Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Nah, I just believe the facts and common sense:
  • Big AAA costs grow a lot every generation, this one is going >$300M and the next one may go >$500M unless they do something
  • Only a few of their top selling blockbuster IPs achieve the around >9M unit sales needed to make profitable paid games that cost around $300M
  • Add-ons GaaS/F2P revenue is replacing the revenue from game sales, so to get limited to paid SP game sales would be a suicide in the long term
  • Companies need to keep their big games profitable to continue being sustainable, so they won't spend $300M-$500M on games that pretty likely won't generate that back with profits. Sony won't do a suicide strategy of losing billions per year like MS, they are on a market leading position where they can get big profits instead
  • To keep them profitable they are growing their market expanding to more platforms and outside gaming, plus trying to find some solutions to keep the budgets smaller
  • Other storefronts like Xbox, Epic, Google, Apple are expanding to multiple platforms combining PC, mobile and "consoles" (including here the ones that use PC or mobile based OS) allowing you to buy a game in a platform and playing it elsewhere. So I assume Sony very likely will end doing the same to keep their storefront as the most appealing one for the top 3rd party publishers
  • PC and mobile are gaming markets bigger than PS and with relatively small overlap, so Sony has a lot of room to grow expanding there, specially when approaching some key markets like China, Korea, India etc.
  • There are a handful game types super popular on Switch but not as popular in other platforms, so they could use it as secondary device to grow a new fanbase with these type of games, with the idea of later release Sony's own portable and move that fanbase there (and/or their home console)

Let's tackle these one by one.

  • Blockbuster games from Sony aren't meant to make a lot of profit themselves. They exist to sell hardware. The fact that they are profitable themselves is a nice bonus. Even if they were losing money Sony would still need them. These are the games many people buy Playstations for.
  • Same point as above.
  • Sony gets 30% of every type of sale on the Playstation platform, GaaS or otherwise. What's the best way to get more sales? Get more people to buy Playstations.
  • See point 1 again.
  • 'Growing' by porting to other platforms brings only a bit of extra money in game sales. Growing by bringing more people into your ecosystem brings a lot more money. This is what Sony should be doing.
  • When you say "other storefronts" you really mean "failed storefronts". Xbox is dead, Epic is dead. Google and Apple are doing no such thing.
  • Then sell consoles to China, India and Korea. Make games for those regions and bring people to your ecosystem instead of helping Steam grow at your expense.
  • So kids will drop the Switch, Mario and Zelda to play Lego Horizon on the PS handheld. Seriously? Do you actually believe that?

Like I said, it is clear to me that you have been brainwashed by the games media to believe that consoles can't grow and everyone should drop to their kness and kiss Gabe Newell's feet. I say bullshit. With Xbox collapsing and Nintendo running away defeated from the console market, Sony could easily sell 200+ million consoles if they put all of their focus on it.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Cool hand luke


Well-known member
29 May 2024
So an industry veteran claims Monopoly is a good thing?

michael fassbender shame GIF


21 Jun 2022
Let's tackle these one by one.

  • Blockbuster games from Sony aren't meant to make a lot of profit themselves. They exist to sell hardware. The fact that they are profitable themselves is a nice bonus. Even if they were losing money Sony would still need them. These are the games many people buy Playstations for.
  • Same point as above.
Yes, they said 1st party are to showcase the possibilities of their consoles to the players and 3rd party devs, in addition to build their identity. Also act as unique selling point. But obviously being a business they have to be sustainable and can't be losing hundreds of millions per year with them.

  • Sony gets 30% of every type of sale on the Playstation platform, GaaS or otherwise. What's the best way to get more sales? Get more people to buy Playstations.
  • See point 1 again.

Yes, (excuding some very rare exception they may have) they get 30% from 3rd party revenue generated in their own console/storefront, and this is their main revenue (and I assume profit) source for SIE.

Their active userbase is bigger than ever, and the PS5 spend on average more than ever, so they are generating more money than ever from this side.

