Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

24 Jun 2022
Nintendo tried to merge with Bandai in 2002 and were denied. Why on earth would the JP regulatory bodies not let Nintendo be the big spoon to Bandai but let it get brought by Sony instead? Would actually probably not pass anywhere as that would be a horizontal merger of console manufacturers too.

That was 2002, and you don't know the conditions in which that merger attempt were operating under. Again, I am talking about a merger, not an acquisition. Mergers can be structured differently, there are a variety of options there. Even more than with acquisitions, even.

You can argue the MS/ABk deal is a horizontal merger of game software publishing labels. XGS is a publishing label under Microsoft Gaming, as is Zenimax. Now soon will be ABK. And what we've seen with this deal is, if you throw enough weight around and make your BS smell good enough, you can get any big gaming deal passed through regulatory bodies. Microsoft have set up a blueprint of sorts for other companies, including their own competitors, to effectively utilize.

But at the end of the day this Sony/Nintendo merging stuff is nonsense talk. Not for the reasons you want to specify, but because I feel corporate culture differences between the two companies would prevent such a deal from going down. That's between Sony and Nintendo themselves; nothing with regulators per se.

Can we not use Xbots, Ponies terminology?

This poster on Gaf basically sums up how I feel on the current discourse of gaming and why im not posting as much anymore:

View attachment 1865

So can we stop with the dumb xbot/Pony stuff? If you want to be like that there's discord channels where you can let everything fly. Ask someone here for the offical Icon era discord if you are interested. Some good peeps over there.

But on this forum we really should be above all this dumb stuff. I know its hard because of the environment that we have noted above. But I don't want new people being pushed away or laughing at this place everyone built being passionate fans. Regardless of what you prefer.

WRT the "Game Pass" arguments...when I bring it up, it's generally very reasonable and basic things. Something Microsoft wants to push as the future of the industry, but they're too scared to talk revenue numbers of the service itself? If it's the future of the industry, theoretically, ANY player in the industry should be able to turn to that type of model. And if you are claiming to be the leader of said model, then I would think you display that by touting your numbers. Do you "want" such a future for the industry because you feel it's something the industry is naturally trending towards, and you feel confident enough to lead that pack? Or do you "want" such a future because you know you are the only game in town that can sustain the losses of such a model and want to trick competitors into bleeding themselves out of the market trying a similar approach, leaving you the only player left due to your sheer size in other areas generating vast bulks of revenue that more than offset your gaming losses?

Microsoft's actions on that note speak much louder than their own words, and the only truthful words we've gotten from them about Game Pass as a model have been through redacted court documents. Those words...have been terrible to say the least. If you like Game Pass because it gets you games for cheap, cool. But I'm not going to let some anecdotal takes stop me from seeing the larger picture, and seeing the hypocrisies and doublespeak from Microsoft on the topic.

As for "consolidation"...I don't see how anyone can genuinely think mass consolidation is a good thing for the health of the market. We have lost a lot of potential Fox productions in their being acquired by Disney, as just one example in a different market. Having a very small block of big companies controlling the suppliers and supply of most of the biggest 3P IP, tech, services etc. in the industry is a bad future. However, I think it's okay to have a purely idealistic view on acquisitions & consolidation while balancing it with a more realist viewpoint on those same things.

Saying Sony, for example, will have to do some notable consolidation of their own to ward against potential further big consolidation by Microsoft and other companies isn't so much me being a hypocrite, but acknowledging the reality of the market we are in. And me saying I would trust Sony with acquisitions much more than Microsoft isn't simply born out of stupid fanboyism; it's actually based on seeing the results of 1P & 3P co-developed content curation and studio growth, and the results thereof, we've seen between Sony and Microsoft over the past 15 years. One of them has a MUCH better track record there, and it's not Microsoft.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
You do realize Sony & Nintendo could enter a merger and the Japanese gov't would 100% approve that, correct?

I'm not saying there's a chance in hell that's happening. But theoretically, it could, and they would have no issues getting that merger approved in Japan and I'd imagine in global regulatory markets, either.

