Jez Corden: Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming to Xbox Consoles (nothing is confirmed, but discussions are happening) )


8 Jan 2023
Same thing that happened with Sega. It's not going to happen over night. Remember when Persona was exclusive? Remember how it's now day one on GP and even gets better versions and earlier on Xbox? Remember how Phil was openly and publicly discussing things with Square Enix CEO and remember how none of Sony's executives was there?

Sony's not gonna lose access to FF but it might end in the same situation as Persona or Yakuza.

This sort of denial is something you'd get on an xbox reddit. This isn't just blabbing, it's a discernible pattern with Sony's Japanese partnerships.
Sony execs were on stage with Square during FF16 events leading up to launch, new content that was relevant to them at the time. You guys put way too much stock into PR bullshit and make mountains out of molehills at every opportunity. Where's this idea coming from that Xbox getting an old port means PlayStation will never be able to make deals with them ever again? Especially since PS will be getting new leadership soon if that's what you're worried about.
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21 Jun 2022
1- Square Enix boss: "Yes, we'll release stuff on Xbox"(as they always did with many games since FFXIII)
2 - Some time later
3 - Random Xbox fanboy who claims to be a supposed insider: "I heard MS is negotiating to release [insert here any PS exclusive] in Xbox"

These "insiders" and their lies are embarassing, they just throw shit to the wall to see if it sticks.

The signed exclusivity deal of the FVII remakes, like any other ones, must have written in the document if their exclusivity is forever of if it's during a certain period of time or limited to a console generation. And both parties will stick to what was agreed there, in this case Sony and SE.

There is absolutely nothing to "discuss" or negotiate with MS that could change that. They -and others like FFXVI- will continue being exclusive for as long as SE did agree with Sony when they signed the exclusivity deals.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Sony execs were on stage with Square during FF16 events leading up to launch, new content that was relevant to them at the time. You guys put way too much stock into PR bullshit and make mountains out of molehills at every opportunity. Where's this idea coming from that Xbox getting an old port means PlayStation will never be able to make deals with them ever again? Especially since PS will be getting new leadership soon if that's what you're worried about.
I never said they'll never be able to get new deals. They can technically get a new deal with Sega. The problem is, once you let competition get a foothold, it's gets much harder.

Signing Persona or Yakuza on is gonna cost them MUCH more now than it did when MS got in. They need to keep on top of this.
  • they're_right_you_know
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8 Jan 2023
I never said they'll never be able to get new deals. They can technically get a new deal with Sega. The problem is, once you let competition get a foothold, it's gets much harder.

Signing Persona or Yakuza on is gonna cost them MUCH more now than it did when MS got in. They need to keep on top of this.
I seriously doubt Xbox will be able to get much of a foothold given the way they seem to be going.


26 Feb 2023
Same thing that happened with Sega. It's not going to happen over night. Remember when Persona was exclusive? Remember how it's now day one on GP and even gets better versions and earlier on Xbox? Remember how Phil was openly and publicly discussing things with Square Enix CEO and remember how none of Sony's executives was there?

Sony's not gonna lose access to FF but it might end in the same situation as Persona or Yakuza.

This sort of denial is something you'd get on an xbox reddit. This isn't just blabbing, it's a discernible pattern with Sony's Japanese partnerships.
Sega is one thing, Square is another one. Talking about denial, yes


21 Jun 2022
Sony execs were on stage with Square during FF16 events leading up to launch, new content that was relevant to them at the time. You guys put way too much stock into PR bullshit and make mountains out of molehills at every opportunity. Where's this idea coming from that Xbox getting an old port means PlayStation will never be able to make deals with them ever again? Especially since PS will be getting new leadership soon if that's what you're worried about.
We live in an age where FF16, FF7R and Rebirth can all drop on GP Day 1 on Xbox next summer. It wouldn't bother you at all, after the millions Sony spent marketing those games?

Atlus, Yakuza and Persona are marketed as Xbox exclusive now. Yeah they are still on PS but it's not the same anymore.


