Microsoft Q3/FY24 Report Highlights



Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
You're ridiculous.

A better sight on management? Japan doesn't have a single trillion-dollar company. The closest is 300 billion... The US has 25 300 billion or higher companies and 6 trillion dollar companies.

Who severely damaged PlayStation in the PS3 era? You mean when Kutaragi told people to get a second job to afford it?

Kaz Hirai oversaw massive failures and a massive decline in Sony Electronics, surpassed by Apple, Samsung, and LG in phones and TV.

Sony failed to understand the market around the MP3 and around flash memory losing out to Apple and Sandisk.

Sony's joint venture of Sony Ericsson was a massive failure.

Sony failed when it came to PlayStation Vue where Hulu and Youtube TV were successful.

Again, you're ridiculous.
Nothing of that was Kaz Hirai's fault. Sony was already a mess when he was appointed. What in the world has it do to with America's Trillion Dollar Corporations?
There are only a handful Trillion dollar Corps in the world who are BigTech. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Amazon (AWS) to be precise. They all have one thing in common, being a market leader in an specific IT sector. Not even Disney is a Trillion Dollar company. Becoming as an Electronic/Entertainment corporation a Trillion dollar Corp is nearly impossible. Well Japanese are more competent when it comes to restructuring a company, prime examples: Sony and Capcom. Get your facts right before you call someone ridiculous kid.
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21 Jun 2022
NateDrake, the insider that got all the Xbox ports right, agrees that PC Day 1 killed the consoles sales. He said that today in the Era thread.

When are @Yurinka @mibu no ookami and other PC supporters going to see the light? They would rather use mental gymnastics to explain the drop in hardware when the obvious is right in front of you.
I'll agree with you when PS5 metrics tell me you're right. As of now they tell that isn't the case, most ifof them are at the biggest number ever, gaming history records in a growth pattern and with different projects in the works to make them grow even more. Or super close to be the highest number ever launch aligned.

There has not been hardware drop, both the most recent quarter and all the 3 quarters of FY23 together have a growth in hardware vs last year. They had great sales, but not as big as they expected. They didn't have bad sales, their forecast was too optimistic instead. Hardaware sales is one of these only handhulf cases areas where they're almost, almost launch aligned all time record but not the case. All the rest had record number this or many of the recent quarters or FYs.

Regarding hardware sales, the yearly hardware sales of all consoles make a curve: they keep selling more every year until they peak, traditionally around the 3rd-5th (it depends on the console, not always the same) fiscal year. And starting from that the yearly hardware sales of that console keep decreasing. It isn't menthal gymnastics, it's how the console market always worked and the related factual market data can doble checker. Totoki said that this recent FY23 apparently was going to be the peak year of the PS5 hardware sales (the yearly peak of software sales or company revenue or profits come later in the generation). They are facts, or "mental gymnastics" for gaming flatearthers who don't accept reality when doesn't match their tastes.
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mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
Nothing of that was Kaz Hirai's fault. Sony was already a mess when he was appointed. What in the world has it do to with America's Trillion Dollar Corporations?
There are only a handful Trillion dollar Corps in the world who are BigTech. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Amazon (AWS) to be precise. They all have one thing in common, being a market leader in an specific IT sector. Not even Disney is a Trillion Dollar company. Becoming as an Electronic/Entertainment corporation a Trillion dollar Corp is nearly impossible. Well Japanese are more competent when it comes to restructuring a company, prime examples: Sony and Capcom. Get your facts right before you call someone ridiculous kid.

Who made it a mess? Be specific. What was their nationality?

I like how you've ignored all my points about how Sony has been mismanaged particularly under the leadership of Hirai as CEO.

Kaz became CEO in 2012, so yes, the market share they lost in TVs and cell phones was his fault. LG and Samsung ate their lunch.

You're revisionist fiction is hilarious.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
And how do you explain the massive decline this quarter after the PS5 ports were announced? Amy Hood also said they will decline even more next quarter.

MS themselves are saying the console will continue to decline as they port more games but you still think porting games to other platforms (PC, Switch, PS5) has no relevance on the console sales? They would sell the same with or without PC and PS5? 🤔

That's because Microsoft basically said they were leaving the console industry.

You have to be a complete fool to buy Xbox now.

