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  1. mansoor1980

    Discussion OT | Platform Port-Begging Discussion.

    OH MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD even if you know the port is coming , demand means desire , extreme form of desire leads to begging
  2. mansoor1980

    Discussion OT | Platform Port-Begging Discussion.

    agreed , dont know why some people go into psychiatric depths when the term offends them
  3. mansoor1980

    Discussion OT | Platform Port-Begging Discussion.

    port begging is perfectly normal behaviour , i saw this back when metal gear solid released on ps1 and my friend with a PC was begging for a port
  4. mansoor1980

    Discussion DF: God of War Ragnorok - PS4 vs. PS4 PRO vs. PS5 Graphics comparison

    also the pc version had the option of GTAO ,which i think has a bigger performance hit than SSDO
  5. mansoor1980

    Discussion DF: God of War Ragnorok - PS4 vs. PS4 PRO vs. PS5 Graphics comparison

    the water is not very impressive in GOWR , nice use of cubemaps/SSR in fidelity mode tho. HFW however has extremely well animated and reactive water/waves etc
  6. mansoor1980

    Discussion God of War all graphics modes detailed

    no , i dont agree , locked fps for life , be it 30 or 40 or 60 or 120.
  7. mansoor1980

    Discussion God of War all graphics modes detailed

    it changes the game speed and flow of the game and messes with the controls/timing VRR is usefull i admit but framrates should not be erratic
  8. mansoor1980

    Discussion God of War all graphics modes detailed

    why the hell are uncapped fps a thing , it is the worst thing ever
  9. mansoor1980

    Discussion Sony Q2 FY2022 consolidated results (25M PS5 sold, 102 PSN MAU, PS Plus 45.4M)

    i hope that sony cancel most of their future PC ports and simply focus on the playstation hardware , that is the key to their success
  10. mansoor1980

    Discussion The most important question Silent Hill or Resident Evil

    i feel silent hill 1 is the BEST horror game of all time , but for overall series the resident evil franchise takes the crown
  11. mansoor1980

    Analysis Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves - The DF PC Port Review - PC vs PS5 - Optimised Settings

    i know it is a bug and not a fault of the hardware
  12. mansoor1980

    Analysis Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves - The DF PC Port Review - PC vs PS5 - Optimised Settings

    it is noticeable to the naked eye and lazy on part of the developer