This conversation still feels dumb to me. It's not "superior" or "inferior" it's just a style.
I have news for everyone here who hates "turn based games."
Chess is going to outlive the PlayStation brand by a long, loooooooong time.
The idea that turn based gameplay is a result of "old technology" is just plain false. We had action games in the Atari/NES days, and Final Fantasy was trying to emulate a classic RPGs in a video game form. Heck, even Archon on old ass computers/NES had action combat in a chess style game. Final Fantasy 6 on SNES moved into the active time battle system, where it wasn't truly just turn based, but had the time/recharge aspect to mix things up a bit. But we all know SNES could handle action games just fine.
Again, it is all just a stylistic choice, and having just played FF6 pixel remake after completing FF16, FF6 is still WAY more difficult than FF16 and I've died several times even though I've finished the game many times in the past. It still takes skill and strategy. FF16 just does not. Now that doesn't mean menu driven/turned based games are better than action games. It's just different. The whole point of a turn based game is to rely more on brain power and decision making than reflexes. Baldur's Gate 3 is turn based is it not? Seems like people are happy with it.
This whole "it's this or that" mentality is just so ridiculous. It can all be good. You don't have to limit yourself.