They have been breaking records in most of their console metrics, but the shortages and not being able to price cut their consoles (instead had to increase it due to component price increases) prevented them to also break records in launch aligned hardware sales worldwide (specifically in some EU countries).

But even if breaking records in console isn't enough to keep their first party game business sustainable in the long term. They need to grow more, so they also grow off-PS revenue.

  • 'Growing' by porting to other platforms brings only a bit of extra money in game sales. Growing by bringing more people into your ecosystem brings a lot more money. This is what Sony should be doing.

They are growing -not between quotes- their off-PS revenue every year, this recent fiscal year they did $660M (+56% increase versus previous year) there.

Mostly due to PC, highlighted by Totoki as a very profitable business for them. This year it should grow more thanks to Helldivers 2, GoT and The Final Shape, and pretty likely also the upcoming Concord, Lego Horizon, GoWR, Until Dawn (I assume Marathon will be released in the next FY).

This off-PS presence also helps them to grow their userbase, as Nishino and Hermen said, both in general and in their console: in the Insomniac leaks we saw that as of early 2022, around half of the PS5 sales were made to new users who didn't have a PS before.

  • When you say "other storefronts" you really mean "failed storefronts". Xbox is dead, Epic is dead. Google and Apple are doing no such thing.
Even if their console is dying, Microsoft Gaming is generating more money than ever thanks to the money their acquired publishers make in other platforms / storefronts. Will generate even more as they keep transitioning to becoming more multiplatform and is going to be very close to Sony and Tencent, fighting for being the top grossing gaming company in the world.

Epic makes a shit ton of money with their own games which include some of the most successful ones. Their storefront mostly exist to save them to pay the 30% in any places they can, helping these games to be extra profitable.

Apple's store and games works for their smartphones, tablets and computers.

Google Play's PC store for Windows is in beta, they aren't limited to their PC operative system ChromeOS.

  • Then sell consoles to China, India and Korea. Make games for those regions and bring people to your ecosystem instead of helping Steam grow at your expense.
They have been working on it for years, and their expansion to PC and mobile are part of it. Increasing their console sales there with dedicated partnerships with local companies to make related games and marketing that Jimbo signed all these years with Tencent, Netease, MiHoyo, NC Soft, Shift Up and many other Chinese and Korean devs (plus some Japanese ones particularly successful in Asia for mobile).

But most of the players of these countries are on PC and mobile, so they'll make games on PC and mobile to make their IPs popular them and then wanting them to jump to Sony's ecosystem.

Sony is being very successful in PC, but not meaningful enough to grow Steam. They are a tiny portion of the Steam revenue and userbase.

In any case, like in mobile, pretty likely their idea is that as soon as they have a big and appealing enough library and userbase there they'll open their own PSN PC/mobile storefront.

  • So kids will drop the Switch, Mario and Zelda to play Lego Horizon on the PS handheld. Seriously? Do you actually believe that?
I didn't say they'd drop the Switch. Out of all the platforms, Switch is the one with the bigger percent of people who doesn't only play there. And also has the bigger percent of people who considers it a secondary (not being more specific , not their their primary) device.

In the same tactic they're doing in PC, they only release some stuff and if they want the rest go buy a PS5.

Like I said, it is clear to me that you have been brainwashed by the games media to believe that consoles can't grow and everyone should drop to their kness and kiss Gabe Newell's feet. I say bullshit. With Xbox collapsing and Nintendo running away defeated from the console market, Sony could easily sell 200+ million consoles if they put all of their focus on it.
Nah, I just believe the companies factual fiscal reports, and the proper market research data from the top firms, plus read their strategy quotes from the primary source and apply basic logic for their business to understand what they are doing.

Way better than being a blind fanboy who cries because the games of my favorite company can also be played by other people in other platforms, and who thinks they can be forever making only AAA SP games only for their consoles as if money grew on trees and as if the growing costs of AAA games and how the game revenue is evolving would allow it for the long term.