Again, they've already been in decline for years.
  • thinking_hard
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Love it when Internet experts thinks they are more competent then the actual CEO. It's obvious which nationality they had. You're confusing SIE with Sony. SIE and Pictures are the only divisions which had Western leaders. Sony was brought into a mess by Japanese but also saved by Japanese leadership. You're claim for the TVs is wrong. You said he was appointed in 2012. How do you expect anyone to fix such a difficult division in few years? Sony had a lot ongoing.
Closing and selling of their Vaio division. Aside that Sony's TVs started becoming more popular in around 2015 again. Means he needed 3 years to get Sony's TV division back on the right track. Research and development takes time, we speak here of several years. Anyway I am tired to continue this pointless discussion with you.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Using Microsoft corp revenue as cope. Another bot in the house 😒

Did someone ever used Sony Corporation revenue when talking about Playstation? I've never seen that. I don't even know how much money they make.
Well MS owns Xbox, and I'm pointing out how insane it is that they make THAT much.

Also 62%+ in Xbox services is a very big jump. It's a jump from 3.6 billion to 5.4 billion.

& I don't think that they are spending 1.8 billion on employees so it's most likely extra profit.

I think sony only makes like 7-8 billion in a year, MS made 22 billion in a quarter, such a big revenue jump, while selling very low amount of Xbox hardware.


21 Jun 2022
Well MS owns Xbox, and I'm pointing out how insane it is that they make THAT much.

Also 62%+ in Xbox services is a very big jump. It's a jump from 3.6 billion to 5.4 billion.

& I don't think that they are spending 1.8 billion on employees so it's most likely extra profit.

I think sony only makes like 7-8 billion in a year, MS made 22 billion in a quarter, such a big revenue jump, while selling very low amount of Xbox hardware.
That jump is all Activision money. Are you being dumb on purpose?


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Bro 🤣. Xbox as a console is dying, and C&S was only up because of ABK. Without them they would have been statistically flat or even negative.
Im sure its because of ABK too. They are doing really good, COD & WoW still are garnering sales and Wow doing positive.

But 5.4 billion revenue is such a massive jump, along with lower hardware sales that is, so they aren't losing money on the console. And there's no way they are spending 1.8 billion in a quarter or not even in a year so that's especially insane.


12 Jan 2024

People is not ready to talk yet but Xbox made way more mistakes with Series than Xbox One (and yes I pointed that in 2020 in GAF).

Xbox One launch to mid gen today looks like a champion compared with Series launch to mid gen.

I agree that Microsoft has made more mistakes in the first three years of the Xbox Series consoles than they did Xbox One but none of them were or are bigger than Microsoft revealing Xbox One in 2013. I know most will probably disagree but if you watch the 2013/2014/2015 E3 Xbox Showcases, games wise, they were better than Sony's but it didn't matter because they completely fucked up their entire brand by going with TV TV TV as the focus followed by Kinect which had it's little run during the Xbox 360 generation but should have ended with that generation, a $500 price tag and weaker hardware despite costing $100 more. In my opinion, they still haven't recovered and quite honestly, they never will console wise. Will Microsoft make a shit ton of money? Absolutely but that's nothing new. But will their consoles ever succeed and thrive? My guess is no.

With that all said, game wise and im sure majority will disagree with me here as well but Xbox Series has given me the following -

1. Starfield - 9.5/10 (my current game of the generation, I know most will laugh but I loved this game because it's the type of sci-fi open world RPG I have wanted for a long time, especially the ship combat and unlike many others, this was my first true Bethesda Game Studios game so nothing for me to compare it to)

2. Halo Infinite - 9.5/10 (my 2021 game of the year, campaign only, like with Starfield, Infinite won me over in regards to being a fan of the studio. I don't care about their past or the online multi-player stuff. 2021 was also a weak year in my opinion so it was an easy decision for me)

3. Hi Fi Rush - 8.5/10 (loved the game for the most)

4. Gears Tactics - 8.0/10 (great strategy turn based RPG with several issues. enjoyed it for the most part but the mandatory side missions was fucking horrible)

5. Redfall - 6.0/10 (literally, my lowest ranked game of the generation. tied with Saints Row (2022) rating wise but it's a spot higher than Redfall because the variety in the main story missions were pretty good and the standout)

Xbox One in the same 3 year period -

1. Gears of War 4 - 8.5/10
2. Quantum Break - 8.0/10
3. Ryse: Son of Rome - 7.0/10
4. Dead Rising 3 - 7.0/10

Game wise for me, it's not even close. This is why I don't care what they do. Consoles can live forever or die tomorrow. Can't do anything about any of it so fuck it. All I care about is if the games im interested in are great for me personally. Excluding Redfall, no complaints. Game wise, better than Xbox One for me and Xbox 360. So in this aspect, I honestly can't complain. Everything else that they're doing in regards to their consoles and brand is just a fucking horrible joke that I wish was a nightmare but it's reality so at this point, I play their games via Game Pass and call it a generation.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
That jump is all Activision money. Are you being dumb on purpose?
Yeah I know that. Ofcourse it is. But a 1.8 billion dollar revenue increase in a quarter is insane still. And I don't think ABK is spending 1.8 billion dollars a quarter, while also not losing money because of hardware. So I think that it's pretty decent for them.

