My Opinion: Xbox should buy PlayStation and end the console wars

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6 Jul 2022

I kind of agree with this. Microsoft makes better hardware (Xbox Series X for example), has the better services (Game Pass), way more 1st party publishers (+ 2 publishers) and A LOT more money. Microsoft will buy more 1st party studios and maybe even a third publisher.
But I would rather see Sony go 3rd party. Stop making consoles and just make games for all platforms (PC, Xbox, Switch). I already discussed this here.
I think when Sony's upcoming 10 GaaS games all flopped they will realize it's time to move on and become a 3rd party publisher.
Keep'em coming, sir. Do not let this guys lower their guard.

leonardo dicaprio GIF

Deleted member 140

That's a terrible idea! 🙀

A company's management, culture, history and structure are always unique and lead to different outcomes. There are many reasons for Sony's insanely high quality output of games and MS not being able to reach that level despite their bags of money. Diversity is key and Sony's first Party Studios are so good because they share tech, support each other, work together with the people who design the hardware etc. It's the whole concept that makes them successful. Removing the console selling aspect would have a negative impact on the identity and culture of those studios, change the way they're managed.


8 Jul 2022
That's going to be a nah from dawg. Sure, Microsoft has the TFLOPS advantage, but that doesn't matter until they can actually start pumping games out. It's the same song and dance since the XB1X, "We can't brag about gaming experiences that you only enjoy on Xbox, but check out these specs!".
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Deleted member 13


I kind of agree with this. Microsoft makes better hardware (Xbox Series X for example), has the better services (Game Pass), way more 1st party publishers (+ 2 publishers) and A LOT more money. Microsoft will buy more 1st party studios and maybe even a third publisher.
But I would rather see Sony go 3rd party. Stop making consoles and just make games for all platforms (PC, Xbox, Switch). I already discussed this here.
I think when Sony's upcoming 10 GaaS games all flopped they will realize it's time to move on and become a 3rd party publisher.
LOL @ the thread - BUT - let's engage anyway.

I agree with some of what you say. It's equivalent to Sony waking up one morning and saying we'll make all our games for all platforms. That would ALSO end the platform wars. However, I don't see MS buying Sony at all. Yes, they have a lot more money but is it all tied to the Xbox brand? Nope. I also don't see this even remotely going through the FTC board. It's like Nvidia buying Intel. You have to have SOME competition and therefore, options to the masses instead of a monopoly.

I do agree though that we may not see the console as a platform by which to play games in the next decade. Cloud gaming *could* make it obsolete.

Deleted member 13

That's going to be a nah from dawg. Sure, Microsoft has the TFLOPS advantage, but that doesn't matter until they can actually start pumping games out. It's the same song and dance since the XB1X, "We can't brag about gaming experiences that you only enjoy on Xbox, but check out these specs!".
And that's MS weakness right now. They don't really have the talented 1st party studios like Sony does. The 1st party exclusives Sony has is definitely a huge factor in Sony's success. And while some 3rd party developers can rival 1st part Sony developers in talent, their games are available for all platforms.


1 Jul 2022

microsoft is already transitioning to a full 3rd party publisher. Honestly i think series X is it for them, i don't see another console in their future.

after the activision deal closes they'll be fully ready IMO. Gotta get the content catalogue up to snuff to entice Switch and PS5 users to download the Xbox app.


4 Jul 2022

I kind of agree with this. Microsoft makes better hardware (Xbox Series X for example), has the better services (Game Pass), way more 1st party publishers (+ 2 publishers) and A LOT more money. Microsoft will buy more 1st party studios and maybe even a third publisher.
But I would rather see Sony go 3rd party. Stop making consoles and just make games for all platforms (PC, Xbox, Switch). I already discussed this here.
I think when Sony's upcoming 10 GaaS games all flopped they will realize it's time to move on and become a 3rd party publisher.
Xbox does not make better hardware.

