Final Fantasy XVI | Review Thread

What scores do you think Final Fantasy XVI will get?

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    Votes: 1 2.4%
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    Votes: 9 21.4%
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    Votes: 27 64.3%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 5 11.9%

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25 Mar 2023
It's a cop out. Like, there's always some bullshit criticism of PS exclusives, this is just an easy way to make them political. The truth is that they are paid to review these games poorly, and they find a way to somehow make it sound acceptable in some circles.
A cop out of what? Yea, I don't doubt that reviewers also have other agendas, including being influenced to favor certain plataforms/publishers.

I have a lot of confidence in this game, even more now after the reviews.

I'm also not going to read any review, I haven't done that in decades, they are worthless to me. I have a few channels I follow on youtube and they gave great score, I'll see the reviews and analysis once I finished the game myself.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Americans are
Well I didn't read all of it but eurogamer and polygon was about white people

I get that, but that's just a cop out.

A cop out of what? Yea, I don't doubt that reviewers also have other agendas.

A way to justify downgrading the game's score when there's little criticism over it's core aspects. You add some "culture war" bullshit and thats it. It's always the "its too woke", or "its too white", or "its too gay". Every fucking form of media is plagued by this bullshit, but ultimately, these are cop outs for the real agenda, which is to descredit someone's work at the request of someone else.


25 Mar 2023
A way to justify downgrading the game's score when there's little criticism over it's core aspects. You add some "culture war" bullshit and thats it. It's always the "its too woke", or "its too white", or "its too gay". Every fucking form of media is plagued by this bullshit, but ultimately, these are cop outs for the real agenda, which is to descredit someone's work at the request of someone else.
I don't doubt you are right.

Finally a decent FF after the crap we got called FF13 and FF15.
You take that back.


25 Mar 2023
Yes, almost 10 points higher than XV.

Great scores, many many 10's and 90's.

Did deserve to be in the 90's meta though imo.
FF XV was already pretty good despite all it's flaws.

Sacha Baron Cohen Yes GIF by Amazon Prime Video
John Elden Ring

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
It's a cop out. Like, there's always some bullshit criticism of PS exclusives, this is just an easy way to make them political. The truth is that they are paid to review these games poorly, and they find a way to somehow make it sound acceptable in some circles.

They are giving it low reviews because the game has no leftist elements (transgender characters, lesbians/gays etc)



Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
I like this review. It talks about the game and only the game: the great, the good, and the bad, all in context.

My apologies if already posted.

  • Shake
Reactions: John Elden Ring
John Elden Ring

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
Couldn’t care less about Metacritic.

All the reasons to give it low scores mean nothing to me.

Finally a decent FF after the crap we got called FF13 and FF15.

Square Enix seeing people they gave review codes giving it low scores because there are no lesbian knights:


It's a great game with some mild peformance issues. Buy and be happy with it.
  • Shake
Reactions: Muddasar

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022

Deleted member 223

Reviewed pretty good.

Generally speaking, the cat got out the bag that 90+ Meta exclusives and GOTY's was having a big impact in console purchase choice. Sheep herders have been trying to carefully adjust and herd the masses for this new generation. You inflate y, deflate x within the confines of plausible deniability. The herd gives the herders power, and the herd is unfortunately impotent to rectify their own self impulse towards this unhealthy relationship.... for the herd will always seek "authoritative direction".

It's what it's. As I've always said... the way to go about rectifying this is not in the hands of the herd because the herd by nature is too dumb to figure out a plan of attack for collective action. The situation can only be partially rectified by speaking the language the herders understand... and that is Sony dishing out juicy ad-buys en masse to hundreds of publications to keep most of the sheep herders content with the "relationship". You treat them nice, and they'll treat you nice back.... you scratch my back, I scratch yours. The bare minimum ain't gonna cut it.

100 being a hyperbole but def about 15-20 or so that are key. Influencers come cheaper by comparison but they're just as important and can't be ignored in this new age and they too "deserve" attention. Marketing at Sony is too pedestrian to formulate the modern machine that's required to dominate and their turnover and quality of personal leave a lot to be desired (not to mention serve as an impediment to this). Starts at the top when the top is fine with pedestrian effort - due to ignorance or otherwise of the net status.

