David Jaffe: Herman Hulst pushed for playstation's Japan Studios closure.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I remember reading somewhere that the creator of Wild Arms said something like this. Back in 2018 his team pitched a project to SIE, presumaly a JRPG, but they rejected the idea.

He went to Square, they also rejected it. The two biggest publishers doesn't want to fund a JRPG game from a known creator, then you know....

Yeah, it's fucked.

They need to stop following trends and start filling niches and creating trends instead of thinking they are safe by doing the same as others.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
But even Bungie, as big as they're due to the genre they part take in, they've never been regarded as good as Naughty Dog or SSM by relative comparison, only Rockstar is there.
Bungie's reputation could do laps around SSM's back in the day. And Rockstar could, itself, lap them.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Gaas is disgusting mate
Destiny didn't come around until like twenty years after the studio opened, mate. Back inthe OG Xbox and 360 days Bungie was a star and definitely in the later half SSM was just sort of there. Meanwhile not only was GTA at its peak but Rockstar was putting out at least one new game a year from its various teams. That is, of course, why I specified back in the day.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Destiny didn't come around until like twenty years after the studio opened, mate. Back inthe OG Xbox and 360 days Bungie was a star and definitely in the later half SSM was just sort of there. Meanwhile not only was GTA at its peak but Rockstar was putting out at least one new game a year from its various teams. That is, of course, why I specified back in the day.
You're correct, it depends on time-frame but I posit that SSM/ND peak is unrivaled, only Rockstar has a similar track record, not quite as lauded but it's there, in the modern era, with FromSoftware rising up to that club slowly.

Naughty Dog peak being the best in the industry in the modern era: Uncharted 2 start high, Uncharted 3 high, TLOU high, Uncharted 4 high, TLOU II high - that's an unrivaled peak or as with sportsmen, unrivaled prime.

SSM: God of War I start high, God of War II high, God of War III high, God of War Ascension (decline), God of War high, God of War Ragnarok high..

Rockstar... do the list.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
🙄 yeah it was shortsighted we are really missing out on knack 3. 🙄 Japan studio was dysfunctional and ps leadership tried to say it but it didn’t want to be saved. PS wanted to make games that had world wide appeal by Japan studio leadership wanted to make games that that specifically targeted the Japanese market, games that all bombed. Japan studio was barely turn a profit. Does your boss keep paying u of your level of production barely breaks even?

They brought in Allen Becker to turn Japan studio around when the ps4 launch and after an entire gen he still couldn’t turn things around. It internal culture was restart to change except for team asobi. Becker used to be head of Santa Monica and they brought him in specifically to turn the studio around. His goal was
"For Japan Studio to be relevant globally in two and a half years."
How did that turn out, 7 yrs later Japan studio was still struggling. The goal was 2 yrs they gave it 7. When he left it’s when they closed it. Obviously they thought it out careful.

Yes because Playstation tasking Japan Studios to make Vita games surely didn't contribute to the studios problem and further commercial decline too and not being able to make a hit when chained to a dead platform outside of their home turf 🙄.

Or when they sent out the excellent Puppeteer to bomb on Playstation 3 when it should have been a PS4 title ( even shu years later said he regretted not making it a PS4 game instead).

Imagine if Soul Sacrifice (Delta) was also made for PS4 along with Freedom Wars? Two successful IP's they launched in Japan that stood no chance outside of Japan since they were chained to the Vita lol.

Between 2014 and 2020 they made and assisted game developments of 19 PS4 games, made one mobile game and assisted with Demon Souls.

Shutting down a stupio like this was shortsighted just like it was short sighted of them to klll Guerilla Cambridge while tasking them to make a VR launch game that would bomb no matter how great it was. They lost their best FPS studio.

Or when they killed off all their GaaS studios right before PS4 launched and they're still paying the price to this day.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
You're correct, it depends on time-frame but I posit that SSM/ND peak is unrivaled, only Rockstar has a similar track record, not quite as lauded but it's there, in the modern era, with FromSoftware rising up to that club slowly.

Naughty Dog peak being the best in the industry in the modern era: Uncharted 2 start high, Uncharted 3 high, TLOU high, Uncharted 4 high, TLOU II high - that's an unrivaled peak or as with sportsmen, unrivaled prime.

SSM: God of War I start high, God of War II high, God of War III high, God of War Ascension (decline), God of War high, God of War Ragnarok high..

Rockstar... do the list.
Here's the list: GTA 3, VC and SA within 4 years, plus LCS and Manhunt in there too. Laps what you wrote down. Especially if you include the down/dead periods like Naughty Dog post-PS3 or SSM between GoW3 and the reboot.

For Bungie its the 2000s, Halo 1-3 and I guess ODST too coming off the high.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Between 2014 and 2020 they made and assisted game developments of 19 PS4 games, made one mobile game and assisted with Demon Souls.
This sounded like bullshit so I looked it upand sure enough, the lion's share of those "PS4 games" was straight ports of their back catalog. Sorry if I don't give them big credit for Loco Roco and Patapon ports a decade after their real release.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
We can safely tuck Bungie out like this... and I love Bungie.


As for Rockstar: nice pick of years.... definitely elite, and cream of the crop (and still today).

