Khaliefa Adams is one of the biggest shills in gaming

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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
He's an engagement farmer with bad-faith takes stoked in extremely far-leftist rhetoric. This take isn't "bad" like his others, but it's still bad, just for different reasons obviously.

Why take away something that is OPTIONAL for players to engage with? The stupidity of Western games "journalists" is unreal.

So, I’m assuming his takes come from the idea that “no one should be left behind”?. Like how the school system seems to me removing academic excellence programs not to make the kids that didn’t make it look bad.


25 Mar 2023
So, I’m assuming his takes come from the idea that “no one should be left behind”?. Like how the school system seems to me removing academic excellence programs not to make the kids that didn’t make it look bad.
Yes, except in this case it's only measuring the lack of excellence from those gullible enough to waste their time with achievements and trophies for doing chores to improve engagement metrics for the brand.


27 Feb 2024
Yes, except in this case it's only measuring the lack of excellence from those gullible enough to waste their time with achievements and trophies for doing chores to improve engagement metrics for the brand.
Well useless trophies like 20000 backstabs, 40k lore entries read are not needed but trophies for killing bosses or doing some cool difficult objective is nice. The guy mentioned in the OP wants it to be removed because he and his urinalist friends get made fun of.


25 Mar 2023
Well useless trophies like 20000 backstabs, 40k lore entries read are not needed but trophies for killing bosses or doing some cool difficult objective is nice. The guy mentioned in the OP wants it to be removed because he and his urinalist friends get made fun of.
Maybe he wants it gone for the wrong reasons, I don't know this guy.

In my opinion, Sony would be much better off phasing it out completely and following the example of Nintendo. This type of artificial engagement is counter productive and unhealthy to everyone involved.

Achievements were not needed 30 years ago, achievements were not ever needed on Nintendo consoles, achievements are mostly ignored on PC. They are just another awful trend MS started and one of their terrible contributions to gaming alongside paid online, paywalls for basic features and aggressive push for microtransactions.
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Icon Extra
28 May 2023
Having unlocks in a game is far more rewarding than the idea of earning a game’s platinum which rewards you nothing.

You have to play through RE4 some odd 7 times to get its platinum. Meanwhile the coolest reward in the game (cat ears) can be unlocked in a single playthrough.


I am the law
18 Jun 2024
That is a horrid take. There is a community involved in it and its over 10 years old and not effecting anything of matter. It only effects you if you are a twitter fanboy that lies about beating a game people looking up your profile.
24 Jun 2022
Maybe he wants it gone for the wrong reasons, I don't know this guy.

In my opinion, Sony would be much better off phasing it out completely and following the example of Nintendo. This type of artificial engagement is counter productive and unhealthy to everyone involved.

Achievements were not needed 30 years ago, achievements were not ever needed on Nintendo consoles, achievements are mostly ignored on PC. They are just another awful trend MS started and one of their terrible contributions to gaming alongside paid online, paywalls for basic features and aggressive push for microtransactions.

Dunno. I don't see Achievements and Trophies as much different from the hi-score boards of arcade games. Except unlike those, Achievements & Trophies are universal across all games on the platform.

IMO I don't see a reason to get rid of them; they're optional features a user can make use of, and if they don't want to pay attention to them they don't have to. I don't understand the point in removing options from users, especially considering these consoles are already lacking a lot of things common on other platforms like Steam.


25 Mar 2023
Dunno. I don't see Achievements and Trophies as much different from the hi-score boards of arcade games. Except unlike those, Achievements & Trophies are universal across all games on the platform.

IMO I don't see a reason to get rid of them; they're optional features a user can make use of, and if they don't want to pay attention to them they don't have to. I don't understand the point in removing options from users, especially considering these consoles are already lacking a lot of things common on other platforms like Steam.
High scores on an individual game at least reflect some mesurement of skill.

Achivements as a whole are a joke and reflect willingness to waste thier own time and should be seen as a badge of shame specially if the person activelly chased them.

There is no justification to them and the only people that care are preciselly the ones that are most negativelly affected by it. It's no surprise to me that MS is the one that came up with this awful system.


25 Mar 2023
You can say that for games in general.
No, that is not true at all. You should read more on the role of games and entertainment.

In fact, achievements go against the very thing that is at the core of gaming, play has a purpose in itself.
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I am the law
18 Jun 2024
No, that is not true at all. You should read more pn the purpose of games and entrateinment.
How so? You are saying an aspect part of gaming is a waste of time, so if an aspect of it can be a waste, so can the entire thing be a waste since people only play games to collect the trophies.
I don't want to say it, but saying high scores are meaningful while trophies are not is ignorant.
Are speedruns stupid and a waste of time? Pretty sure they are the opposite of a waste of time since it is done in the shortest time ever. Are they stupid? Maybe to you, so gaming in general is stupid cause there are people that only play games to speedrun.


25 Mar 2023
A system level tracking system designed to waste your time and exploit you so that you will improve metrics for the system is not a game nor is it close to it.

Keep chasing your manipulative and mentally unhealthy achievements and see where that will get you, remember to thank MS in the end.


I am the law
18 Jun 2024
A system level tracking system designed to waste your time and exploit you so that you will improve metrics for the system is not a game nor is it close to it.

Keep chasing your manipulative achievements and see where that will get you.
It will get them more trophies then you and that is all they will care.
I honestly wish you put this much passion into real issues in gaming, like FOMO and microtransactions instead of a thing that doesn't hurt anyone.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Not a weird take at all IMO. I've always thought "achievements" were embarrassing when they were added, and I was disappointed to see Sony follow suit with trophies. There is nothing about playing a game that is an achievement. Can you imagine if movie goers had some kind of account that said they "achieved" seeing all the Marvel movies or something similar?


An achievement is more along the lines of building a great business, getting good at an instrument, or some kind of art form like painting. Hitting bullet points in a game as something to be even a little bit proud of? It just adds to the loser mystique of playing games.
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