OG XBOX: 1 year and a half after PS2, literally a mobile PC with Windows CE. Less hardware features over PS2, less complexity in design.

XBOX 360: Red Ring of Death, 54% defect ratio, need I say more? The consoles with the most revisions and iterations. No internal BD drive, no internal wifi, expensive propietary peripheals especially the HDD. Then you needed a battery shed for their controllers, weak dpad.

XBOX ONE: Weak console, which also saw so many OS/Memory allocation changes to improve performance. Dropped features to give a little more memory/cpu cycles to the devs, pretty much a 900p machine with reduced features and worse framerate.

As for the argument of MS buying Sony. It makes no logical sense why this needs to happen or will ever happen. MS has not made a hit internally since inception, everything they have had has been bought. Gears, bought from Epic, Halo bought from Bungie, (the team which did ONI), MS bought Turn 10. Then if we move down the timeline. RARE and all it's games, RARE only made sense on Nintendo, since MS's acquisition, no one ever talks about RARE with any acclaim, they have taken a terrible jolt relative to quality.

MS bought several studios since 2018, nothing to show yet, they've bought Bethesda, nothing to show yet, they've developed the world's first AAAA studio since millennia, nothing to show yet, last I heard, they were working on a remake of a failed sequel under MS's hand and direction (Perfect Dark), and even that is proving too much for them to get up and running, so much for AAAA, so much for new IP's or exciting IP's.

So if MS buys the whole industry you think the industry will be healthy. Look at how MS is managing and destroying studios which were decent before, these studios are just stuck in a rut. Yet anything to stop the console wars right? A few people calling MS out for not doing anything special with games, calling out bad and biased journalism is the problem right? because that is all I'm seeing. Further to that, the console war is necessary for this industry, it's what gives the industry the edge in pushing the envelope? This "ending the console war" schtick sounds more or less like a pinky and the brain endeavor with Pinocchio as the third wheel. All I see from the "lets end the console war crowd" are persons who want to intentionally occlude criticism and free speech because their favorite company MS is just not providing quality games that are pushing this industry.

MS minion sites like GAF and DF seems to have been given some sort of ambassadorship to quell the console wars against MS, to them I say good luck in changing the industry or getting MS at the helm of gaming. Perhaps some criticism would put them in a better direction than grand-phil-fellation. The truth is, the day MS takes over this whole industry is the very day I turn my back on gaming and this is not out of hate for MS, It's only because of the precedent set by them. Trying to monopolize the industry, lowering the quality of games through their gamepass initiative, having no AAA GOTY level games for years and years ongoing. It certainly won't be a prosperous outlook for the industry if they ever hold the reigns you desire.


8 Jul 2022
My opinion, Xbox should give up and let some other company that can actually compete try. 20 years in last place, with the worst library of games by far, getting outclassed everywhere, there is no coming back from that.

Nintendo and Sony were all over the place during this time but one thing was always true, they were consistently releasing bangers, MS output has been consistently putrid in comparison. Sony and Nintendo were always building up to be what they are today while Xbox was running around like a headless chicken constantly changing strategies trying to figure what the easy fix was. Tthe most recent bet is game subscriptions and buying publishers but who knows how long they'll stick to it? If it doesn't bring home the success they expect.

MS spent 5+ years and countless billions setting up Gamepass as it is today, it took Sony one month with the reworked PS+ to cast a massive shadow on the whole "best deal in gaming" talk. Who knows how committed MS is to it now, their line up in the last few months shows that it might be going the way of Games with Gold.

Every time Xbox even sniffs at success (even if it's imaginary success or just success relative to their low standards) they turn heel, their entire vision of what console games should be is pretty trash (they want to emulate the mobile market). What did Xbox even contributed to games in the last 20 years? Where are all the GoTYs? Where are their games that will go down as some of the best ever like Shadow of the Colossus, Bloodborne, Zelda BoTW, TLoU?
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Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022

microsoft is already transitioning to a full 3rd party publisher. Honestly i think series X is it for them, i don't see another console in their future.

after the activision deal closes they'll be fully ready IMO. Gotta get the content catalogue up to snuff to entice Switch and PS5 users to download the Xbox app.