They couldn't sell more because they didn't have components to build more consoles. So no, they couldn't sell 200M. They had to increase the price -and still to keep losing money for each unit sold- instead of price cut it because the costs increases, meaning sales from that price cut won't come, so they couldn't sell 200M. In the next gen maybe, specially if MS leaves the Xbox hardware to 3rd party manufacturers and Switch 2 -which pretty likely will have launch record numbers- isn't as successful as Switch 1 and gets partly replaced by PC handhelds.

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Yes, they said 1st party are to showcase the possibilities of their consoles to the players and 3rd party devs, in addition to build their identity. Also act as unique selling point. But obviously being a business they have to be sustainable and can't be losing hundreds of millions per year with them.

Yes, (excuding some very rare exception they may have) they get 30% from 3rd party revenue generated in their own console/storefront, and this is their main revenue (and I assume profit) source for SIE.

Their active userbase is bigger than ever, and the PS5 spend on average more than ever, so they are generating more money than ever from this side.

They have been breaking records in most of their console metrics, but the shortages and not being able to price cut their consoles (instead had to increase it due to component price increases) prevented them to also break records in launch aligned hardware sales worldwide (specifically in some EU countries).

But even if breaking records in console isn't enough to keep their first party game business sustainable in the long term. They need to grow more, so they also grow off-PS revenue.

They are growing -not between quotes- their off-PS revenue every year, this recent fiscal year they did $660M (+56% increase versus previous year) there.

Mostly due to PC, highlighted by Totoki as a very profitable business for them. This year it should grow more thanks to Helldivers 2, GoT and The Final Shape, and pretty likely also the upcoming Concord, Lego Horizon, GoWR, Until Dawn (I assume Marathon will be released in the next FY).

This off-PS presence also helps them to grow their userbase, as Nishino and Hermen said, both in general and in their console: in the Insomniac leaks we saw that as of early 2022, around half of the PS5 sales were made to new users who didn't have a PS before.

Even if their console is dying, Microsoft Gaming is generating more money than ever thanks to the money their acquired publishers make in other platforms / storefronts. Will generate even more as they keep transitioning to becoming more multiplatform and is going to be very close to Sony and Tencent, fighting for being the top grossing gaming company in the world.

Epic makes a shit ton of money with their own games which include some of the most successful ones. Their storefront mostly exist to save them to pay the 30% in any places they can, helping these games to be extra profitable.

Apple's store and games works for their smartphones, tablets and computers.

Google Play's PC store for Windows is in beta, they aren't limited to their PC operative system ChromeOS.

They have been working on it for years, and their expansion to PC and mobile are part of it. Increasing their console sales there with dedicated partnerships with local companies to make related games and marketing that Jimbo signed all these years with Tencent, Netease, MiHoyo, NC Soft, Shift Up and many other Chinese and Korean devs (plus some Japanese ones particularly successful in Asia for mobile).

But most of the players of these countries are on PC and mobile, so they'll make games on PC and mobile to make their IPs popular them and then wanting them to jump to Sony's ecosystem.

Sony is being very successful in PC, but not meaningful enough to grow Steam. They are a tiny portion of the Steam revenue and userbase.

In any case, like in mobile, pretty likely their idea is that as soon as they have a big and appealing enough library and userbase there they'll open their own PSN PC/mobile storefront.

I didn't say they'd drop the Switch. Out of all the platforms, Switch is the one with the bigger percent of people who doesn't only play there. And also has the bigger percent of people who considers it a secondary (not being more specific , not their their primary) device.

In the same tactic they're doing in PC, they only release some stuff and if they want the rest go buy a PS5.

Nah, I just believe the companies factual fiscal reports, and the proper market research data from the top firms, plus read their strategy quotes from the primary source and apply basic logic for their business to understand what they are doing.

Way better than being a blind fanboy who cries because the games of my favorite company can also be played by other people in other platforms, and who thinks they can be forever making only AAA SP games only for their consoles as if money grew on trees and as if the growing costs of AAA games and how the game revenue is evolving would allow it for the long term.

