Incoming announcement on Xbox titles future exclusivity and publishing


25 Mar 2023
Just do it already, is Phil Spencer scared?

I didnt know that.
I did love Enslved and I enjoyed Heavenly Sword. DmC’s combat was also great, just shit character design
DmC was so bad I never played one of their games again.
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6 Feb 2023
It could be Wednesday. Honestly, I don't think it will be bad at all..Fans will rejoice at the end of the day with some of their announcements. They will do a good job masking some of the news. If anything, it will probably be very vague and we all still be confuse at the end of the day.
  • they're_right_you_know
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25 Mar 2023
With so many Xbox shills giving up this week, if Phil Spencer is ousted it becomes pretty clear who was the one keeping them around and fueling their behavior.
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10 Jan 2023
I'm honestly over this news, and Xbox drama in particular. Don't really care for the outcome no matter what it is.
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24 Jun 2022
Hellblade wouldn't exist without Sony because Sony saved Ninja Theory from bankruptcy in the PS3 days. Hellblade was announced as a PS4 exclusive and it was ported to Xbox a year later.

View attachment 4171

And it was a massive flop and killed the company until Sony gave them a deal for Heavenly Sword.

View attachment 4172

But people keep trying to tell me Sony is anticompetitive and only moneyhats games from 3P who'd otherwise be 100% able to fund and make the games themselves without Sony's involvement. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE ANYMORE!!!!


21 Jun 2022
The announcement :

"Xbox is bigger than ever." [Insert MAU here]

"We have never been so excited about the future of Xbox. We now have the most projects in development than ever [insert number of projects in development]"

"We reiterate our commitment to bringing more games, to more players, wherever they play. This is our passion here at Xbox."

"We stay commited to providing options for ways to play, thanks to our partners at [insert PC OEMs here]"

- Video reel of future Xbox branded OEM PCs with custom OS

"We are even expanding on ways to play, thanks to our partners at [insert handheld OEMs here]".

- Video reel of future Xbox branded handheld OEM with custom OS

"We at Xbox are about innovating and offering more games to more players. It is at the center of everything we do."

"Look forward to our games coming later this year [insert some 2024 games]"

The fanboys : "See, nothing to worry about"

The reality : a couple weeks later, HiFiRush releases for PS5, flight simulator releases day and date on PS5, hellblade 2 gets a PS5 port, Indiana Jones gets a PS5 port, starfield gets a PS5 port, halo gets a PS5 port, Gears of war gets a PS5 port, etc etc etc and eventually every single one of their games are day and date with PS5
The only thing I would add is that if they follow the MS mantra, they'll include as much AI buzzwords as possible.

"We are proud of our teams and studios who make great games" (completely ignoring the massive layoffs)

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I've heard this over ten years now
Even if there was no announcement, or even if the announcement includes Xbox buying Ubisoft and EA, Xbox has been dead for over a decade, in fact since the tail end of the X360 run.
  • Very few first party exclusives
  • Those that exist are not of outstanding quality
  • Less and less third party exclusives due to lack of platform popularity / sales: A great example of this is how Rise of the Tomb Raider basically killed the original reboot momentum due to it going to the lesser platform. They didn't make the same mistake again, and so did not many other developers
  • The constant paying of attention to astroturfing efforts instead of trying to be the best publisher and console manufacturer
  • The dudebro attitude that died back in the mid 00s for most of the world
I could keep going, but Xbox has been effectively dead for that long, and were Xbox an independent company and it would have closed long ago.


25 Mar 2023
Even if there was no announcement, or even if the announcement includes Xbox buying Ubisoft and EA, Xbox has been dead for over a decade, in fact since the tail end of the X360 run.
  • Very few first party exclusives
  • Those that exist are not of outstanding quality
  • Less and less third party exclusives due to lack of platform popularity / sales: A great example of this is how Rise of the Tomb Raider basically killed the original reboot momentum due to it going to the lesser platform. They didn't make the same mistake again, and so did not many other developers
  • The constant paying of attention to astroturfing efforts instead of trying to be the best publisher and console manufacturer
  • The dudebro attitude that died back in the mid 00s for most of the world
I could keep going, but Xbox has been effectively dead for that long, and were Xbox an independent company and it would have closed long ago.
"Tail end of Xbox 360" = The beginning of the Phil Spencer era.

Phil Spencer is one of the biggest contributors for the PS4 and PS5 domination,
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
"Tail end of Xbox 360" = The beginning of the Phil Spencer era.
Not even going to beat that drum anymore, fanboys don't even understand why Xbox is failing or why Gamepass is value destructive, they will never go against their Prophet. I actually asked ChatGPT for a prayer, it gave me this:

Our Phil Spencer,
who art at Xbox,
Hallowed be thy game.

Thy console come,
thy games be done,
On Earth as it is in the cloud.

Give us this day our daily quests,
And forgive us our rage quits,
As we forgive those who camp against us.

Lead us not into laggy connections,
But deliver us from red rings.

For thine is the controller, the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.