Helldivers 2 port begging from xbox fanboys is insane!


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22 Jan 2023
Buy it on PC or get a PS5 and then reflect on the fact that you are brainwashed and doing things against your self-interest.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


26 Jun 2022
Maybe they should ask Phil to release a similar game, I mean... he has almost 30 studios, some with a lot of experience making highly successful multi-player games...

Either way, why do they care so much about which plastic box this game runs on? Don't they have Palworld? I thought Halo:I had a 10 years plan... blah blah

If it was to be announced the goal post would be moved to "put it on gamepass otherwise I'm not interested".
high quality kramer GIF


10 Feb 2023

The Xbox OT thread on Resetera is pure comedy 😂

Tsushima cost 60M and brought 400M in revenue. Spiderman with 300M budget (exception) ll bring 800M or more.
Imagine tlou 3 running on switch 2 hardware.

And there wont be xbox as we know it in a decade. It ll be some switch copycat or some streaming devise. They still dont get Phil s lying salesman.
X division s trying to find its own thing and move away from others model for a 15 years. From kinect to GP model. Now they re trying with multi platform approach.

Thank u for this brain dead posts from Reeeeeeeeeeee. Bring more pls.
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Reactions: PS_ROCKS


27 Jun 2023

The Xbox OT thread on Resetera is pure comedy 😂
Idk why people think day n date PC is the answer if 200 300 million $ game budget isn’t sustainable maybe make your studio scope out games so they don’t take 6 to 7 years & instead scope them out to release every 4 years atleast for AAA also cutting budget & or length if 200 million 40 hours TLOU2 isn’t sustainable then maybe make TLOU3 150 to low 100 million 15 hour singleplayer games that release on a reasonable 4 years instead the 7 year gap between TLOU1 & TLOU2. I’ll take a 15 hour singleplayer TLOU3 that release in 4 years then a 30 to 40 hours TLOU 3 that releases in 6 to 7 years. Even thoe GOT took 6 years to make it had a budget of 60 million & is phenomenal

Also look in making more AA games R&C rift apart had a budget of 70 million & made 200+ million in revenue in 3 years it also took 3 years to make I believe. Sony should make more AA 40$ to 50$ 7 to 10 hours games that take 3 years to make w proper scope. Bring back Jak & Daxter, Sly cooper, Ape escape etc those are essentially easy guaranteed success if they’re made by there respected studio.

At the end if Sony was smart they would slash budget in half & monetize singleplayer w optional cosmetics w PS rich ip library & scope games out before they release them on other platforms day 1 loosing there sole & only reason to buy a PS console, loosing any mean of being competitive or owning a platform & being at the mercy of Steam, Nintendo & Apple (like MS/Xbox was at the mercy of opening a mobile storefront on Apple or being at the mercy of putting GP on PS, Nintendo & Steam)
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