But you're just taking what you personally think and labeling that 'balanced'. For both MS and Sony, there's a strong case, and strong incentives to get out of the hardware business entirely. MS straight up cannot make Series X for profit. Every X they sell is a big loss. Sony isn't so dire because they're generally much better at this, but still their profitable software reach is meaningfully capped by PS5 sell-through. I would assume Sony pulls a small profit on PS5 hardware, but we just got reports they have to cut production after failing to hit their ambitious Q4 target. If you have to *cut* production to save money, that's a sign the business is not going smoothly. Typically you want to sell your product to make money, ya know? If you need to consistently sell > 10M copies on software that costs > $200M to produce, with 50M PS5s, you're making a big bet on attach rate. It's unrealistic to expect 1 out of 5 of all PS5 owners spread across the world to buy every game you make.
More important than business is what you personally want as a gamer. My experience is better if Playstation games come day and date to Steam because I can get a great experience on my TV or my laptop or my Deck with seamless cloud saves. I don't really need a better excuse than that, even if it was demonstrably bad for Sony. It's still what's best for me.