When did Jim Ryan actually say this? Better yet, where is the proof? The only big 3P exclusives Sony have this gen are with Square-Enix. I would not call Deathloop nor Ghostwire Tokyo "big" 3P AAA releases, even if Sony tried marketing them as such. Yes, they have marketing deals with companies like Capcom and their big 3P AAA releases (RE8, RE4R, SF6 etc.), but none of those are exclusive. Same with Bandai-Namco games, otherwise we would've seen Elden Ring as a timed PlayStation console exclusive.

You're giving way too much credit to a rumor that was always fearmongering BS, and probably kicked out there to create an environment for people to accept the Zenimax acquisition announcement more easily. And surprisingly you are still buying into it, as I'm sure many others are, and at least for those many others, are leveraging it as a point to justify accepting the ABK acquisition.
He said it 2019... I dunno where to find the statements or slides. And like I said he said they intended to consolidate around 3rd party partners. I dunno why you're zooning in on ONLY exclusives when I never implied any of the such. Marketing deals is also part of that? The plan was to migrate the PS base over to PS5 at a rapid pace unlike ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't forsee Covid / chip shortage. Which was why they initially didn't even want GT7 / Horizon and others on PS4 until they realized they had to backtrack.

They wanted a huge base immediately to strike the deals, which obviously didn't pan out.

You're creating your own little scenario here and trying to claim I said something I didn't.


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
He said it 2019... I dunno where to find the statements or slides. And like I said he said they intended to consolidate around 3rd party partners. I dunno why you're zooning in on ONLY exclusives when I never implied any of the such. Marketing deals is also part of that? The plan was to migrate the PS base over to PS5 at a rapid pace unlike ever seen. Unfortunately he didn't forsee Covid / chip shortage. Which was why they initially didn't even want GT7 / Horizon and others on PS4 until they realized they had to backtrack.

They wanted a huge base immediately to strike the deals, which obviously didn't pan out.

You're creating your own little scenario here and trying to claim I said something I didn't.
They did not say this. This wasnt a thing that happened. You are making shit up again

You frequently sound like just another account to spread misinformation every time I see you


Active member
19 May 2023
Told you it's a done deal.

Fear not, PS gamers. Sony's about to splurge on another garage developer, with no IPs and a penchant for GaaS.
WOW! We should all feel so blessed Sony is splurging on indie dev #7658300! Wow, Sony! Yeah! 🥰


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
They did not say this. This wasnt a thing that happened. You are making shit up again

You frequently sound like just another account to spread misinformation every time I see you
He said it in 2019 right around the time they had the private showing of Spiderman using the SSD that eventually got leaked.

And lastly I really don't give a shit what you or anyone here thinks of my posting habits... So as of now stop wasting your time typing out your dumb fanboy Paranoia when someone's opinion doesn't align with yours.... Don't even bother quoting me again with your usual nonsense.
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16 Jul 2022
If CMA accepts a deal that they cannot run cloud gaming in the UK, then that's weak.

If MS offered to give up several major IPs outside of COD and King mobile games, then that would probably be reasonable. That's a very complicated task, but if a small divestment in the cloud is accepted, then these regulators are easily swayed.
CMA don't really get swayed by week remedies, I mean they haven't all these months when ms was offering them exactly that.

They forced meta to divest giphy when they were the only regulators really fighting it, and meta a bigtech american corpo was willing to eat fines in the short term but eventually gave up.

I think giving up several major ips outside of cod basically goes against CMA concluding that cod was a key input, even for cloud gaming.

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Everyone was so sure that the deal is dead because the CMA can practically not be overturned.

What’s baffling to me is people seem to forget we are taking about a $3 trillion market cap company that is involved in countless institutions. It’s not comparable to any other instance in which the CMA blocked something.

So I feel like people just hold on to the last straws and arguing that it’s still 50/50 or still looking grim for Microsoft.

