The official opinions from Sony, Ubisoft, WB, BN, Apple, Riot, Google and more about the Activision Blizzard acquisition (From ERA)

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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
No one's say is gonna matter when Tencent is out there expanding and growing.

Only Apple and Amazon in a concerted joint effort would actually have a good shot at stopping it in a concerted media campaign with their media plants, and lobby assets in congress, and elsewhere. Not seeing that so. I'm sure they are chirping but not to the level they're capable.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
Not only that but Minecraft is mostly a kids/teenager game where as COD is adult oriented and adults have money to spend. Kids, not so much.

Not to go in circles on the other stuff but this is factually incorrect lol

Theres a very good reason why roblox, Minecraft, fortnite, and other F2P games are absolutely dominating gaming right now. Its not because of 30 year old male adults balancing their budgets between gas and groceries.
  • brain
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Not to go in circles on the other stuff but this is factually incorrect lol

Theres a very good reason why roblox, Minecraft, fortnite, and other F2P games are absolutely dominating gaming right now. Its not because of 30 year old male adults balancing their budgets between gas and groceries.
I didn't mean it for just COD. I meant it in regards to who's more likely to invest money into the eco-system and platform? It's mostly adults with money who play COD and thus, would invest more into the eco-system and platform which is what Microsoft cares about.

But simply, you believe that COD will remain multi-platform where as I believe it will be exclusive to Xbox/PC/Cloud.


Well-known member
15 Jul 2022
I'm not reading all that, but I did read the Snoy section. Haven't they had this problem before? Xbox had Halo and snoy wanted a Halo killer. Now they will need a CoD killer. It's the same thing except now they own the halo creator kek
Lord Mittens

Lord Mittens

Community Cat
1 Jul 2022
I'm not reading all that, but I did read the Snoy section. Haven't they had this problem before? Xbox had Halo and snoy wanted a Halo killer. Now they will need a CoD killer. It's the same thing except now they own the halo creator kek

Probably why they are investing in studios like Bungie and talking about live service games.


1 Jul 2022
That's a lot of bullshit coming from Sony. There is nothing stopping any other publisher from competing against CoD we've seen plenty of games find success doing that. It's not CoD fault that EA sucks.
They are taking also about an established IP. As Call Of Duty.

About it taking years for a competitor to create something that would rival Gamepass... they just did it themselves with very little effort in no time.
They are taking in general. (Other companies).

This is the thing. If you believe Sony is going to be like:

"Oh we don't have any issue with Blizzard-Activision acquisition, in fact, we encourage MS to buy even more publishers, we are happy for them'

You are quite naive then. Sony is playing his role.


1 Jul 2022
"Call of Duty represents an important revenue stream for the PlayStation (they provided data but it's redacted), and it is one of SIE's biggest sources of revenue from third parties"

"anti competitive in relation to publishers who recoup the significant investments in games by selling them for an upfront fee"

This is huge.
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1 Jul 2022
After reading all.

Sony'statments are pretty understandable (shocking will be otherwise) and they have the most weight, cuz you know. Xbox and Playstation are direct competitors (even if Phill doesn't believe so 😆).

The comment about gamepass "negative effect" on publishers is pretty interesting. Of course Sony is doubling down in this rethoric. Did they show recipes tho?.
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1 Jul 2022
“They also think that this could harm consumers by reducing the quality of the games.”

That is so true that it should not even to be said.
But they didn't explain why tho.
In any case I don’t think there is any issue with Activision purchase.
Sony focused on CoD. And we know CoD is contractually obligated to come to PS (at least the next 3 entries )
And Sony show how much money they make from COD.

Maybe MS will be encourage to keep CoD multiplatform. (I think they will not mind to do that anyway)

Yeah. I agree should be approved.
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1 Jul 2022
if i were sony i wouldn't be worried at all, let them take COD off the market. I'd already be (right now) developing an exclusive shooter franchise to take it's place or at the very least take a chunk of its customer base away. No need to pay MS any %tage. Take it off full stop.

No, it won't be SOCOM, Killzone, or some other dead and forgotten IP from 2003 in Sony's back catalog. something new.

It's very easy to kill COD. The games have been dipping in quality each year, and their ultra-bro, military-enthusiast fanbase doesn't care for COD's descent into wokeshit, but activision keeps going that route deeper and deeper every year.

exploit the weaknesses of this long-in-the-tooth, tired ex-bro, now woke-pink-haired shooter, and all its dumb camouflages and joke guns. Turn the PS fanbase and consumer against it.

It's just like a bad habit that needs to be broken....

Good riddance to bad garbage.



come on now. what exactly is this shit?
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22 Jun 2022
As one door closes another one opens.

Respawn were ex COD developers who managed to develop Titanfall and Apex Legends.

I'm sure Deviation Games will do the same.

For me the COD brand name is unrivalled. There are far better FPS games out there.
  • brain
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Sony saying that CoD cannot be replaced is nonsense. Of course it can. It can go exclusive for all I care, I’m sure there will be hundreds more shooters in the next 5 years.

Player retention for retail CoD since Warzone has tanked. Retail numbers are probably unchanged but in regards to pvp games player retention outweighs launch sales hugely. You could say CoD replace itself. Warzone is a distinctly different experience than an arena shooter.

You could say they all moved to Warzone but did they? Is that the same demographic or something newer? Like, I play a fuck ton of shooters in pvp; but i don’t play BRs.

It sounds like they’re just trying to derail things a bit. But as a plafform holder the 3rd party revenue is a good point… but that’s also like how it is “currently”


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
Sony has their own platform and eco-system so it makes sense for them to be negative and they'll obviously lose money from the 30% cut they get on game sales and micro-transactions so they obviously can't be happy. I personally see Microsoft making every game exclusive once contracts are done. I don't see them pulling any previously released games including liver service games like Warzone 2. It will be the same as Bethesda, they keep everything that's already been released as is, keep releasing content for the live service games (in the case of Bethesda, like TESO and F76) and fulfill contractual obligations. But all new game releases will be 100% exclusive to Xbox/PC/Cloud as they should be and I do believe that the first exclusive COD game for Xbox will lead to Microsoft eliminating Gold and the online co-op/multi-player paywall. This is what could change the landscape of gaming because if one platform offers free online play while the other doesn't, why would you pay for PS Plus if you're an online gamer and especially if you mainly play COD?

The way this generation will play out over the next several years is going to be very interesting and im way more excited this generation than I was last generation because there's just so much more going on with Nintendo being once again dominant and Microsoft finally investing into Xbox after over a decade of barely putting any money into the platform and eco-system.

That's why Sony is ironically pulling a 360 and trying to lock as much behind the PS+ paywall, to upsell. You have to have PS+ to use SharePlay, for some reason, Remote Play is still free.

I think people care about online play, cloud saves, Remote Play, monthly free games and backwards compatability. All that other crap can get in the bin.


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022
The only franchise that is above call of duty in terms of popularity and commercial impact is Grand Theft Auto.
  • they're_right_you_know
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8 Jul 2022
The only franchise that is above call of duty in terms of popularity and commercial impact is Grand Theft Auto.
Sony did fine even when the 360 had GTAIV expansions exclusivity for about one year.

There is more to any platform than a single game or IP.

CoD won't save Xbox and it won't doom Sony. Making it exclusive will probably severely damage the popularity of the series if anything, giving all other publishers and games a chance to occupy that space.

edit: also, if they don't make it exclusive, it's pretty much irrelevant, specially with Warzone being F2P.
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