Insomniac about Marvel's Wolverine: "We'll share news when the time is right, and the right time isn't now."


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10 Mar 2023
And Sony only owns one of the three IPs...

Also, they had so many 3rd party exclusives by "default" pre-PS3, until they became arrogant enough to think it wouldn't change, which bit then in the ass. There's a reason why Xbox's most memorable E3 moments are GTA and Final Fantasy on Xbox.

They learned the hard way how important exclusives are, have also seen what happens if you drop the ball like Microsoft, yet they are making the same mistakes again.
Yup! Imagine Assassins Creed was initially a PS3 exclusive, so was Devil May Cry 4 🤣
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24 Jun 2022
Meanwhile, PC pirates are eating good with those leaked builds. PlayStation peasants? Just continue playing the cuck, maybe you'll get some scraps later 😁

And yes, I am half-joking


Active member
4 Apr 2024
This is a post about Insomniac saying they ain't showing Wolverine right now, they dropped SM2 last year. We've seen the leaks the game is in development, including the info that they really wanna go for a GOTY with a massive step up in fidelity with this title.

I get people wanting to be excited, but you know it's coming and the studio literally said not showing right now but people are upset at lack of communication. What?
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31 Jan 2024
Sony's Lack of Communication Is Becoming an Issue

The lack of any detail and silence is an awful way to promote the brand, what's there to be excited for as a PS5 Owner?

As a customer I'm being treated like dirt and they're just expecting me to suck it up.

This Forum doesn’t agree with any criticism, but the lack of communication has been very weird.
treated like dirt?



Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Missing sales estimates by 4.2M is not "selling just fine". Yes, it's selling better than the competition, but that's it. And globally it's selling less than the PS4 launch aligned, which is terrible.

DId you read any of the quotes about their original target was a lofty "adjusted" target? They still outdid PS4 for the year? They are fine:

Totoki: "PlayStation 5 is already very successful. We are quite satisfied with the results." " It was an agressive goal assuming tailwind from Pandemic Reactions are steadier now"

"Our Market Share is Very High and Growing"


19 Dec 2023
As a customer I'm being treated like dirt and they're just expecting me to suck it up.

Not a single corporation has ever cared about your feelings, it's good that you're now living in the real world.

I get people wanting to be excited, but you know it's coming and the studio literally said not showing right now but people are upset at lack of communication. What?

No but you see, they know there is a game because people have seen the leaks!
Go make trailer, or else gamer angry.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Venom standalone DLC first then!

Venom Beep Beep GIF


21 Jun 2022
Its the first time in genetations, where we dont have a game with a release date from the the PS studios.
No, it's the first time in generations that we have gaming flatearthers trolls saying that the games they release and have announced don't exist. And also saying that their communication don't exist even if their communications break records in YouTube and social media and have way better KPIs there than their direct competition.

PS Studios had many recent releases and has many upcoming games with release dates. The next one of the several releases announced for this year is Destiny 2 The Final Shape, to be released June 4th.

Venom standalone DLC first then!

Venom Beep Beep GIF
The Venom game appeared in different leaked Insomniad roadmap documents, some of them mentioned it to be released before Wolverine and some of them mentioned it to be released after it. Who knows when are they going to release it.

I think it's possible they may announce it in the showcase they may have this summer.
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21 Jun 2022
No, it's the first time in generations that we have gaming flatearthers saying that the games they release and have announced don't exist.

Oh yeah Destiny 2 DLC, forgot about that. Maybe cause it doesnt feel like Playstation title as its coming to multiple platforms. Is there any other dates for PS studio games or exclusives?

Flatearthers or not, I cant remember a time when we didnt have a release date for a big game, exclusive for PS. Maybe when we didnt have a date for Spiderman 2? Im comparing it to the past, Its not business as usual, its been happening last couple of years. During the PS2, PS3, PS4 you knew when the next big exclusive or PS studio game is coming out.
Maybe after Infamous 2nd Son?

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
DId you read any of the quotes about their original target was a lofty "adjusted" target? They still outdid PS4 for the year? They are fine:

Totoki: "PlayStation 5 is already very successful. We are quite satisfied with the results." " It was an agressive goal assuming tailwind from Pandemic Reactions are steadier now"

"Our Market Share is Very High and Growing"
If you think a CEO is going to admit they missed because they fucked up... God damn. Of course they came up with excuses, and of course people are yet again ignoring that me and a few others predicted this. It's fantastic how we could predict this and suddenly the goalpost moves.

The final line is just bullshit, considering Xbox is having arguably their worst gen - when your competition is 1 and they are worse, your market share grows. The fact however is that they are selling FEWER consoles than last gen, and nobody can argue against that.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Change is a constant in life. You say the first time in generations, because you know the entire premise is faulty.

During the PS1 and PS2 generations, outside of a handful of titles, no one really cared about PS Studios titles... in fact PS Studios didn't exist, because Sony didn't have a unified first party strategy.

It wasn't until 2005 that Worldwide Studios became a thing. In 2006 they had no first party games on the PS3. Something by and large true for 2007 as well. The first real hits didn't come out of Worldwide Studios until 2009. 2012 was super light as was 2014.
Yes, they werent so popular back in PS1/ Early PS2 apart from PolyPhony.
I think studios like Japan Studios and Polyphony were classed as PS studios/ WWS/ Sony’s own 1st party studio etc back then.

Im just saying we dont have a date. Got reminded Destiny 2 DLC has a date, but not much else. We normally have a date for the next exclusive, PS Studio game etc etc

Revisionist history is such a massive scapegoat. Historically people didn't care if a game was 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd party, especially if it was an exclusive.

Sony has released Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronon and delivered exclusive FF7 Rebirth all in the last 4 months... and they have Final Shape coming out in June.

We know that Until Dawn and Concord are coming out this year.

I dont know about Scapegoats, but its really simple. I want to know more about what is happening.
Not sure why your bring up titles that have come out, Im talking about whats coming. Apart from Desiny 2 DLC, which is a multiplatform game, we have no official dates on what games are coming out for PS ( Exclusive, PS Studios etc) Theres not been many times I could say thats happened before. I cant remember it

We also know that the PS5 is selling just fine without these events that you think are so important.

Im not talking about sales. I think its important to have shows for your fans and letting them know what is coming. They were alot more engaged with fan during the PS4 era, E3, TGS, Playstation experience etc etc. I mean as a real fan I want to know and see more. I find it really weird if a fan doesnt want to see more stuff coming from PS.

It was pretty simple before, we knew in June we’d get a show for around E3, with plenty of announcements, and also when TGS or something else. Now its just a guessing game, and “leaks” and “rumours” from “sources” for months, over when a date for a show might be ll. Its just not needed and clearly isnt better for the fans lol. Do you prefer there current show strategy then before? Theres nothing about it that is better in my opinion lol
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