It’s already decided, Microsoft knows that one way or another they will get this done and they know what to do to get this done.
The reason Microsoft is fighting so hard is because the CMA is the one institution they haven't been able to corrupt, and has blocked the deal on grounds they could apply to any future acquisition.

Americans, like Microsoft's bosses, are finding out that no matter how much money you have, you cant have everything you want.


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
He said it in 2019 right around the time they had the private showing of Spiderman using the SSD that eventually got leaked.

And lastly I really don't give a shit what you or anyone here thinks of my posting habits... So as of now stop wasting your time typing out your dumb fanboy Paranoia when someone's opinion doesn't align with yours.... Don't even bother quoting me again with your usual nonsense.

That is all garbage. And what were Sony supposed to do, allow MS to do all the third party exclusivity?

Microsoft has done more third party exclusivity deals than anyone in the last decade.

Here are some examples

Microsoft does tons of third party exclusivity all the time, Sony do not get preferential treatment

Since I am being downvoted here are some of them you toxic shitlords:

FIFA Legends content, Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Blair Witch, Warhammer Darktide, The Ascent, The Medium, The Artful Escape, Carrion, The Falconeer, Tetris Effect: Connected, The Last Night, Sable, Deaths Door, Twelve Minutes, Stalker 2, High on Life, Scorn, Cacoon, Ereban, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, PUBG, PSO2, Cuphead, Dead Rising 4, Crossfire X, Ark 2, Valheim, Shredders, Tacoma, Vampire Survivor, Powerwash Simulator and dozens more

Everywhere I go it's the same bullshit, "SoNy ShOuLdN't HaVe DoNe ThIrD pArTy DeAlS" while they all ignore the numerous amounts Microsoft has been doing for years. People suddenly pretending Microsoft do tons of major ones during the Xbox 360 era when they were on top which made it a prominent business practice.

Major DLC like COD and GTA IV

Sick of the bullshit, the lies and deceit. Microsoft ow gets to do more third party deals than everyone and bug massive multiplatform publishers. Great for the industry


Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
People are celebrating the merger.

I'm still 50/50 but if they're not able to get through the CMA then...


Active member
19 May 2023
The reason Microsoft is fighting so hard is because the CMA is the one institution they haven't been able to corrupt, and has blocked the deal on grounds they could apply to any future acquisition.

Americans, like Microsoft's bosses, are finding out that no matter how much money you have, you cant have everything you want.
I hope it pans out the way you‘re saying.


21 Jun 2022
If Bobby does an extension then there was no harm and the judges fucked up. It's like their priority was that Microsoft could close before July 18. Is the FTC going to say something?

The reason Microsoft is fighting so hard is because the CMA is the one institution they haven't been able to corrupt, and has blocked the deal on grounds they could apply to any future acquisition.

Americans, like Microsoft's bosses, are finding out that no matter how much money you have, you cant have everything you want.
The FT Financial is saying there was some kind of agreement with CMA they can close while they investigate. Don't know if that's possible.
Investors in Activision and Microsoft have suggested the deal could be closed at the first stage of the CMA’s new probe if the two companies commit to operate as separate entities until the investigation concludes.


30 Jun 2023
If Bobby does an extension then there was no harm and the judges fucked up. It's like their priority was that Microsoft could close before July 18. Is the FTC going to say something?

The FT Financial is saying there was some kind of agreement with CMA they can close while they investigate. Don't know if that's possible.

Do you have a link to that article? The only one I could find on the Financial Times website gave the same six-week timeframe as this morning.

EDIT: Okay I found it, it was the one from Wednesday. That's just an investor suggestion, not a proposal made between the actual parties, I believe. The article from today is the one that says it might be closer to six weeks. We'll see.
Last edited:


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
That is all garbage. And what were Sony supposed to do, allow MS to do all the third party exclusivity?

Microsoft has done more third party exclusivity deals than anyone in the last decade.