They couldn't sell more because they didn't have components to build more consoles. So no, they couldn't sell 200M. They had to increase the price -and still to keep losing money for each unit sold- instead of price cut it because the costs increases, meaning sales from that price cut won't come, so they couldn't sell 200M. In the next gen maybe, specially if MS leaves the Xbox hardware to 3rd party manufacturers and Switch 2 -which pretty likely will have launch record numbers- isn't as successful as Switch 1 and gets partly replaced by PC handhelds.

There is no reason for Sony to be looking for growth outside the console space right now. The narrative that the media wants to push that the console market has been tapped out is a total lie. Maybe it is tapped out for the failed Xbox and the kiddie Switch but Sony has at least 50-60 million extra customers it could target that bought Xboxes in previous generations.

So what does Sony do instead of doubling down on exclusives and on its own platform? It gives all those 50-60 million customers another option by porting its games to pc. Now almost all of them will go to pc, giving even more leverage to Valve (Steam) and Microsoft (Windows).

Gabe Newell is an ex-Microsoft employee. Valve's offices are very close to Microsoft's. The only reason Microsoft entered gaming in the first place was because it wanted to protect Windows from Sony. Ever heard the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Sony executives must understand that both Valve and Microsoft want to destroy Sony and they should stop giving them ammunition to do so.


21 Jun 2022
There is no reason for Sony to be looking for growth outside the console space right now.
They must grow outside PS if they want to keep making SP AAA games, which are the main selling point of their console.

If they limit them to their consoles they'll be too expensive and won't be able to keep them profitable outside a few to selling IPs. Even if they continue growing their console active userbase beyond their current record numbers.

If don't grow the userbase for these games they will have to stop making them, starting from the lowest selling ones.

The narrative that the media wants to push that the console market has been tapped out is a total lie.
The market data and Sony reports, and game budgets aren't any narrative from the media. These are facts:
  • AAA budgets get more expensive every single generation
  • Revenue/sales from them don't grow at the same pace
  • Game prices kept being more or less the same, cheaper than before when including inflation
  • Since the casual stuff of PS2/Wii/PS3 the consoles global userbase didn't grow, while mobile skyrocketed
  • Revenue in PS/console/gaming from selling games is being replaced by addons revenue (mostly from GaaS) over time
  • F2P is growing a lot
  • PC and specially mobile are way bigger markets than PS
So what does Sony do instead of doubling down on exclusives and on its own platform?
They made many acquisitions, grew basically all their dev teams, signed with more 2nd party games -according to Sony- spending on 2nd party a record budget for the gen and -according to Jim Ryan- signed more 3rd party exclusives for this generation than for any previous generation.

Gabe Newell is an ex-Microsoft employee. Valve's offices are very close to Microsoft's. The only reason Microsoft entered gaming in the first place was because it wanted to protect Windows from Sony. Ever heard the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Sony executives must understand that both Valve and Microsoft want to destroy Sony and they should stop giving them ammunition to do so.
Gabe Newell and Valve took the PC gaming market and kept it away form MS.

MS entered gaming, and more specifically computer gaming, in 1919, when Windows didn't exist. Sony joined gaming (and more specifically computer gaming) in 1984.

In fact, the PSX codename for the original PlayStation was a reference to MSX, which is the computer platform where they debuted in gaming making hardware, accesories and games.
Last edited:

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
There is no reason for Sony to be looking for growth outside the console space right now. The narrative that the media wants to push that the console market has been tapped out is a total lie. Maybe it is tapped out for the failed Xbox and the kiddie Switch but Sony has at least 50-60 million extra customers it could target that bought Xboxes in previous generations.

So what does Sony do instead of doubling down on exclusives and on its own platform? It gives all those 50-60 million customers another option by porting its games to pc. Now almost all of them will go to pc, giving even more leverage to Valve (Steam) and Microsoft (Windows).

Gabe Newell is an ex-Microsoft employee. Valve's offices are very close to Microsoft's. The only reason Microsoft entered gaming in the first place was because it wanted to protect Windows from Sony. Ever heard the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Sony executives must understand that both Valve and Microsoft want to destroy Sony and they should stop giving them ammunition to do so.

I think you've made a lot of errors in your analysis.

