that we thought would launch this year. Zelda, Starfield, and Spider-Man.
Series X shortages ended in the US back in June. You guys are still harping on that like I'm saying it's still sold out.