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  1. DemonRavana

    News European video game sales in June jump 20% thanks to Diablo 4, PS5 continues to dominate, sales up 116%

    Yeah if the (Xbox) number for Overwatch really was around 2.5 million, there's no way D4 exceeded that. D4 has had 10 million players so far, so for it to hit more than 2.5 Xbox would have to represent more than 25% of sales, with PS clearly ahead of it, which would put console sales well over...
  2. DemonRavana

    Discussion Microsoft’s 10-Year Agreement with Nintendo Covers All Future Activision Blizzard Releases

    It says Nintendo has a contractual right to obtain Activision content, including Call of Duty, I think saying that covers "all" ABK material is a stretch.
  3. DemonRavana

    Discussion Crazy sales domination by PlayStation: Spain Sales, Week 27: PS5 16K & X|S 600

    Spain doesn't really care about ABK's console games that much. Diablo 4 has done okay but Call of Duty is often surprisingly low on the yearly bestsellers list. I think Vanguard was the 14th bestselling game of 2021, and no version of Modern Warfare 2 was in the top 15 last year (at least if...
  4. DemonRavana

    Discussion Crazy sales domination by PlayStation: Spain Sales, Week 27: PS5 16K & X|S 600

    There's a little football game formerly known as Fifa
  5. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    There's an assumption that the CMA is going to allow the deal to close while they conduct their new investigation, but there hasn't been any definitive proof that's the case. It's possible they're right, though it also seems possible that MS and ABK simply extend their agreement for a month or...
  6. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    I just learned you can read the articles if you just give a precise google search for their titles haha. I found it. Thank you though.
  7. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    Do you have a link to that article? The only one I could find on the Financial Times website gave the same six-week timeframe as this morning. EDIT: Okay I found it, it was the one from Wednesday. That's just an investor suggestion, not a proposal made between the actual parties, I believe...
  8. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    Absolutely, and I honestly don't know if there is any real answer to it. ABK is just such a mammoth prize that I don't really see an easy counter that Sony can make to equalize things, save for merging with EA (which isn't going to happen).
  9. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    I get his point but I think worldwide it'll still be EA. MS will just be their 2nd most important 3rd party lol
  10. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    I'm not sure he actually knows or if this is him speculating after reading all the news of his fellow reporters, as he's linking to someone else's article and it didn't say that the CMA was going to lift their temporary order on Monday. He does say the CMA signaled that it would accept...
  11. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    The meeting, so far as we know, is to discuss why with the CAT why they put the appeal on pause, not to cancel the temporary order
  12. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    It only expires if they cancel it
  13. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    They denied the emergency stay the FTC was seeking. It isn't a surprise (still disappointing though). The FTC can still appeal if it wants but MS may be able to close beforehand if the CMA pushes it through.
  14. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    Just speaking for myself, the general concern isn't necessarily what will happen when Activision gets bought out, it's that literally the biggest domino in the industry will have fallen and suddenly anyone who wants to be in gaming over the next decade will feel like they're going to have to...
  15. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    I think the Pony/Xbot stuff is silly too, but... Consolidation is legitimately terrible though. It's already messed up multiple industries and being opposed to it isn't a charade.
  16. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    For some reason it's typical in the US system to first ask the same judge for an emergency stay before moving on to the actual appeals court. Likely the 9th circuit will deny the emergency stay too (the appeal hearing is something different altogether and comes later) but unlike with judge...
  17. DemonRavana

    News FTC appeals Judges decision regarding Injunction (Corley denies motion to stay))

    They're going to the 9th circuit tomorrow, you just have to ask the original judge for an emergency stay first, which is...weird as hell, but today wasn't the actual important emergency stay appeal. That's tomorrow (will still probably get denied, but it's not a 100% thing like today's was).
  18. DemonRavana

    Xbox Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

    The appeal goes through a 9th circuit tribunal I believe (if I'm wrong I'll correct it in an edit) EDIT: It may just be a single judge that sees it, I'm not quite sure, but it'll definitely be a different judge