Nobody is wishlisting Concord on Steam


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Do you think the estimated 13 million that bought Helldivers had it wishlisted or pre-ordered?

It’s an online game. It won’t be the character trailers, controllers or reviews that will show us if it lives or dies; it will be the players, word of mouth, and grassroots excitement.

Manufactured hype won’t help an online game. They’re 100% gameplay driven and must have sauce to make it.

(I’m aware the beta hasn’t helped but I’m still sorta reserving final judgement for launch. Do I think it will flop? Eh, nof looking good at the moment).
I don't even see the point in pre-ordering games anymore in a digital landscape... It's not like the PS store is gonna sell out lol. And I don't care to pre-load my Internet speed allows me to not care, plus most games allow you to start playing after a certain percentage is downloaded.

I do think the beta has helped somewhat but even people I played with just said they will buy it when it's out... There's 11 people on my friend list that has it preordered, which surprised me when I checked few days ago.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I won't die at the hill defending this game BUT the amount of veiled xbot/PCMR hate this game gets and how some people here fit exactly in that criteria proves to me that this site has been infiltrated by xbots and they will have complete free reign bc site owner doesn't like *some* aspects and can't be for banning people who agree with *some* of his extreme ideas.... I like this place less and less just bc of this, doom&gloom thread isn't enough, just ban any anti-Sony rhetoric and most of the criticism as well because they're always veiled xbot agendas.. or I have no recourse to never visit this site again.
I am a Sony fan and I would hope I am pretty fair when it comes to moderation on this site.

We have banned a few trolls in the not to distant past that have gone out of their way to constantly flog that dead horse, hence why I made the Doomers thread.

Saying all that, we are not an echo chamber. People, just like in life, have differences of opinions.

Not everyone is a troll, and we need to be more tolerant of opposing opinions.

If you think someone is constantly trolling, then please report it; the mods, like all reports, will look at it and take action if needed.

I am sorry that this is affecting your enjoyment of the site, but we can not and will not silence users for have a different opinion.

And if worse comes to worst, just Ignore those people.

I have scum bags like @Bryank75 and @PropellerEar on ignore.

My best advice is try not to let things get to you. Hope that helps ❤️


Active member
29 Sep 2022
It's crazy how suddenly a game heavily marketed for PS5 is being held hostage by steam numbers... Meanwhile PS5 lobbies were crammed both weekends, no matter the time of day or night
honestly seems like the best approach for sony is to actually release player count numbers like Steam does so this whole "game does shit on Steam therefore it's a flop everywhere" trend can stop. That's really the only reason this happens and it's a bit odd why other platform holders don't do so when it seems to just end up better for analysts and consumers

at least, let it be an opt in or opt out thing for companies so no backlash from third parties can occur


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
honestly seems like the best approach for sony is to actually release player count numbers like Steam does so this whole "game does shit on Steam therefore it's a flop everywhere" trend can stop. That's really the only reason this happens and it's a bit odd why other platform holders don't do so when it seems to just end up better for analysts and consumers

at least, let it be an opt in or opt out thing for companies so no backlash from third parties can occur
No that's pretty much opening up Pandora's box for them further.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I don't even see the point in pre-ordering games anymore in a digital landscape... It's not like the PS store is gonna sell out lol. And I don't care to pre-load my Internet speed allows me to not care, plus most games allow you to start playing after a certain percentage is downloaded.

I do think the beta has helped somewhat but even people I played with just said they will buy it when it's out... There's 11 people on my friend list that has it preordered, which surprised me when I checked few days ago.
Some digital preorder bonus are nice but I do just few hours before release ☺️
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
I am a Sony fan and I would hope I am pretty fair when it comes to moderation on this site.

We have banned a few trolls in the not to distant past that have gone out of their way to constantly flog that dead horse, hence why I made the Doomers thread.

Saying all that, we are not an echo chamber. People, just like in life, have differences of opinions.

Not everyone is a troll, and we need to be more tolerant of opposing opinions.

If you think someone is constantly trolling, then please report it; the mods, like all reports, will look at it and take action if needed.

I am sorry that this is affecting your enjoyment of the site, but we can not and will not silence users for have a different opinion.

And if worse comes to worst, just Ignore those people.

I have scum bags like @Bryank75 and @PropellerEar on ignore.

My best advice is try not to let things get to you. Hope that helps ❤️
Just make sure no trolls allowed in the Concord OT

Perma ban for anyone who speaks ill of the Multiplayer game of the Year during launch week 😏
  • haha
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Some digital preorder bonus are nice but I do just few hours before release ☺️
Which makes sense, I do that if the game has a huge file size, but I don't expect Concord to be over 45GB at launch, considering the beta was 26GB.