Here are some examples

Microsoft does tons of third party exclusivity all the time, Sony do not get preferential treatment

Since I am being downvoted here are some of them you toxic shitlords:

FIFA Legends content, Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Blair Witch, Warhammer Darktide, The Ascent, The Medium, The Artful Escape, Carrion, The Falconeer, Tetris Effect: Connected, The Last Night, Sable, Deaths Door, Twelve Minutes, Stalker 2, High on Life, Scorn, Cacoon, Ereban, The Last Case of Benedict Fox, PUBG, PSO2, Cuphead, Dead Rising 4, Crossfire X, Ark 2, Valheim, Shredders, Tacoma, Vampire Survivor, Powerwash Simulator and dozens more

Everywhere I go it's the same bullshit, "SoNy ShOuLdN't HaVe DoNe ThIrD pArTy DeAlS" while they all ignore the numerous amounts Microsoft has been doing for years. People suddenly pretending Microsoft do tons of major ones during the Xbox 360 era when they were on top which made it a prominent business practice.

Major DLC like COD and GTA IV

Sick of the bullshit, the lies and deceit. Microsoft ow gets to do more third party deals than everyone and bug massive multiplatform publishers. Great for the industry

And where exactly did I say any of what you just insinuated? The way you are losing your marbles over this. I don't even Like Xbox, so I dunno why you're saying any of this crap whatabout-isn to me.

You listing out this redundant laundry list of 3rd party deal Xbox has done is again moot?

Pin point me to where I said or insinuatd "SoNy ShOuLdN't HaVe DoNe ThIrD pArTy DeAlS"... ??? Please amuse me... You won't be able to.

Maybe y'all should stop being so obsessed with what others are saying on other forums and platforms... As someone post on another forum I won't name, y'all come rushing back here to moan and bitch... Lol, get a grip.

You are simply mad I said Jim revealed his PS5 playbook like the media dummy he is. I ain't taking that back. The man is a good business man, but a high key idiot when it comes to media relations.

So thanks for the useless lecture or should I say rambling... Since you're arguing about something no-one but you- yourself brought up.

So seeing you won't avoid my posts with your nonsensical replies... I will simply make this my final reply to you.
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24 Jun 2022
Yeah @Danja1187 , you don't look like you have a leg to stand on with that claim. These are the following 2019 interviews I've been able to find:

And for good measure, here is one from 2021:

I've scanned through all three and not a single one has Jim Ryan saying what you're claiming he said. This is the closest such quote:

These are gamers who are networked and sticky and engaged and passionate about PlayStation to an extent that we've not seen in previous generations. As we move towards the next-generation in 2020, one of our tasks -- probably our main task -- is to take that community and transition it from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5, and at a scale and pace that we've never delivered on before.

One thing that makes me particularly optimistic that what we're hearing from developers and publishers, is the ease in which they are able to get code running on PlayStation 5 is way beyond any experience they've had on any other PlayStation platform.

None of this strikes me as them intending to buy up 3P exclusives from every single single major 3P on the market. "Consolidate around 3P devs/pubs" does not even necessarily mean acquiring them nor games from them. It can mean partnering with them on marketing deals, technical assistance (even for multiplat games, as we saw with The Calisto Protocol via Sony's Visual Arts unit), PS-based IP content in 3P games (like Sony characters in Fortnite), etc. Things that in fact Sony have done, because a platform holder who actually has confidence and good management of their gaming division WOULD be doing such things in the lead-up to their next console generation.

It's not Sony's fault Microsoft were LTTP. It's not their fault Microsoft only seriously started considering investing in Xbox again in 2017, and likely didn't even delve into the majority of their Xbox Series hardware development until late 2017 (hence why they were so reliant on "Full RDNA2" features being ready). And no, Microsoft buying up massive 3P publishers is not a like-for-like response for Sony simply doing what a successful platform holder is expected to do. The onus is on you to provide a direct quote of Jim Ryan saying they planned to acquire exclusivity of many 3P games coming for the market, especially if that's with the insinuation to push Xbox out of the gaming market, as you seem to want to suggest.


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
And where exactly did I say any of what you just insinuated? The way you are losing your marbles over this. I don't even Like Xbox, so I dunno why you're saying any of this crap whatabout-isn to me.

