Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


26 Feb 2023
Yeah the question is will the FTC have the spine to appeal. If they don't they are massively inept.

It's obvious the judge rushed her decision, and tha fact that she just admitted that the FTC actually managed to argue that "it may" lessen competition seems like they can capitalize on that by showing past precedents.

The FTC is 100 percent guaranteed to appeal, because of politics.

But when FTC should appeal, tomorrow?


Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023
A lot of the biggest xbox console warriors have owned all the consoles. It gives them fake credibility. Owning a system doesn't mean you aren't a stan for the other company. Colt, Dealer, all those dudes have playstations. Doesn't make them any less cringe.
Funny thing is that I've been hyper critical of Xbox back in the Xbox One gen, as well as 2022 when there were no big games out.

The ABK deal has certainly warped some of you guys into thinking everything is either pro Xbox 100% or anti Xbox all the way.

Owning the console is one thing, using them as the primary system for years is another. This little exchange made me think of the PS3 games I played back in 09 and I finally remembered what The Last Guy was after all these years.
"How can I be a consolist? I have PlayStation friends!" 😏
Yeah and this is when the fanboy stuff gets revealed.

Sorry I don't pass your purity tests. I spoke too much about Xbox. Oh no.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
But when FTC should appeal, tomorrow?
I would assume as soon possible to try to prevent the deal closing. Other than that it doesn't really matter which day. They already have the case built (and so does Microsoft and Activision,) its just re-litigating it at this point.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Lmao I am a massive advocate for unionization and fucking over corporations for the sake of the working class and public.

That's the great thing about being smart and not some fanboy. I couldn't give a shit about Microsoft as a company and I hope we elect politicians that go for their insane profits and low taxes.

But keep everything to the console space because that's all you care about. Plastic boxes from your childhood.

Xbox is just one platform. I'd have many different platforms to main if they went out of business. You're acting like your life is over if Xbox get a little more market share.

Also, lmao, Xbox domination. I want Call of Duty on Nintendo and I've been saying Activision is dumb AF for years for not doing it.

Corporations are soulless entities. Workers are people that should be protected. They are in no way the same thing and that shows your priorities.

To your second part, that's why we need an expansion of unionization and legislation that outlaws profitable companies from mass layoffs.

So what about gaming today is currently destroyed since 2001 because of Microsoft? How is ABK going to change that.

So first off, the slippery slope of Microsoft buying everything is just incorrect. They couldn't buy Bungie, Square Enix, or Sega before Activision.

Two, tell me all the games PlayStation 5 owners will no longer be able to play because of this deal.

You know the fucking funny thing about that is? Activision has swallowed most of their internal studios to be a COD factory.

Spyro? Dead
Tony Hawk? Dead
Backlog IP? Dead

Blizzard take forever to release new games and so far all they do is Overwatch and Diablo and WOW. Warcraft 3 Reforged had a fucked up launch and StarCraft is dead.

AB is currently a shell of its former self to please the stock market and focus entirely on profits. Everyone works on COD at Activision, to the point where that new Crash game wasn't even marketed.

Maybe Activision and Blizzard can go back to more diverse releases thanks to Microsoft not needing them to be factories of a single IP. That's the plan, anyway. I want a StarCraft 3.
Why don't you just go & post over on pure Xbox or reset era where you can all have a circle jerk & pat eachother on the back
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I'm mostly sad because Insomniac can never be reunited with Spyro. That series is a large part of my childhood and a huge part of why they've been my favorite studio for decades.

And I KNOW Xbox isn't gonna just magically start treating him well for any reason outside of flaunting they own Sony's old mascot. Just like Greenberg did with Crash.
Yeah big fan of spyro & crash ever since I was a little nipper wish they'd sell the IPs
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Oh no, they're going to keep CoD on PlayStation. For now. They can't justify the price tag they paid for it by yanking it. Yet.

But they CAN offer them the same crappy revenue split that Activision made MS take before, that Phil somehow tried to blame on Sony. Which means they make LESS from CoD while MS makes MORE. Which is why they're going to try to bolster their revenue and try to get to the point where the day they may have to say "no deal" to Xbox and have CoD yanked will be significantly less detrimental to PlayStation's bottom line.
Playstation was already taking a lower cut than the standard 30% on cod they just didn't broadcast that news lol


4 Jul 2022
Lmao I am a massive advocate for unionization and fucking over corporations for the sake of the working class and public.

That's the great thing about being smart and not some fanboy. I couldn't give a shit about Microsoft as a company and I hope we elect politicians that go for their insane profits and low taxes.

But keep everything to the console space because that's all you care about. Plastic boxes from your childhood.

Xbox is just one platform. I'd have many different platforms to main if they went out of business. You're acting like your life is over if Xbox get a little more market share.

Also, lmao, Xbox domination. I want Call of Duty on Nintendo and I've been saying Activision is dumb AF for years for not doing it.

Corporations are soulless entities. Workers are people that should be protected. They are in no way the same thing and that shows your priorities.

To your second part, that's why we need an expansion of unionization and legislation that outlaws profitable companies from mass layoffs.

So what about gaming today is currently destroyed since 2001 because of Microsoft? How is ABK going to change that.

So first off, the slippery slope of Microsoft buying everything is just incorrect. They couldn't buy Bungie, Square Enix, or Sega before Activision.

Two, tell me all the games PlayStation 5 owners will no longer be able to play because of this deal.

You know the fucking funny thing about that is? Activision has swallowed most of their internal studios to be a COD factory.

Spyro? Dead
Tony Hawk? Dead
Backlog IP? Dead

Blizzard take forever to release new games and so far all they do is Overwatch and Diablo and WOW. Warcraft 3 Reforged had a fucked up launch and StarCraft is dead.

AB is currently a shell of its former self to please the stock market and focus entirely on profits. Everyone works on COD at Activision, to the point where that new Crash game wasn't even marketed.

Maybe Activision and Blizzard can go back to more diverse releases thanks to Microsoft not needing them to be factories of a single IP. That's the plan, anyway. I want a StarCraft 3.
you arent fooling anyone CUCO


26 Feb 2023
I would assume as soon possible to try to prevent the deal closing. Other than that it doesn't really matter which day. They already have the case built (and so does Microsoft and Activision,) its just re-litigating it at this point.

Well, there is a still chance for deal to fail, though.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022

Look at this twat words that doesnt match his action
What are you talking about? Read that shirt and look at XB's effort to actually compete fairly.