Astro Bot | Review Thread

What scores do you think Astro Bot will get?

  • 60-65%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-69%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70-74%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75-79%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80-84%

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • 85-89%

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • 90-94%

    Votes: 22 64.7%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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30 Jun 2022
Astrobot is better than Crash and Sackboy

There i said it

Catch Here You Go GIF by PlayStation


16 Jul 2022
I only had time to do the first world yesterday.

Is it the case there isn't a single character from squares franchises in the game? Or is it just FF?
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Bryank75


21 Jun 2022
Yesterday I did everything of the first Gorilla world and almost the Octopus world, except the final stage and some of the hard challenges.

As of now this seems a masterpice to me. Almost, almost as perfect as Super Mario Odyssey. Maybe Sackboy and Rachet didn't get the top sales and popularity to be that Sony's mascot platformer to be competing with Mario, but Astro will.

I can see that we'll get Astro big sequels, movies/tv shows, spinoffs, toys and so on. And this is clearly going to be their main "tentpole" SP game for this year, which will end selling over 10M units.

I only had time to do the first world yesterday.

Is it the case there isn't a single character from squares franchises in the game? Or is it just FF?
I saw characters of multiple Capcom, Sega or Activision IPs, even an bot and state tributing Moss. There's even Kena. They must have spent a lot of time with paperwork and approvals to get all the IPs, in these cases the legal stuff is a pain in the ass.

I assume later in the game there will be characters of multiple SE IPs too. And if not, I assume they'll keep adding them after launch or in a sequel. It would be pretty rare to don't put there minimum Cloud and Sora.
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Reactions: Entropi


21 Jun 2022
N64 - dual Analog
Rumble pak - dual shock

N64 gamepad had a single analog stick, not two like the dual shock.

Single analogs predate Sony, but Sony already made controllers with a single analog in the 80s for their MSX computers, some even wireless:



The dualshock wasn't an addon, it was integrated in the gamepad. And instead of having a single rumble motor it had two: left and right, which allowed them to make more rumble effects.

Smash bros - ps all stars
Mario kart - CTR
Xbox live - PSN
Yep, but PS2 (like Dreamcast and others before) already has a MP online platform even if required an addon and wasn't that full featured.

Wii mote - ps move
The very successful Eyetoy predated Wii. And the first Eyetoy prototype publicly shown featured a rough prototype of the PS Move.

And well, Wii was a ripoff of the unknown Xavix Console.

MS Sidewinder - sixasis
That PC (not console) gamepad had motion in 2 axis, and wasn't the first one to do it. Six Axis had 3 axis of motion and 3 axis of rotation.

Achievements - trophies
They are good at many things And certainly better than Xbox at releasing console games . Innovators though?
Yes, they have many innovations in consoles. Out of the 3 console makers, Sony is by far the one who provided more hardware/services innovations, plus also in games, and also the one who releases more new IPs:

Dual analog, dual rumble, six axis motion controls, camera as input for motion games and as AR, DVD as media, Blueray as media, GPS location based games, modern multi game subscriptions, UGC games (LBP/Dreams), 3D tv games, metaverse, remote Play, cross-buy, cross-save, cross-play, PlayLink, share play, cloud gaming, (real/modern) VR in consoles.

Regarding innovative games (I may forget many): Parappa, Wipeout, Vib Ribbon, Twisted Metal, Rollcage, Intelligent Cube, Gran Turismo, Fantavision, Mr Moskito, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Eyetoy, Singstar, Buzz, Invizimals, Patapon, Folklore, Eye of Judgement, LBP, Flower, Journey, PS Home, Heavy Rain / Beyond / Detroit, Dreams, TLG, Pixel Junk Eden, Demon's Souls, Mag, Uncharted (its cinematic/mocap/narrative part), Sorcery, Wonderbook, Sound Shapes, Loco Roco, Unfinished Swan, Tokyo Jungle, The Last Guy, Rain, Gravity Rush, Hohokum, Until Dawn, Concrete Genie, Tearaway, Death Stranding, Returnal, the PlayLink games, several innovative VR games like Astro Rescue Mission.


22 Jun 2022

Any ideas what you are suppose to do with the Star shaped Confetti in the world maps?

Are those more levels to unlock?