You listing out this redundant laundry list of 3rd party deal Xbox has done is again moot?

Pin point me to where I said or insinuatd "SoNy ShOuLdN't HaVe DoNe ThIrD pArTy DeAlS"... ??? Please amuse me... You won't be able to.

Maybe y'all should stop being so obsessed with what others are saying on other forums and platforms... As someone post on another forum I won't name, y'all come rushing back here to moan and bitch... Lol, get a grip.

You are simply mad I said Jim revealed his PS5 playbook like the media dummy he is. I ain't taking that back. The man is a good business man, but a high key idiot when it comes to media relations.

So thanks for the useless lecture or should I say rambling... Since you're arguing about something no-one but you- yourself brought up.

So seeing you won't avoid my posts with your nonsensical replies... I will simply make this my final reply to you.
You literally just tried to blame Sony/Jim Ryan for Microsoft.teying to buy up the industry as if that wasnt already their plan.

You said this nonsense:

"That's been the issue with them since PS4 era. They got so complacent. Jim being the idiot he is came out 2019 to tell Xbox our plan next gen is to simply consolidate around all big 3rd party pubs... Yeah no wonder Xbox decided to go after everyone a few months later."

Without a source, as if Sony doing third party deals is what caused MS to go buy publishers. It's total horse shit. Microsoft wanted to drive Sony out of the industry long before that

You're as full of shit as the rest of em


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Yeah @Danja1187 , you don't look like you have a leg to stand on with that claim. These are the following 2019 interviews I've been able to find:

And for good measure, here is one from 2021:

I've scanned through all three and not a single one has Jim Ryan saying what you're claiming he said. This is the closest such quote:

None of this strikes me as them intending to buy up 3P exclusives from every single single major 3P on the market. "Consolidate around 3P devs/pubs" does not even necessarily mean acquiring them nor games from them. It can mean partnering with them on marketing deals, technical assistance (even for multiplat games, as we saw with The Calisto Protocol via Sony's Visual Arts unit), PS-based IP content in 3P games (like Sony characters in Fortnite), etc. Things that in fact Sony have done, because a platform holder who actually has confidence and good management of their gaming division WOULD be doing such things in the lead-up to their next console generation.

It's not Sony's fault Microsoft were LTTP. It's not their fault Microsoft only seriously started considering investing in Xbox again in 2017, and likely didn't even delve into the majority of their Xbox Series hardware development until late 2017 (hence why they were so reliant on "Full RDNA2" features being ready). And no, Microsoft buying up massive 3P publishers is not a like-for-like response for Sony simply doing what a successful platform holder is expected to do. The onus is on you to provide a direct quote of Jim Ryan saying they planned to acquire exclusivity of many 3P games coming for the market, especially if that's with the insinuation to push Xbox out of the gaming market, as you seem to want to suggest.
I never said it was an interview? I read the statement on Twitter... I just know it was around the time they were showing PS5 stuff behind the scenes and something got leaked.

I also never said they intended to buy up 3rd party exclusives from every publisher? Why do you guys love to make up your own accusations and then project?. I know what I said and what I said was ..

Jim Ryan was dumb for saying they plan to consolidate around 3rd party partners, since it gave Microsoft insight into what they were planning to do....

So with all due respect, I am really no longer interested in this discussion if it means you guys are gonna keep twisting my words. I'm done with this.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
You literally just tried to blame Sony/Jim Ryan for Microsoft.teying to buy up the industry as if that wasnt already their plan.

You said this nonsense:

"That's been the issue with them since PS4 era. They got so complacent. Jim being the idiot he is came out 2019 to tell Xbox our plan next gen is to simply consolidate around all big 3rd party pubs... Yeah no wonder Xbox decided to go after everyone a few months later."

Without a source, as if Sony doing third party deals is what caused MS to go buy publishers. It's total horse shit. Microsoft wanted to drive Sony out of the industry long before that

You're as full of shit as the rest of em
Go outside