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  1. Evil Aloy

    News Sony acquires Amber Japan, entering the Crypto exchange space

    I like how in this thread there are people that are actively arguing against their own interests. "I don't want Sony to have more studios and release games more frequently! More good games to play? Yuck!".
  2. Evil Aloy

    PC Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players (Steam)

    Did Arrowhead release any new maps and factions or were they too busy badmouthing Sony for the PSN thing?
  3. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Even if he is wrong, the perception is there. The Playstation brand has already sustained damage but hey, Yurinka is doing the "this is fine" meme so I guess everything is fine.
  4. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Stolen from Resetera:
  5. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    I swear it's like you people have your heads stuck in the sand or something. You say "absolutely nothing leads to think that the brand is being damaged" and LITERALLY A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO the cfo of ShiftUp said "the audience for AAA is moving to pc". Wait, so you think the platform is on its...
  6. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    This is exactly how Sony's leadership thinks. They want short-term profits so that they get their yearly bonuses instead of nurturing the platform's long-term health. Your argument is not convincing because we have already seen in practice where this strategy leads in the long term. It's not a...
  7. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Even the 25-30 million number is way more significant than the peanuts Sony gets by porting its games to pc or switch. 25-30 million new customers engaged in your ecosystem would drive explosive growth for Playstation. No, they aren't, you just drank the Kool-Aid. All of your bullet points are...
  8. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Stellar Blade is estimated to have sold over 1 million copies according to Shift Up | Developer Confirms they are looking into PC Version

    If Sony buys them then every woman in Stellar Blade 2 is going to get hit with the ugly stick. No thanks.
  9. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    There is no reason for Sony to be looking for growth outside the console space right now. The narrative that the media wants to push that the console market has been tapped out is a total lie. Maybe it is tapped out for the failed Xbox and the kiddie Switch but Sony has at least 50-60 million...
  10. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Let's tackle these one by one. Blockbuster games from Sony aren't meant to make a lot of profit themselves. They exist to sell hardware. The fact that they are profitable themselves is a nice bonus. Even if they were losing money Sony would still need them. These are the games many people buy...
  11. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Sony is a gigantic company, it can easily handle developing a few AAA games each year. Games journalists are trying to gaslight everyone into believing that Playstation will collapse if Sony doesn't release games on other platforms and that's total bullshit. You fell for this gaslighting, I...
  12. Evil Aloy

    Discussion PS5 Pro: Will there be any killer App games? (Digital Foundry Video)

    Ok, let's put this to the test. Which AAA PC games in the last 3-4 years ran perfectly? Give me a list and I will search for videos that prove or disprove your claim.
  13. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    That's where I disagree with their strategy. They shouldn't be trying to expand off Playstation, they should have a singular focus on expanding Playstation. But you could say the same for the 3DS or the Vita. Handhelds have always been a separate category.
  14. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    If the market does become post platform then Sony will have failed in a colossal way. They are the premium brand in gaming and they have 100+ million players locked in. If platforms collapse and everything is available everywhere then that would be a gigantic win for Sony's competitors.
  15. Evil Aloy

    Discussion PS5 Pro: Will there be any killer App games? (Digital Foundry Video)

    I don't think anyone has an issue with the hardware and software teams. It's the business people that we don't trust.
  16. Evil Aloy

    Discussion PS5 Pro: Will there be any killer App games? (Digital Foundry Video)

    It depends on how you look at it. Will the PS5 Pro beat a $5000 pc if you run a benchmark? No. But will it provide a better gaming experience? I would bet on it. No stutters, no crashes, no fiddling with settings to get a stable framerate, just smooth enjoyable gameplay. That's something the pc...
  17. Evil Aloy

    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Counted for what though? Even regulators separated the Switch from the proper home console market.
  18. Evil Aloy

    Discussion PS5 Pro: Will there be any killer App games? (Digital Foundry Video)

    The funniest content by far will be the pc fanboy Alex Battaglia crying his eyes out when his $5000 PC gets crushed by the PS5 Pro.