Circana - Spider-Man 2 is October 2023 Top 20 Best-Selling Premium Games - U.S. (Dollar Sales, Excludes add-on content)


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022
(estimates for 2023)


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
YTD (2023)

PS5 : 4.150.000
NSW : 2.985.000
X/S : 2.155.000

Comparison with 2022 (same period)

NSW : 3.200.000
PS5 : 3.001.000
X/S : 2.808.000


PS5 : +38%
NSW : -7%
X/S : -23%
The market performance of the series consoles is truly shocking. I honestly thought the Bone was the worst MS could do, and they have surpassed it somehow.

When the only consoles that did worse over the same amount of time were ones that were discontinued before they reached this age, that says something pretty insane.

Also amusing that the consoles that did worse were the Saturn and Dreamcast, and SEGA has decided to attach their lips to Phil's ass this gen. Things that make you go "Hmmmmm..."


14 Feb 2023

At least a couple of people on era have this take. I've seen Shinobi602 allude to this as well on twitter a while back but said that people aren't ready for that conversation, I would agree with him.
They would become a third party publisher in a second if sony or nintendo allowed gamepass on their services. That's the only thing keeping them in the console space. I'm sure once MS' 10 year COD contract is up the renewal will hinge on MS forcing Gamepass on Playstation/Nintendo in order to keep COD.

The question is will Microsoft want to give 30% of every gamepass sub to Sony and will Sony want to plummet their revenue through the devaluation of games being on Gamepass.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.

At least a couple of people on era have this take. I've seen Shinobi602 allude to this as well on twitter a while back but said that people aren't ready for that conversation, I would agree with him.
Exactly what I have said about brand damage.

Nobody wants to buy the item that is perceived to be a failure. The Edsel was a kick-ass car, but Ford fucked up the marketing and aesthetics to where the name Edsel became a punchline for decades.

Honestly, the EdselBox would sell better than the Series consoles.

It also doesn't help that the average consumer, when faced with anything requiring any level of explanation to make a buying decision, is more likely to walk away than read or listen to an explanation. Microsoft having had so many similarly-named pieces of hardware in the last decade has done immense damage to their retail profile. Xbox One was the third Xbox, then the Xbox One S which was upgraded in some minor ways but still the same machine mostly, Xbox One X which was actually an upgrade, then the stroke of genius of launching two new systems that not only sound similar to each other, but also to the previous generation and coming in hot on the heels of the One X.

Is a non-gamer buying a console for their kid going to look at Xbox' scheme and take time to figure out which one is the right one, or just say "Fuck it, a PS5 is a PS5, I just need to decide if I want a disc drive or not!" My days in retail tell me that the latter is a LOT more likely than the former.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
saw this on GAF where someone saw it on Era, absolutely insane how the people at Xbox responsible for fucking things up so badly for the brand have been rewarded instead of being shown the door (unlike what happened with the disastrous PS3 launch)

It is still the same situation as when Phil got promoted to head of Xbox. Nobody competent wants the jobs, as being in Xbox is guaranteed to be a career-killer within MS.

Nobody with a brain wants to be the captain of a sinking ship.
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21 Jun 2022
saw this on GAF where someone saw it on Era, absolutely insane how the people at Xbox responsible for fucking things up so badly for the brand have been rewarded instead of being shown the door (unlike what happened with the disastrous PS3 launch)

According to our very own and gorgeous @Welfare these are the numbers.

LTD units PS5 +9% PS4, XBS -11% XBO

PS4 LTD October 2016: 14,834,000
XB1 LTD October 2016: 13,335,000

PS5 LTD October 2023: 16,169,000
XBS LTD October 2023: 11,869,000

The above is assuming there were no adjustments made to PS4/XB1 since original reporting. And also not accounting for ranges like +9.3%, +8.6%, -11.4%, -10.7% etc.


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022
saw this on GAF where someone saw it on Era, absolutely insane how the people at Xbox responsible for fucking things up so badly for the brand have been rewarded instead of being shown the door (unlike what happened with the disastrous PS3 launch)


2013 : 2.000.000
2014 : 4.680.000
2015 : 5.720.000
2016 (as of october) : 2.420.000

Total : 14.820.000
==> PS5 : 16.153.800 (+9%)


2013 : 1.820.000
2014 : 4.370.000
2015 : 4.930.000
2016 (as of october) : 2.214.000

Total : 13.334.000
==> X/S : 11.867.260 (-11%)


PS5 : 16.15 million (~4.25 million for YTD 2023)
X/S : 11.87 million (~2.16 million for YTD 2023)

We stay on 2:1
Last edited:


28 Jun 2022
GUys, its not about sales, or making money, or marketshare, or mindshare, or good quality games, its about making a statement. Its about spending your competition out of business. Its about breaking entire markets if they wont bend to your will with enormous acquisitions. Its about taking 100 billion dollar losses because you can, not because you want to make a quality product. THATS what xbox is now.