if i were sony i wouldn't be worried at all, let them take COD off the market. I'd already be (right now) developing an exclusive shooter franchise to take it's place or at the very least take a chunk of its customer base away. No need to pay MS any %tage. Take it off full stop.
No, it won't be SOCOM, Killzone, or some other dead and forgotten IP from 2003 in Sony's back catalog. something new.
It's very easy to kill COD. The games have been dipping in quality each year, and their ultra-bro, military-enthusiast fanbase doesn't care for COD's descent into wokeshit, but activision keeps going that route deeper and deeper every year.
exploit the weaknesses of this long-in-the-tooth, tired ex-bro, now woke-pink-haired shooter, and all its dumb camouflages and joke guns. Turn the PS fanbase and consumer against it.
It's just like a bad habit that needs to be broken....
Good riddance to bad garbage.
come on now. what exactly is this shit?