So I maybe I'll just get it the same day or day of release.
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12 May 2024
Some pre-order bonuses on PSN are available past the actual launch/release date. So, there's "no rush" to pre-order for certain titles.
Most of the time its for games made by NIS America, Aksys Games, etc.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I won't die at the hill defending this game BUT the amount of veiled xbot/PCMR hate this game gets and how some people here fit exactly in that criteria proves to me that this site has been infiltrated by xbots and they will have complete free reign bc site owner doesn't like *some* aspects and can't be for banning people who agree with *some* of his extreme ideas.... I like this place less and less just bc of this, doom&gloom thread isn't enough, just ban any anti-Sony rhetoric and most of the criticism as well because they're always veiled xbot agendas.. or I have no recourse to never visit this site again.
Idk if those people are xbots, but what i clearly see is there are a few members who barely talk about games around here, like, no gameplay or industry whatsoever, and only talk about woke and stuff. All this talk about the AC game and Concord, its hard to see someone criticizing the game for its actual flaws, like gameplay, game modes, artstyle/graphics and so on. Its like they think the forum is more like an alt right site than a gaming one, I realized this once observing the discussions that happens during events, there is always people creating threads to discuss how a female character isnt hot enough (happened to silent hill 2 and metal gear solid 3 remakes) or how black characters are political just by existing, and honestly it gets tiring quite easily... at this point the mods should create a "doom&gloom" thread just for this kind of political discussion

Yeah its been a good few months but I noticed it too.

Maybe not for this game, because this game has genuine character design issues and anti gaas fans arent xbots, they are just scared MP games will overtake SP games. So it does have a large portion of genuine ps fans who dont like it or Gaas. But that doesnt mean MS and shills arent doing its usual rounds to ruin a PS game launch, they defo are. They just have a majority of PS fans with them this time.

Even Atrobot in the official posts online (Twitter, Insta ads) has a bunch of people telling people its £70 not £60 and its not worth it…”£70 for a platformer, this should of been free”.
“£70, Im not buying it”. Many comments like that. Truth is the game is £60… so they are in there lying and spreading misinformation. Thats shill tactics.
Thats not PS fans trying to turn people off buying Astrobot….Have a look at those profiles and those people are always saying something negative about a exclusive PS game launch. Not a coincidence.

There are a number of people here and forums, who all they do here who do doom and gloom only for PS. They jump in once in awhile and praise a game like Astrobt. Then go and shit on everything else about PS and its decisions. I mean I dont like PC ports but I dont shit on every decision they make.

MS and its shill are a wild thing. People who deny them are just living in a fantasy world where politicians, the government and strippers tell you the truth lol.
The amount of gamers and journalist suddenly repeating what each other say and all promoting the same thing with the same lines….. then the media doing similar articles a week after each other, not once but reugulary praising Xbox and shitting on anyone who doesnt do gamepass. Its all too obvious. Some is the collective hive mind of people but the timing and all saying the same things means its a organised too.

And I wouldn't be surprised if there tactics or so have been, instead of praising Xbox and Gamepass all the time, go as PS fans. I mean they arent morally obliged to be truthful lol. And then shit on everything PS, doom and gloom it all. Create issues in the fanbase etc. That doesnt mean there arent geniune issues with PS we want fixed. But some of the stuff is either mentally ill or shill level nonsense all the time.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Do you think the estimated 13 million that bought Helldivers had it wishlisted or pre-ordered?

It’s an online game. It won’t be the character trailers, controllers or reviews that will show us if it lives or dies; it will be the players, word of mouth, and grassroots excitement.

Manufactured hype won’t help an online game. They’re 100% gameplay driven and must have sauce to make it.

(I’m aware the beta hasn’t helped but I’m still sorta reserving final judgement for launch. Do I think it will flop? Eh, nof looking good at the moment).

We probably wont know, but Im guessing haters will use Steam numbers to say why its failed all round. If people arent willing to try it because of what people who havent played the game say, then it wont have much chance. And it seems like some fanbases just go wild for the failure of certain games.

Im thinking it might do a 3rd of Returnal initial numbers? Which wont be a total failure, not great but it would be an achievement after the universal backlash the game has gotten. Maybe then give it out on PS+ to stretch it out more.


10 Jan 2023
I won't die at the hill defending this game BUT the amount of veiled xbot/PCMR hate this game gets and how some people here fit exactly in that criteria proves to me that this site has been infiltrated by xbots and they will have complete free reign bc site owner doesn't like *some* aspects and can't be for banning people who agree with *some* of his extreme ideas.... I like this place less and less just bc of this, doom&gloom thread isn't enough, just ban any anti-Sony rhetoric and most of the criticism as well because they're always veiled xbot agendas.. or I have no recourse to never visit this site again.
Concord is up against xbots, pcmr, gaas haters, anti-DEI folk, and Overwatch fans.

Look at this games subreddit, what you notice is a giant brigade of haters ready to shit on this game. Despite all of that, there is quite a few users who like what this game is trying to do. but we get overshadowed by those who don’t look at this release as a game event, but as a baseless hate event.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Concord is up against xbots, pcmr, gaas haters, anti-DEI folk, and Overwatch fans.