Still doesn't beat Naughty Dog's prime.


Folks can fight with it all they want - scream woke, overrated all they want while hiding that conscious or subconscious hate, envy and agendas.

It's what it's. No other. Quality, consistency, critical acclaim, gamer acclaim, industry impact, back....2back2back2back.

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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
This sounded like bullshit so I looked it upand sure enough, the lion's share of those "PS4 games" was straight ports of their back catalog. Sorry if I don't give them big credit for Loco Roco and Patapon ports a decade after their real release.
WOW!!! A whopping 4 games they remastered from their old catalog. Nobody is asking you to give a shit about anything it's clear western gamers didn't since they didn't support anything from the Studio.... However your comment doesn't correlate with the point I was making.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
WOW!!! A whopping 4 games they remastered from their old catalog. Nobody is asking you to give a shit about anything it's clear western gamers didn't since they didn't support anything from the Studio.... However your comment doesn't correlate with the point I was making.
Yeah, 4 games, more like 14 of the 20 were either another studio porting their old games, them publishing a third-party game or them as a support studio to a different team. Are you really trying to give them credit for Ghost of Tsushima? Thats a Suckerpunch game. Everybody's Golf is Claphanz's game. Strip away all of that and all you are left with is Last Guardian, Knack 2 and No Heroes Allowed. And that might be enough to justify their continued existence (I wouldn't have shut them down) but if you are going to put their post-2016 output as anything other than disappointing then you need to wipe the rose tint off your glasses.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Yeah, 4 games, more like 14 of the 20 were either another studio porting their old games, them publishing a third-party game or them as a support studio to a different team. Are you really trying to give them credit for Ghost of Tsushima? Thats a Suckerpunch game. Everybody's Golf is Claphanz's game. Strip away all of that and all you are left with is Last Guardian, Knack 2 and No Heroes Allowed. And that might be enough to justify their continued existence (I wouldn't have shut them down) but if you are going to put their post-2016 output as anything other than disappointing then you need to wipe the rose tint off your glasses.
Maybe if you read my comment instead of trying to reply for the sake of being argumentative you'd see I said they also ASSISTED with some games, so no I'm not trying to give them credit for Ghost of Tsushima lol. That was never even suggested till you tried to twist my words lol... Moving on.

Everybody's Golf was co-dev by Claphaz and Japan Studios it's not that hard to get this information.

There's nothing to wipe away they were a great studio that was mismanaged. Had the top talent bleed out because they had the studio withering away on PS Vita. Once Vita died in Japan it's n surprised they became mostly a support studio.

You keep acting like things are black and white with this Studio.

If they had any sense they would have at least used Studio Japan as X-Dev for that region to recruit talent.
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Icon Extra
29 Jun 2023
Sony should just merge Xdev and Asobi altogether, call it JapanStudio Ni or some shit to appease these guys.

Omg Japan, so cool guys. So cool.

They sold like 3 copies per year and I am not one of them, but I am going to be mad anyway.

Those guys probably don't know the pain the is The Last Guardian


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Sony’s big directional change was wanting to supposedly only invest in tentpole blockbusters with the prospect of expanding the ip into tv and film. They’re still knee deep into that and that’s also what we heard killed Days Gone 2 etc if I remember that all correctly.

I don’t see the general direction changing at all as it goes beyond just the gaming side. God of war is coming to Amazon. Horizon is being adapted. These are their goals with all IP.

With their GaaS initiative not even having really launched outside of games that alway were fitting that mold (gran tursimo)…. No opinion .

There is no doubt that devs have issues with live service. They need to have the development bandwidth and ideas to sustain seasonal player demands. Figuring out that now is a wise decision. It might be better to just knee cap their long term scope, make a more traditional one and done co-op game with only a campaign. See - remnant 2 (best tps ever to date)

One and done capeshit co-op trash like Arkham, suicide squad, Avengers etc… aren’t the way to go either. They have no friggin shot as sustaining a player base. Make all the Harley Quinn cosmetics you want. It’ll be a waste….
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8 Jan 2023
Sony’s big directional change was wanting to supposedly only invest in tentpole blockbusters with the prospect of expanding the ip into tv and film. They’re still knee deep into that and that’s also what we heard killed Days Gone 2 etc if I remember that all correctly.

I don’t see the general direction changing at all as it goes beyond just the gaming side. God of war is coming to Amazon. Horizon is being adapted. These are their goals with all IP.

With their GaaS initiative not even having really launched outside of games that alway were fitting that mold (gran tursimo)…. No opinion .

There is no doubt that devs have issues with live service. They need to have the development bandwidth and ideas to sustain seasonal player demands. Figuring out that now is a wise decision. It might be better to just knee cap their long term scope, make a more traditional one and done co-op game with only a campaign. See - remnant 2 (best tps ever to date)

One and done capeshit co-op trash like Arkham, suicide squad, Avengers etc… aren’t the way to go either. They have no friggin shot as sustaining a player base. Make all the Harley Quinn cosmetics you want. It’ll be a waste….
Days Gone 2 didn't even make it past Bend Studio leadership. The pitch was never presented to Sony higher ups.