There traditionally hasn't been growth in the console space. If we look back at the PS1, N64, and Saturn, we see a total TAM of about 200 million.

If we look at the PS3 and Xbox 360 we see about 171 million. If we add the Gamecube's sales directly to that generation we have about 193 million.

It's obviously difficult to get a proper sense of scale when you look at the PS2 (DVD player) and the Wii (sold to a lot of non-core gamers).

But it's hard to argue significant growth, between Sony and Microsoft. The PS4 and X1 came in at about 175.

The best case for Sony is that Microsoft bows out of competition, that there is ZERO overlap in sales where people bought both consoles, and that no one moves from Xbox to PC or other avenues of gaming and only moves towards Sony in order to get that extra 50-60 million you mention.

The reality is, that it's probably more likely 25-30 million when you consider all factors. That's still a significant number, but it's not enough to say Sony shouldn't be looking for other avenues of growth outside of the console space.

You also make the mistake in assuming the people who were going to go to PC from Xbox would have resisted for a handful of Sony games that they were already ignoring by being on Xbox. The people you're going to get are the people who buy Madden, EA, Fortnite, and CoD.

The people who gravitated to Xbox in the first place, a lot of them were already PC people. It's why they had success with the 360 with Elders Scrolls and FPS.
  • sad
Reactions: arvfab

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
I think you've made a lot of errors in your analysis.

There traditionally hasn't been growth in the console space. If we look back at the PS1, N64, and Saturn, we see a total TAM of about 200 million.

If we look at the PS3 and Xbox 360 we see about 171 million. If we add the Gamecube's sales directly to that generation we have about 193 million.

It's obviously difficult to get a proper sense of scale when you look at the PS2 (DVD player) and the Wii (sold to a lot of non-core gamers).

But it's hard to argue significant growth, between Sony and Microsoft. The PS4 and X1 came in at about 175.

The best case for Sony is that Microsoft bows out of competition, that there is ZERO overlap in sales where people bought both consoles, and that no one moves from Xbox to PC or other avenues of gaming and only moves towards Sony in order to get that extra 50-60 million you mention.

The reality is, that it's probably more likely 25-30 million when you consider all factors. That's still a significant number, but it's not enough to say Sony shouldn't be looking for other avenues of growth outside of the console space.

You also make the mistake in assuming the people who were going to go to PC from Xbox would have resisted for a handful of Sony games that they were already ignoring by being on Xbox. The people you're going to get are the people who buy Madden, EA, Fortnite, and CoD.

The people who gravitated to Xbox in the first place, a lot of them were already PC people. It's why they had success with the 360 with Elders Scrolls and FPS.

Even the 25-30 million number is way more significant than the peanuts Sony gets by porting its games to pc or switch. 25-30 million new customers engaged in your ecosystem would drive explosive growth for Playstation.

The market data and Sony reports, and game budgets aren't any narrative from the media. These are facts:

No, they aren't, you just drank the Kool-Aid. All of your bullet points are the same propaganda that the games media has been peddling to try and gaslight Sony into destroying its own business.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Cool hand luke


21 Jun 2022
No, they aren't, you just drank the Kool-Aid. All of your bullet points are the same propaganda that the games media has been peddling to try and gaslight Sony into destroying its own business.
These bullet points are factual market data, not propaganda.

And SIE has to be a profitable business because unlike MS they don't have the rest of the corportation to cover many billions of loses and acquisitions, it has to be sustainable by itself.

Plus with their current strategy Sony is growing their business getting records in most areas, the opposite of destroying it.

To get limited to make only AAA SP games for their consoles would be something that would destroy them in the long term.

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
These bullet points are factual market data, not propaganda.

And SIE has to be a profitable business because unlike MS they don't have the rest of the corportation to cover many billions of loses and acquisitions, it has to be sustainable by itself.

Plus with their current strategy Sony is growing their business getting records in most areas, the opposite of destroying it.

To get limited to make only AAA SP games for their consoles would be something that would destroy them in the long term.