I doubt Playstation would allow Gamepass on their platform.


21 Jun 2022
I doubt Playstation would allow Gamepass on their platform.
Yep. I'm sure Xbox would be more than happy to make GP available on PlayStation, but PS wouldn't let it. And it makes sense why.

If GP had a first-party-only "XGS" tier, PS would have allowed that. Any tier with third-party games would/should be a big no.


1 Jul 2022
COD is the ultimate trojan horse. it'll be interesting to see what the future holds, after the deal is closed.

having not released any exclusives or signed any significant 3rd party exclusive deals for years now paints a pretty clear picture that Xbox is making an exit in the traditional sense.

if they weren't on MS's budget they would have already been closed down IMO.


8 Jul 2022
Xbox does not make better hardware.
OG XBOX: 1 year and a half after PS2, literally a mobile PC with Windows CE. Less hardware features over PS2, less complexity in design.

XBOX 360: Red Ring of Death, 54% defect ratio, need I say more? The consoles with the most revisions and iterations. No internal BD drive, no internal wifi, expensive propietary peripheals especially the HDD. Then you needed a battery shed for their controllers, weak dpad.

XBOX ONE: Weak console, which also saw so many OS/Memory allocation changes to improve performance. Dropped features to give a little more memory/cpu cycles to the devs, pretty much a 900p machine with reduced features and worse framerate.

As for the argument of MS buying Sony. It makes no logical sense why this needs to happen or will ever happen. MS has not made a hit internally since inception, everything they have had has been bought. Gears, bought from Epic, Halo bought from Bungie, (the team which did ONI), MS bought Turn 10. Then if we move down the timeline. RARE and all it's games, RARE only made sense on Nintendo, since MS's acquisition, no one ever talks about RARE with any acclaim, they have taken a terrible jolt relative to quality.

MS bought several studios since 2018, nothing to show yet, they've bought Bethesda, nothing to show yet, they've developed the world's first AAAA studio since millennia, nothing to show yet, last I heard, they were working on a remake of a failed sequel under MS's hand and direction (Perfect Dark), and even that is proving too much for them to get up and running, so much for AAAA, so much for new IP's or exciting IP's.
So if MS buys the whole industry you think the industry will be healthy. Look at how MS is managing and destroying studios which were decent before, these studios are just stuck in a rut. Yet anything to stop the console wars right? A few people calling MS out for not doing anything special with games, calling out bad and biased journalism is the problem right? because that is all I'm seeing. Further to that, the console war is necessary for this industry, it's what gives the industry the edge in pushing the envelope? This "ending the console war" schtick sounds more or less like a pinky and the brain endeavor with Pinocchio as the third wheel. All I see from the "lets end the console war crowd" are persons who want to intentionally occlude criticism and free speech because their favorite company MS is just not providing quality games that are pushing this industry.

MS minion sites like GAF and DF seems to have been given some sort of ambassadorship to quell the console wars against MS, to them I say good luck in changing the industry or getting MS at the helm of gaming. Perhaps some criticism would put them in a better direction than grand-phil-fellation. The truth is, the day MS takes over this whole industry is the very day I turn my back on gaming and this is not out of hate for MS, It's only because of the precedent set by them. Trying to monopolize the industry, lowering the quality of games through their gamepass initiative, having no AAA GOTY level games for years and years ongoing. It certainly won't be a prosperous outlook for the industry if they ever hold the reigns you desire.
If MS succeeds in imposing their dysfunctional model on other publisher and manages to destroy the viability of the traditional AAA gaming industry then they'll finally be on the same level as their competitors.

Low budget games, mostly multiplayer/GaaS, people trying to pay as little as possible for games... sound like the mobile market to me.