The president of MS pointed out how they were the biggest publisher on the top 25 on PS store, so I think he plans to give PS more of their exclusives.
  • haha
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Well-known member
11 Feb 2024

People is not ready to talk yet but Xbox made way more mistakes with Series than Xbox One (and yes I pointed that in 2020 in GAF).

Xbox One launch to mid gen today looks like a champion compared with Series launch to mid gen.
It still blows my mind that they launched the Series with literally 0 big exclusives. It feels like they thought they'd win this generation based purely on Twitter fanboys and Digital Foundry hype
Cracking Up Lol GIF
24 Jun 2022
You're ridiculous.

A better sight on management? Japan doesn't have a single trillion-dollar company. The closest is 300 billion... The US has 25 300 billion or higher companies and 6 trillion dollar companies.

That's due to the way they have their finance system set up. It's conservative by design. Guess which of the only companies in console gaming can claim to have zero debt? Nintendo, a Japanese company.

Who severely damaged PlayStation in the PS3 era? You mean when Kutaragi told people to get a second job to afford it?

Kutaragi never actually said this. And the way he spoke the quote where this phrase mistakenly came from, was spoken in an aspirational tone, not a conceited/arrogant one.

Kaz Hirai oversaw massive failures and a massive decline in Sony Electronics, surpassed by Apple, Samsung, and LG in phones and TV.

He also helped stabilize Sony and get it back into a good position before PS4's launch. By logic of what you're saying, Apple also surpassed Microsoft during the late '00s and early '10s with iPhone and iPad.

Sony failed to understand the market around the MP3 and around flash memory losing out to Apple and Sandisk.

So did many other companies.

Sony's joint venture of Sony Ericsson was a massive failure.

Still more successful than Windows Phone. For starters the Ericsson line still exists today.

Sony failed when it came to PlayStation Vue where Hulu and Youtube TV were successful.

Again, you're ridiculous.

You sold Sony incredibly short with Hirai's decisions that literally saved the company from bankruptcy. And that kind of underselling is a bit ridiculous IMO.
  • they're_right_you_know
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mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
That's due to the way they have their finance system set up. It's conservative by design. Guess which of the only companies in console gaming can claim to have zero debt? Nintendo, a Japanese company.

Debt isn't a bad thing. That's not necessarily something to brag about, but again that goes to the point about their ability to manage growth. Being overly conservative doesn't get you there and it is why American and Korean companies have leap frogged them in their strongest markets. It's about to happen again in automobiles with EVs. Kia/Hyundai are leading the way while Toyota and Honda sit on their asses.

Kutaragi never actually said this. And the way he spoke the quote where this phrase mistakenly came from, was spoken in an aspirational tone, not a conceited/arrogant one.

He absolutely said it and it was absolutely conceited.

He also helped stabilize Sony and get it back into a good position before PS4's launch. By logic of what you're saying, Apple also surpassed Microsoft during the late '00s and early '10s with iPhone and iPad.

They did and Microsoft was able to get back their position with cloud services.

So did many other companies.

Still more successful than Windows Phone. For starters the Ericsson line still exists today.

Big difference. The Windows phone didn't use Android it used Windows Mobile. And Microsoft famously lost the bigger picture through antitrust lawsuits and their focus on Xbox instead of mobile.

You sold Sony incredibly short with Hirai's decisions that literally saved the company from bankruptcy. And that kind of underselling is a bit ridiculous IMO.

Sony has been a middling company for the last 20 years and a lot of that has to do with Kaz Hirai. You should also recognize that he was only CEO for 6 years. He didn't save anything. They were in rough shape for sure and he left them in less rough shape, but he also missed massive opportunities for growth in a really small window.

He was even rebuked by top sony executives for his failure to innovate.

The stock barely grew under Hirai and has grown MUCH faster since he left.
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