Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025 | Day 1 Steam Release


27 Feb 2024
Bruh the Ubislop playbook was clear from Day1- They picked Yasuke instead of all the hundreds of famous native Japanese samurais/ninjas because they thought it would provide a shield for all the criticisms their garbage slop gets, Secondly this game was greenlighted in 2020 aka Peak Derangement time, thirdly they predicted the shilling journos and reset era types will circle the wagons and defend them which ding ding ding..... did happen.

What they didnt expect was people not lapping up the slop like they usually did 5 yrs back and customers giving no credence to what journalists say. Crybullying only works till a limit and Asians dont give a shit about being called racist by westerners