This is exactly how Sony's leadership thinks. They want short-term profits so that they get their yearly bonuses instead of nurturing the platform's long-term health. Your argument is not convincing because we have already seen in practice where this strategy leads in the long term. It's not a theory or fear mongering, it's happening right now in real time for Xbox. Microsoft burned down its platform by doing all of the 'logical' things you are preaching for.

But who cares about the long-term damage to the platform, right? in five years Hulst and Totoki will have already gotten their golden parachutes and the next guy will have to go down with the ship just like Phil Spencer is doing with Xbox after Don Mattrick crashed it.


21 Jun 2022
They want short-term profits so that they get their yearly bonuses instead of nurturing the platform's long-term health. Your argument is not convincing because we have already seen in practice where this strategy leads in the long term. It's not a theory or fear mongering, it's happening right now in real time for Xbox. Microsoft burned down its platform by doing all of the 'logical' things you are preaching for.

But who cares about the long-term damage to the platform, right? in five years Hulst and Totoki will have already gotten their golden parachutes and the next guy will have to go down with the ship just like Phil Spencer is doing with Xbox after Don Mattrick crashed it.
Not true, in the recent years they made many long term investments to grow their business and brand, both in general and for their console in particular:
  • Acquired more studios than ever
  • Grew the manpower of basically all their 1st part studios
  • Spent more in 2nd party deals than ever
  • Are working on more 1st party games than ever, around half of them being new IP
  • Signed more 3rd party deals than ever for the generation
  • Started initiatives like India/China Hero Project and partnershipts with local devs to grow in markets like China, Korea or India
  • Started a big push to expand on MP & GaaS and genres like shoters, broke records with Helldivers 2
  • Started a big push to expand on PC, where they are getting record revenue and a huge multi-year growth
  • Started a big push to expand on mobile
  • Started a big push to expand on movies/tv shows/theme parks
  • Started a big push to expand their accesories lineup getting record revenue in this area
  • Kepts investing in VR releasing PSVR2 and signing almost 300 games released or announced in barely a year
  • Reworked and highly improved their game subs, which is getting record revenue
  • Reworked and highly improved their cloud gaming
And well, they are being more successful than ever generating more revenue than any console maker ever did in gaming history, and getting record profits for PS, while growing in basically all areas.

Absolutely anything leads to think that brand is being damaged or that their results are similar to Xbox, the factual KPIs say the opposite. Whatever bonuses their heads get are well deserved.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
Even the 25-30 million number is way more significant than the peanuts Sony gets by porting its games to pc or switch. 25-30 million new customers engaged in your ecosystem would drive explosive growth for Playstation.

Neither has anything to do with the other.

That's the primary rub with fanboys. They see things as black and white. Everything is binary with fanboys.

Simply not how business works.

There was a time when Netflix took a gamble on streaming, but they didn't immediately stop shipping DVDs and blurays. They kept both ends of their business going.

Sony just divided SIE into a Platform Business Group and a Studio Business Group in a very similar way. The Studio Business Group could very easily become significantly larger than the Platform Business Group. One single game can completely alter the focus of the Studio Business Group along the lines of Epic Games and Fortnite, but the Studio Business Group limiting their reach to PlayStation (console as it exists today) completely hampers their ability to reach a level like Fortnite, Counterstrike, Minecraft, CoD.

None of which is to say they're giving up on PlayStation, but there is absolutely a ceiling to PlayStation as a console platform and that ceiling doesn't turn Sony into a quarter of a trillion dollar company.


27 Jun 2023
he's the one responsible for PC ports, good to remember, not Jim Ryan... Shawn Layden was the one who developed the PC strategy in 2018 while they were marketing games like God Of War and Spiderman as Only On PlayStation titles and paying for Nixxes and other support studios to port their games to PC, development for GOW 2018 PC started in 2019, before the PS5 was even announced.

