Media Molecule is reportedly laying off 15-20% of staff (around 20 of its 135 employees.)


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Give them a chance to make one last game but if it fails...what's the point? I'm sorry but you have to keep it real. Jim Ryan or not the same would happen.

Some people really need to take their meds and let go. He's leaving soon. Drop it already and seek therapy.
The new President of MM said he intends to do the best he can to make their next game a successful IP. I'm rooting for them. They are a great prestigious studio.

It's a shame they aren't based in Japan so they could merge with Asobi = Greatness.
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10 Mar 2023
it’s funny seeing people pretend to have ever given a shit or played dreams 🤣

(Ps LBP is also terrible)
Dreams was a great engine, the tools weren't casual enough unfortunately. But I def played som good stuff there. And LBP 2 was the GOAT. You're tripping, that series made Sony so much money it pretty much kept MM in the green for the long Dreams production cycle.

It's a shame they weren't able to carry over LBP2 to PS4.


Well-known member
12 Apr 2023
They hired several people who's only job is was to make curated lists of games in Dreams. With Dreams support coming to an ebd it is likely those people are being let go and some other support staff that were hired on specifically for Dreams


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
IIt's things like this that make me question Sony's strategy. They could have had MM port dreams to PC, where it'd actually do well. Yet they choose to port all their marquee games which no one on pc wants.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
IIt's things like this that make me question Sony's strategy. They could have had MM port dreams to PC, where it'd actually do well. Yet they choose to port all their marquee games which no one on pc wants.
The fact it was a day and date Launch on PC still baffles me. Not included in the PS+ collection during PS5 launch.

It's like they didn't know what to do with the game. The game could have became the Tik Tok of gaming 😅


21 Jun 2022
The bleeding of talent and executives and lack of games under Jim Ryan continues. The interim CEO just needs to not hate developing games and they'll be much better than Jim.
2025-2026 will be the result of all the hard work put by Ryan and Hulst to fuck Playstation.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
Sony PlayStation desperately wanted a cartoony platformer to compete with Nintendo and their extremely passionate base also clamored for this. Little Big Planet’s (and subsequently Media Molecule’s) success comes from this fleeting moment in time. They’ve never actually capitalized on it with anything truly great and their popularity has dwindled over time.


21 Jun 2022
Sony PlayStation desperately wanted a cartoony platformer to compete with Nintendo and their extremely passionate base also clamored for this. Little Big Planet’s (and subsequently Media Molecule’s) success comes from this fleeting moment in time. They’ve never actually capitalized on it with anything truly great and their popularity has dwindled over time.
They should've expanded LBP universe. They didn't give the franchise a chance to grow and gave Mm too much freedom which resulted in Dreams development hell and waste of talent and potential.


28 Jun 2022
Sony PlayStation desperately wanted a cartoony platformer to compete with Nintendo and their extremely passionate base also clamored for this. Little Big Planet’s (and subsequently Media Molecule’s) success comes from this fleeting moment in time. They’ve never actually capitalized on it with anything truly great and their popularity has dwindled over time.
Idk about tht, lbp was successful and the other platformer that I actually prefer over Mario is Astrobot. They need to double down on tht one though.


21 Jun 2022

I gonna make you deal with him, make sure you know what a real spinner look like
I'm starting to realise there's no point in pointing this out to some people. Jim could say himself "I willingly sabotaged Playstation and was fired from my job" and people would still find a way to defend him.

And I'm not saying he willingly sabotaged anything, that's just dumb. But that he was fired, or at the very least encouraged to leave? Absolutely, I will stand by that.
Amazing that you tag the biggest jim ryan dickrider in the forum 😂
Let's see Jimbo's results:
-They are generating record revene for any console maker in gaming history
-They are generating more profit than SCE/SIE ever did
-They just broke the record of the fastest selling Sony game ever with Spider-Man 2
-Their previous record was set a few months ago with GoWR, and before it TLOU2. All games of his era
-PS5 is at record sales and performance
-Most of their studios released their best selling ever game during his period, and/or received more awards/better reviews than ever did before
-PSVR2 selling better and has a bigger and better first year lineup than PSVR1 with bigger focus on AAA IPs
-Highly improved their game subs and cloud gaming
-Bought Insomniac, Bungie, Firewalk (ex-Bungies), Bluepoint, Housemarque or ("resurrecting" SCE Liverpol Studio, Evolution and Bizarre Creations) Firesprite
-Highly increased the manpower of all their other studios
-Successfully expanded their IPs to movies, tv shows or even theme parks
-Successfully exploited the new revenue and profit source that are the PC ports without negatively affecting their console business

Why do you think he was fired? He's the most successful CEO than any console maker ever had. Unless he was raping kids or something like that, looking at his performance and strategy results there's absolutely no reason to fire him.

He got old and retired, that's all.

He's the one that destroyed the marketing team.
Totally wrong.

PS marketing team is more successful than ever. In addition to a small portion of the records he achieved and that I mentioned above, during his era PlayStation also achieved gaming history records in social media (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube...) for any console maker.

He's the one that has most studios working on live-service shit.
Most of the Sony live services games being developed now (that we know, including via job offers, LinkedIn etc.) or released during his era weren't greenlighted by him. Most of the games greenlighted by him (that we know including via job offers, LinkedIn, etc.) aren't live service games.

One of these live service games broke the record in Youtube quickly achieving 19M views on its reveal trailer. You may not like this games, but many other people do.
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