8 Jan 2023
We live in an age where FF16, FF7R and Rebirth can all drop on GP Day 1 on Xbox next summer. It wouldn't bother you at all, after the millions Sony spent marketing those games?

Atlus, Yakuza and Persona are marketed as Xbox exclusive now. Yeah they are still on PS but it's not the same anymore.
Sony got what they needed out of it. They're way ahead of Xbox in MarketShare and those franchises are associated with PlayStation. I don't get why you guys let this shit bother you so much.


21 Jun 2022
Same thing that happened with Sega. It's not going to happen over night. Remember when Persona was exclusive? Remember how it's now day one on GP and even gets better versions and earlier on Xbox? Remember how Phil was openly and publicly discussing things with Square Enix CEO and remember how none of Sony's executives was there?

Sony's not gonna lose access to FF but it might end in the same situation as Persona or Yakuza.

This sort of denial is something you'd get on an xbox reddit. This isn't just blabbing, it's a discernible pattern with Sony's Japanese partnerships.
What happened with Sega is that Sega decided a few years ago that as one of they key mid term strategies they had to focus more in multiplatform releases, worldwide releases, more and better localization and include more games in game subs to increase their revenues.

As a result of that, new entries for some series that were exclusive stopped being exclusive, GP got some games, PS+ got some games and Nintendo's game sub got some games.

As a side result of that some series like Persona or Yakuza are now also available in PC.

It has nothing to do with Sony or MS, and a very different case of SE.

Atlus, Yakuza and Persona are marketed as Xbox exclusive now. Yeah they are still on PS but it's not the same anymore.
They can't be marketed as Xbox exclusives, they are multiplatform games.

You know what's likely? A Forspoken port and FF14 this year on msboxes, because ms no longer blocks the release of that game.
What blocks the release on Xbox of these and other games are (who knows if temporal in consoles or not, may depend on the case) exclusivity deals with Sony, not MS.

MS would love to see these games being released on their console, but won't get them unless their exclusivity deal with Sony is temporal in consoles. And in that case they'll have to wait for that period to expire.
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21 Jun 2022
Sony got what they needed out of it. They're way ahead of Xbox in MarketShare and those franchises are associated with PlayStation. I don't get why you guys let this shit bother you so much.
I bought all these games and it pisses me off to see these vultures getting it for free 😒
  • haha
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16 Jul 2022
Same thing that happened with Sega. It's not going to happen over night. Remember when Persona was exclusive? Remember how it's now day one on GP and even gets better versions and earlier on Xbox? Remember how Phil was openly and publicly discussing things with Square Enix CEO and remember how none of Sony's executives was there?
Uhhh you wanted Sony executives to be where exactly? Right there where Phil was?

They need don't need to be up on stage shaking hands, cause that shit is happening in the background where it matters.
Sony's not gonna lose access to FF but it might end in the same situation as Persona or Yakuza.

This sort of denial is something you'd get on an xbox reddit. This isn't just blabbing, it's a discernible pattern with Sony's Japanese partnerships.
All those games that are now coming to Xbox like persona, what do you want Sony to do?

Do you want Sony to gain infinite exclusivity? I want to here what you think Sony should do here?

Also what is wrong with those Japanese partnerships? Please be specific here, I keep see people throwing around sonys Japanese parterships. I want to know what you mean by this.


21 Jun 2022
What blocks the release on Xbox of these and other games are (who knows if temporal in consoles or not, may depend on the case) exclusivity deals with Sony, not MS.

MS would love to see these games being released on their console, but won't get them unless their exclusivity deal with Sony is temporal in consoles. And in that case they'll have to wait for that period to expire.
I was referring to FF14 who wasn't on msboxes because of ms policies.

Yes, Forspoken is a timed exclusive, and likely to be ported to other platforms.

FF7R and it's two sequels are likely in a different deal with Sony, because FF7R would've been ported by now. They might be permanent exclusives.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
It can definitely happen. I don't believe Jez has proof. I think he's definitely just trying to get under PS guys skin and to edge the narrative into Sony is losing a big exclusive too territory.

But this can definitely happen.
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