All insomniac leaks including Wolverine cast, Venom game, all leaked games and budgets.


29 Jun 2023
this leak goes beyond just Insomniac, there are a ton of SIE internal documents as well. Also kind of shows Sony falls for FUD too. The fact that they think ABK and GamePass are a real threat is a joke lmao
I can see Sony concerns about those. Those xbotz motherfuckers trying to outspend Sony until Sony can't compete anymore. xbotz fuckin' evil incarnate man.
  • fire
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


16 Jun 2023
So no Resistance game in development bit disappointed. Would love a sequel or remake
Bruh. A new Resistance game hasn’t been made since 2011. Ya’ll need to let that go, Insomniac is never making it again. It’s like asking Naughty Dog to make a new Jak game or asking Sucker Punch to make a new Sly game. It ain’t happening. Lol


8 May 2023
A game like that wasn’t going to be profitable not at that stage in the ps5 life cycle. Most games are front load and make most of their sales in the first few weeks. Most triple single player games don’t generate huge profits most don’t have legs. Sonys decision to put in on their service was probably influenced by how slow it was actually selling. Putting games on the service has effected the sales of any of their big games much. The games that sell continue to sell. Small games like ratchet and returnal don’t sell as well and putting them in the service exposes them to more ppl who wouldn’t have bother otherwise.
this isn't true, God of War 2018 and Spider-Man 2018 both sold 3m in first 3 days. Both games went on to sale 20m

Ragnarok just last year sold 5m in 5 days. It's now at 15m sales a year later.

Horizon Zero Dawn sold 1.8m its first week and went on to sell 20m in 2.5 years. Conversely, Forbidden West sold 8m in its first year and is now on PS Plus and will probably never reach 20m sales.

Rift Apart released at a bad time, and was put on PS Plus way too soon. It could've been a 5m seller easily. Selling a game discounted at $20-$30 is far better than people playing it for "free" on PS Plus. Brings in significantly more revenue and actually ensures the security of the IPs future. They fell for Xbox's stupid trends and now their first party titles are suffering.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Plus, when Rift Apart released, it was still pretty hard to find a PS5. By the time a PS5 was easy to buy, the idiots at Sony put it on PS+ for free 🤡 Chasing Xbox stupid practices cost them their own profitability.

Those idiots killed HFW momentum by putting it on Plus less than a year after release, and now on PC where it will sell a grand total of 5 copies. I hope that TLOU2R is the beginning of them not releasing PC Ports, but I have many doubts.


8 May 2023
Those idiots killed HFW momentum by putting it on Plus less than a year after release, and now on PC where it will sell a grand total of 5 copies. I hope that TLOU2R is the beginning of them not releasing PC Ports, but I have many doubts.
Yep I literally just said the same thing in the comment right before yours. Jim Ryan really put PlayStation in a horrible position and ruined the brands image for a long time. Now everyone expects first party games to either be on PC or on PS+. It's going to be hard to repair


9 Dec 2022
Insomniac refused to pay the hackers so a massive leak is inbound. Wolverine alpha gameplay footage and unannounced projects will be leaked. Also more employee information. And more.
So never pays hackers I can’t think of any studio that has ever actually paid hackers. Thats the worse thing they could ever do and would only encourage them to do it more.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: PropellerEar


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
This is horrible.

Plus side, Venom game ala Miles Morales, with Carnage plot 👀👀👀👀 😍

X-men game by time of PS6.

Would have been such a great surprise for me though... smh.

Lol at those PC numbers. And Horizon, the most mid of mids is still the biggest seller there - PCMR can't be taught taste even if you force fed them. What a joke that sales slide is.

Those Disney/Marvel terms are insane. Sony needs better negotiators. Before Sony, Spider-man was in the trash bin with Activision, as are all other licensed IP's that go to Ubisoft and EA.


16 Jun 2023
This is horrible.

Plus side, Venom game ala Miles Morales, with Carnage plot 👀👀👀👀 😍

X-men game by time of PS6.

Would have been such a great surprise for me though... smh.

Lol at those PC numbers. And Horizon, the most mid of mids is still the biggest seller there - PCMR can't be taught taste even if you force fed them. What a joke that sales slide is.

Those Disney/Marvel terms are insane. Sony needs better negotiators. Before Sony, Spider-man was in the trash bin with Activision, as are all other licensed IP's that go to Ubisoft and EA.
Yeah the Venom game will hurt the PS Showcase a bit.


16 Jun 2023
This is horrible.

Plus side, Venom game ala Miles Morales, with Carnage plot 👀👀👀👀 😍

X-men game by time of PS6.

Would have been such a great surprise for me though... smh.

Lol at those PC numbers. And Horizon, the most mid of mids is still the biggest seller there - PCMR can't be taught taste even if you force fed them. What a joke that sales slide is.

Those Disney/Marvel terms are insane. Sony needs better negotiators. Before Sony, Spider-man was in the trash bin with Activision, as are all other licensed IP's that go to Ubisoft and EA.
I don’t know what Sony can do. This is Disney we’re talking about here. They’re tough to deal with. There is a reason Capcom doesn‘t want to work with them anymore.


Active member
6 Feb 2023
I don't know how the leaks hurt anyone? I know it sucks for Insomniac, but if anything, am more hype to see Wolverine now.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Oh wow they’re only making marvel. How lame…

At least they’re quality X-men games but whatever man… marvel lols