Jez Corden: Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming to Xbox Consoles (nothing is confirmed, but discussions are happening) )


16 Jun 2023
I’m not surprised. I knew Phil would pay for it. When it doubt, Phil gets the checkbook out.


6 Jan 2024
You've been sipping Phils kool-aid hard.

The mentality of engagement>sales, is exactly the reason why Xbox is now going full 3rd party. Anyone that still subscribes to that nonsense is beyond help.
Phil Spencer is a fat, greasy, used-car salesman stuffed into a suit too small for him. He's the worst Xbox manager there has been.

Xbox is going third party because it can reach more people that way than it could been stuck in a box. Microsoft have gone the cloud route on every product they have.

Baldurs gate 3 says otherwise. Game is still a mess on xbox.

On the series S it is, but that console is a dog turd with an Xbox logo slapped on it.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
The timing of this feels like damage control FOMO because ff7 rebirth legit seems like an elden ring 2.0 moment, IMO. Im sure it will eventually happen, i just think the timing is suspicious.
What do you mean by Elden Ring 2.0 moment?
Sales, review scores?

Its not gonna hit the sales or scores of Elden Ring. Reaching A 9.0 will be breakthrough and almost a miracle


28 Jan 2023
People are having a meltdown about this news
Sorry but this site is starting to become a parody joke like xbox era 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
it's not even news, it's damage control by jez and 100% isn't happening
It's fucking over man.

I am selling my PlayStation as we speak.

10 Jan 2024
Not sure why people are melting down over discussions and ironing out details about exclusivity.

Nothing Jez has revealed is new, we knew Xbox were looking to improve relationships with there Japanese partners. However we don't know if there is anything more to it.

We know from the leaked court records that there is a gamepass catalogue budget and that they value the games based of what they estimate games at and what they are willing to pay for it if they want it as part of gamepass.

Main question I would love to know is, who subsidize the Port and QA costs for games not even in the xbox ecosystem? and how that cost is built in to the gamepass model?

For me its lucrative for developers but a complete loss for Microsoft as they would of had to potentially fund the port and the pay for the game to get licensed on gamepass.


29 Jul 2023
I mean... yeah...?

Phil literally went on to the XIV presentation saying they're renewing their partnership with Square, and that they'll try to get other Square-Enix games on their platform. We've known Final Fantasy VII Remake and its sequels were not ever meant to be full exclusives and it always said so right on the box.

The idea that Sony had "moneyhatted" Square-Enix for the full exclusivity was always nothing more than a stupid Xbot talking point. This is evidence to that.

For years, they also said Sony must have "moneyhatted" Square about FFXIV despite the fact that we all already knew it wasn't the case. Suddenly that conversation's gone now that the Xbox version's confirmed.

We need to learn that in this debate, Sony's always "anti-consumer" because they "moneyhat" everything. Until they literally don't, and never did, and so we don't talk about it anymore -- suddenly it's an Xbox W.
24 Jun 2022
Suddenly that conversation's gone now that the Xbox version's confirmed.

When was anything ever confirmed?

Also it's embarrassing random talk from fake Jez has a six-page thread in the span of a day. Bet the Grandblue thread is barely 1/6ths that. But this is just compounding on something I already expressed a growing dislike for earlier; that it seems a lot of what should be PlayStation gaming discourse revolves a LOT around Xbox in one way or another, when that shouldn't be the case.

We could be talking about potential remixed content and additions for FF VII Rebirth, or what we'd like to see in a revival of a PS 1P RPG like Legend of Dragoon or Dark Cloud. Instead everybody's unironically giving fake Jez (and Xbox) more mindshare and clout.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
You know what? I bet there's actually no exclusivity mandated by playstation, but maybe there's a clause saying that S-E can't market it on competing platforms until the whole series is complete, kind of like how Marvel can't advertise competing spiderman/venom/wolverine etc games on other platforms until 2033 or whatever
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28 Jul 2023
I remember Jez/Window Central wrote an article during the FTC trial saying FF 16 and 7 Remake would never see the light of day on Xbox cause of documents revealing Sony locked the games up for good. Now, he's saying a complete opposite narrative and the timing of it couldn't be more sus. Feel like he's going off what Natethehate said and what that dude said wasn't even based on sources. Lol.


21 Jun 2022
I remember Jez/Window Central wrote an article during the FTC trial saying FF 16 and 7 Remake would never see the light of day on Xbox cause of documents revealing Sony locked the games up for good. Now, he's saying a complete opposite narrative and the timing of it couldn't be more sus. Feel like he's going off what Natethehate said and what that dude said wasn't even based on sources. Lol.
smoke GIF


8 May 2023
I remember Jez/Window Central wrote an article during the FTC trial saying FF 16 and 7 Remake would never see the light of day on Xbox cause of documents revealing Sony locked the games up for good. Now, he's saying a complete opposite narrative and the timing of it couldn't be more sus. Feel like he's going off what Natethehate said and what that dude said wasn't even based on sources. Lol.
It's a desperate damage control attempt to move the convo away from Xbox going 3rd party, this guy knows nothing!



Icon Extra
13 Nov 2023
Your Mom
Jez = Red Dragon = Colt Eastwood

All bunch of Twitter bullshitters that should have their accounts revoked.

I don't believe any of their "I heard it through the grapevine" crap. Suck my taint you guys.