They promise all their games day one on their service then for 2022 you get Pentiment and As Dusk Falls and they somehow are praised for it. To me this is so bad they should have to publicly apologize and give people their money back.

As for hardware, like you said, they don't have a good history to back them up, a lot of unfulfilled promises. The Series S already failed to live up to all the promises they made and the Series X hardly can confidently claim to be the most powerful console ever made when it still gets beat by the PS5 regularly. Also, hardware isn't just power, the PS5 has a $400 model, Sony has been supporting VR since 2016, the DualSense is drastically more advanced than the Xbox controller that lack multiple features (rechargeable battery, gyro, touchpad, haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, microphone, speakers).

I doubt Playstation would allow Gamepass on their platform.
They would, just like they allowed EA Play and the Ubisoft whatever it's called. As long as they get their cut and you are not funneling their costumers to another platform it doesn't matter to Sony, it shouldn't even matter to Sony if Gamepass includes games by other publishers.

It's inevitable by the way. MS is all about Gamepass and not about Xbox anymore, just look at their game shows.
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Sleepy Brown

Sleepy Brown

5 Jul 2022
And we haven't seen Playstation big Publisher acquisition.
You won't see one. Sony does not have the money to buy a publisher.
Buying Bungie for $3.6 billion was Sony's biggest acquisition. And of course it's for more Live-Service games.
Microsoft will buy another publisher while Sony will target more no-name studios like they did with Firesprite and Haven.
I guess Lucid Games and Ember Lab will be next for more Destruction AllStars.


4 Jul 2022
COD is the ultimate trojan horse. it'll be interesting to see what the future holds, after the deal is closed.

having not released any exclusives or signed any significant 3rd party exclusive deals for years now paints a pretty clear picture that Xbox is making an exit in the traditional sense.

if they weren't on MS's budget they would have already been closed down IMO.
Well seeing as how MS has not improved any franchise under it's belt, I really don't see how COD will improve. I can only forsee that another shooter will take it's place and popularity. Gears has regressed, so has Halo, they have all regressed significantly.

Something about MS first party games don't push the graphical envelope, or animations or physics. People talk about MS money, but it seems either the budget allocations are misplaced or someone is pocketing it. 500 million for Halo Infinite and it looks the way it does. Say what you want about COD, but every generation they improved the looks of the game enough, the new improvements to their engine looks pretty good. I can't see MS continuing that charge with a gamepass mandate. Soon Cod will look like State of Decay or even Cartoon COD with Sea of Thieves visuals.


1 Jul 2022
Well seeing as how MS has not improved any franchise under it's belt, I really don't see how COD will improve. I can only forsee that another shooter will take it's place and popularity. Gears has regressed, so has Halo, they have all regressed significantly.

Something about MS first party games don't push the graphical envelope, or animations or physics. People talk about MS money, but it seems either the budget allocations are misplaced or someone is pocketing it. 500 million for Halo Infinite and it looks the way it does. Say what you want about COD, but every generation they improved the looks of the game enough, the new improvements to their engine looks pretty good. I can't see MS continuing that charge with a gamepass mandate. Soon Cod will look like State of Decay or even Cartoon COD with Sea of Thieves visuals.
COD and bethesda give them IPs people actually want and would subscribe to play.

stuff like crash bandicoot, tony hawk, pretty much all the rest of activision ips and everything MS makes internally... sorry to break it to their fans, but these are junk franchises in today's market. lol


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
You won't see one. Sony does not have the money to buy a publisher.
Buying Bungie for $3.6 billion was Sony's biggest acquisition. And of course it's for more Live-Service games.
Microsoft will buy another publisher while Sony will target more no-name studios like they did with Firesprite and Haven.
I guess Lucid Games and Ember Lab will be next for more Destruction AllStars.

God your tag is appropriate you act like you're 18 and just discovered gaming forums and gaming information.

Sony as a company has a lot of shored up assets. They have money to buy a publisher and fingers point to a Japanese one.
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