Not what rumors were saying but none of us were in the Board rooms so we don't know. When I say go big I don't mean the game but the gaas push and how they wanted it. ND aren't called NAUGHTY God's for nothing and have always expanded their games on their own, so tht goes without saying. I'm feeding off of rumors and some of them saying Bungie was brought in to reevaluate ND gaas push. Knowing ND Thyve never let us down with coming out with mp? So why now. I definitely do not believe it was ND's doing or fault especially with how consistent they've been.
We will definitely agree to disagree on this one and thts OK.
There's no need to doubt anything, we know what happened.
The review happened in April and Bungie said that they didn't have enough content to keep players playing for the long term and they didn't want to become a single studio game AGAIN considering their aim after TLoU Part II was to go back to trying to make multiple games.
Basically typical ND management situation, always biting more than they can chew, but this time it resulted in a cancellation instead of internal delay of a game and massive crunch (Uncharted 4/TLoU Part II).
These "rumors" are just made up stuff.
SIE created the Live Services Center of Excellence where Sony said THERE IS NOT ONLY BUNGIE, but instead PS Studios, SIE Publishing and Bungie Live Service experts combined, who DON'T REVIEW GAMES AND DON'T DECIDE IF A GAME IS CANCELLED, they simply shared and combined their GaaS related best practices, tech, knowledge and workflow, and there they review and suppport GAAS SPECIFIC AREAS (NOT THE WHOLE GAMES) of the SIE GaaS titles.
They only review stuff like launch readiness, their pipeline, post launch strategy, monetization, data (retention etc) analysis etc. Basically, with their knowledge, data, tools and expertise they support the other GaaS and help them improve. Not to micromanage or cancel games from studios like ND.
ND was the one who decided to cancel the game, not Bungie, because saw that the resources they needed to put on it meant that it was going to affect the resources they had for their SP games. And maybe, or maybe not, it was in that review, made not only Bungie but the GaaS experts from PS Studios, SIE Publishing and Bungie, where they realized that the post launch roadmap wasn't enough, or that the resources that they assigned to it wasn't enough.
Games frequently get cancelled, but more frequently in early stages of development, before they have been announced. To make games is an iterative process where often things (games, features or content) are frequently added, tweaked, changed, removed or cancelled. But companies prefer to cancel things that need to be cancelled asap first to throw less money to the garbage bin and second to do it while the project isn't public because if they cancel something they already shown people wrongly assumes that they removed it because they are a mess.