In a way, currently the product leans more on its quality, as opposed to the overall sales pitch for success. That's all wonderful until your direct competition starts to pound with both quality and better marketing effort. Fortunately for Sony, their direct competitor is a rich bum when it comes to shipping quality titles on a consistent basis. But you always have to worry, as a matter of professionalism, about the event when both of those variables align for your competition.... cause when they do, pedestrian marketing ain't gonna cut it, and, what's more, you'll be behind the wheel trying to rectify.

"Let the games do the talking". Not quite, the games talk but so does the press, and marketing departments. A purchasing decision is a combination of all sources of information processed before a game disc is slotted on the hardware aka the post-purchase experience that validates all claims (and then there is the consumer myopia effect of opportunity cost).
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24 Jun 2022
Wait did Eurogamer REALLY score the game low just because it's all white people (or mostly white people)? What does that have to do with the quality of the game itself? The polish? The game mechanics?

Time to get the soy lattes out of the industry.

Can we not shit minorities here just because trash like polygon and eurogamer are virtue signaling?

I hope no one's being stupid enough to take this out on actual minorities because of Eurogamer's BS. Considering the fact who wrote that Eurogamer article is most likely white, and they have virtually zero minority staff :/
  • angry
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


2 Jul 2022
Wait did Eurogamer REALLY score the game low just because it's all white people (or mostly white people)? What does that have to do with the quality of the game itself? The polish? The game mechanics?

Time to get the soy lattes out of the industry.
They’re virtue signaling, meanwhile, there are only straight whites working for them. No black or LGBT people whatsoever.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Helios


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Reviewed pretty good.

Generally speaking, the cat got out the bag that 90+ Meta exclusives and GOTY's was having a big impact in console purchase choice. Sheep herders have been trying to carefully adjust and herd the masses for this new generation. You inflate y, deflate x within the confines of plausible deniability. The herd gives the herders power, and the herd is unfortunately impotent to rectify their own self impulse towards this unhealthy relationship for the herd will always seek "authoritative direction".

It's what it's. As I've always said... the way to go about rectifying this is not in the hands of the herd, the herd by nature is too dumb to figure out a plan of attack for collective action. The situation can only be partially rectified by speaking the language the sheep herders understand... and that is Sony dishing out ad-buys en masse to hundreds of publications to keep most of the sheep herders content with the "relationship".

Yup, looking at how HiFi Rush was given the soft touch treatment by reviewers... it lines up.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
You have to understand that everyone in the game is hetero.
I thought it was leaked that one of them was gay

*edit* oh my god shacknews gave it an 8/10 despite having an epic story and great combat because of a lack of diversity and wahman

FUCK these pos'es

The big one concerns the overall world, and the people who live in it, which, of course, ties into an early Final Fantasy 16 controversy involving diversity. While this world includes more than just white people, it’s also a world that is poorly defined in a cultural sense. Each region has its own governing bodies, and how those bodies operate and interact is chiefly driven by what is essentially a climate crisis. But for all the lore gimmicks and larger-than-life leadership around this world, the actual worldly presence of these nations is weirdly shallow. So when it comes time to move pieces around the board, establish antagonists and develop conflicts, much of it falls flat. Motivations for the villains are either unclear or feel divorced from their status as political figures, and differences in things like how Bearers are treated feel more individualized. Because of this, the world feels more like a big soup of sameness, even when some parts of the soup dress or speak differently. It’s weird and conflicts with ostensible themes like isolation. It makes the whole diversity thing hard to comment on, too, since nothing on that level feels thoughtful one way or the other.

In terms of the bigger picture, you end up with Clive somewhat bouncing back and forth between his personal motivations, the Big Bad’s creeping influence, and a more confused-feeling story that’s like a hybrid of medieval slavery/class uprising and the X-Men. The former is more polished and compelling than the latter, and the ways the two intersect can be awkward. Overall I believe Final Fantasy 16 is interested in exploring various ways a callous, dehumanizing ruling class inherently sets itself up for failure. But it tries to explore those various ways all at once, fumbling a few along the way.

Final Fantasy 16 also struggles at times with its supporting characters. I noted before the strong performances and characters that do a great job reinforcing Clive’s story. At the same time, that focus on Clive does come at the expense of everyone else. Especially when the “everyone else” is a woman. Jill’s presence in the story especially falls short compared to others like Cid or Dion, who are more consistently active agents in the story. Jill often just feels present for the sake of having a female lead to check off a box, which is a bummer because when she’s the actual focus her contributions to the story are notably strong.
  • haha
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