Look at this games subreddit, what you notice is a giant brigade of haters ready to shit on this game. Despite all of that, there is quite a few users who like what this game is trying to do. but we get overshadowed by those who don’t look at this release as a game event, but as a baseless hate event.

Anti DEI folks and anti gaas fans joining with Overwatch + Xbot fans is the same mental level as, when you see LGBTQ supporters and left sided poitical people rallying for people who promote extreme religious groups, who execute LGBQ people in there country lol. Its like whaa? Working with the opposition. Just an observation, not saying whats right and wrong.

Either way its excactly what MS wants. PS fans to cancel there “woke” gaaas game and support Microsoft’s “woke” (OW) gaas game. Most people who complain about the “woke” side of Concord werent complaining much with OW
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10 Jan 2023
Either way it’s excactly what MS wants. PS fans to cancel their “woke” gaaas game and support their “woke” (OW) gaas game. Most people who complain about the “woke” side of Concord werent complaining much with OW
Every side of the industry has been hit with corporate DEI. It’s just how it goes in todays time, but people fixate on it far too much, and with concord, decided to crucify it.

I am most curious about the reviewers takes on this game. The hardcore side of the industry is several years deep into pushing hatred towards nickel and diming tactics, battle passes, free to play. This game, has none of those. It’ll have cosmetic sold (this has been done since ps3) and that’s it. I think this game sets itself apart radically for that reason alone. I used to LOVE multiplayer gaming before it changed into this weird money scheme. This game feels like a rewind to the PS3 gen, because it’s pay at the door.

If all reviewers dismiss this paid game, they are pretty much submitting to the business practices they whine about.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Every side of the industry has been hit with corporate DEI. It’s just how it goes in todays time, but people fixate on it far too much, and with concord, decided to crucify it.

I am most curious about the reviewers takes on this game. The hardcore side of the industry is several years deep into pushing hatred towards nickel and diming tactics, battle passes, free to play. This game, has none of those. It’ll have cosmetic sold (this has been done since ps3) and that’s it. I think this game sets itself apart radically for that reason alone. I used to LOVE multiplayer gaming before it changed into this weird money scheme. This game feels like a rewind to the PS3 gen, because it’s pay at the door.

If all reviewers dismiss this paid game, they are pretty much submitting to the business practices they whine about.
Reviewers are gonna go ham on it because they wont have much Resistence from the usual ps fans lol. Im expecting some 3’ and 4’s, the moment shill reviewers have been waiting for lol


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Reviewers are gonna go ham on it because they wont have much Resistence from the usual ps fans lol. Im expecting some 3’ and 4’s, the moment shill reviewers have been waiting for lol
I think reviews will be good… not 10s but mostly 8s and 9s.

There is nothing in terms of game to reviewers complain about… well maybe content but that needs to seek what they will release.


22 Jul 2022
Just saw the DF performance review. The view number on the video are comically low for a AAA Sony release. Random SNES retro vids uploaded more recently have bigger view numbers.

No interest, game is beyond toast, especially with Marvel F2P heroes shooter getting high praise.
  • they're_right_you_know
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10 Jan 2023
I think reviews will be good… not 10s but mostly 8s and 9s.

There is nothing in terms of game to reviewers complain about… well maybe content but that needs to seek what they will release.
75+ on meta would be impressive from them. Anything lowers will add fuel to the fire. It really is a shame, this game is really fun, not perfect but it does a lot more right than wrong.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Just saw the DF performance review. The view number on the video are comically low for a AAA Sony release. Random SNES retro vids uploaded more recently have bigger view numbers.

No interest, game is beyond toast, especially with Marvel F2P heroes shooter getting high praise.
73k is low? DF vídeos peak at around 150-160k… very few games gone over 200k that is rare and these were polemical performance wise.
Elden Ring DLC has 160k.

I guess you guys are putting too much weight in these YT views… others games you should not even look at the view count 🤷‍♂️
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22 Jul 2022
73k is low? DF vídeos peak at around 150k.
Elden Ring has 160k.

I guess you guys are putting too much weigh in these YT views…
Common man,

Next Vids posted after

Ace Combat for switch 83k
Forza Modding 90k
Random switch montage 147k

Again, AAA, Sony, PS5 & Pc target audience
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Common man,

Next Vids posted after

Ace Combat for switch 83k
Forza Modding 90k
Random switch montage 147k

Again, AAA, Sony, PS5 & Pc target audience
That what DF video views are… 73k is fine… not the top… not the bottom… it just the audience.

Plus it is the analysis of a Beta with no modes or controversial performance to increase view count.

Any other game you should not even look at the view count (I never saw anybody ever taking about DF view counts on YT lol) but you are here because it is Concord 🤷‍♂️
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