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Not true, in the recent years they made many long term investments to grow their business and brand, both in general and for their console in particular:
  • Acquired more studios than ever
  • Grew the manpower of basically all their 1st part studios
  • Spent more in 2nd party deals than ever
  • Are working on more 1st party games than ever, around half of them being new IP
  • Signed more 3rd party deals than ever for the generation
  • Started initiatives like India/China Hero Project and partnershipts with local devs to grow in markets like China, Korea or India
  • Started a big push to expand on MP & GaaS and genres like shoters, broke records with Helldivers 2
  • Started a big push to expand on PC, where they are getting record revenue and a huge multi-year growth
  • Started a big push to expand on mobile
  • Started a big push to expand on movies/tv shows/theme parks
  • Started a big push to expand their accesories lineup getting record revenue in this area
  • Kepts investing in VR releasing PSVR2 and signing almost 300 games released or announced in barely a year
  • Reworked and highly improved their game subs, which is getting record revenue
  • Reworked and highly improved their cloud gaming
And well, they are being more successful than ever generating more revenue than any console maker ever did in gaming history, and getting record profits for PS, while growing in basically all areas.

Absolutely anything leads to think that brand is being damaged or that their results are similar to Xbox, the factual KPIs say the opposite. Whatever bonuses their heads get are well deserved.

I swear it's like you people have your heads stuck in the sand or something. You say "absolutely nothing leads to think that the brand is being damaged" and LITERALLY A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO the cfo of ShiftUp said "the audience for AAA is moving to pc".

Neither has anything to do with the other.

That's the primary rub with fanboys. They see things as black and white. Everything is binary with fanboys.

Simply not how business works.

There was a time when Netflix took a gamble on streaming, but they didn't immediately stop shipping DVDs and blurays. They kept both ends of their business going.

Sony just divided SIE into a Platform Business Group and a Studio Business Group in a very similar way. The Studio Business Group could very easily become significantly larger than the Platform Business Group. One single game can completely alter the focus of the Studio Business Group along the lines of Epic Games and Fortnite, but the Studio Business Group limiting their reach to PlayStation (console as it exists today) completely hampers their ability to reach a level like Fortnite, Counterstrike, Minecraft, CoD.

None of which is to say they're giving up on PlayStation, but there is absolutely a ceiling to PlayStation as a console platform and that ceiling doesn't turn Sony into a quarter of a trillion dollar company.

Wait, so you think the platform is on its way to become the dvd business of netflix? Then why are you disagreeing with me? I don't care about Sony as a conglomerate, I care about Sony as a console maker.
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Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Where did he say that exactly?

Stolen from Resetera:

"The game is a PS5 exclusive, which hasn't seen the same level of penetration and activation as PS4, and the main consumer base for AAA games has been shifting to PCs. We are currently looking at a PC version of Stellar Blade, which we believe would be a great way to monetize the IP once again."


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Stolen from Resetera:

Not according to actual official data we got from several sources. Good luck to him, I guess. Dude might want to take a look at any sales data in the recent years.

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
Not according to actual official data we got from several sources. Good luck to him, I guess. Dude might want to take a look at any sales data in the recent years.

Even if he is wrong, the perception is there. The Playstation brand has already sustained damage but hey, Yurinka is doing the "this is fine" meme so I guess everything is fine.


Well-known member
30 Dec 2023
Stolen from Resetera:

How is this even true?


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
How is this even true?
It's not. He's Korean. He translates the Korean obsession with MMOs and gachas to PC players playing AAA games on there. Actual sales data paints a different picture. Even major releases, like RE4, sell much more on consoles, PS5 more specifically.

Hell, Helldivers, a GaaS has an almost even split and those games sell like crazy on PC.

@Evil Aloy

Their funeral. If they think PC players will subsidize PS development, by all means, cater to them. I'll laugh all the way. Maybe Hermen can star making PC exclusives.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Reactions: Evil Aloy and Umar


21 Jun 2022
I swear it's like you people have your heads stuck in the sand or something. You say "absolutely nothing leads to think that the brand is being damaged" and LITERALLY A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO the cfo of ShiftUp said "the audience for AAA is moving to pc".
Yes, he said that (I assume Google Translate properly translated it) and I assume he said it based on some market data.

But maybe was talking about the Korean or Asia market, because the worldwide market market data doesn't say so.