PC sales of PlayStation games


21 Jun 2022

That supposed image maybe was to compare year 1 sales only. We also don't know if they are counting there PC sales or not in the estimate.

Because notice they only show Spider-Man 2-3-Wolverine with 10-15M sales estimations. When pretty likely all 3 will go easily above 20M, specially if also counting PC.

And well, they were estimations at least for the unreleased games. And we don't know how old this image is: maybe they made it before releasing Ratchet, because notice that Venom still wasn't there.

Pretty likely were even estimates made a long time ago, before any of the listed games were released.
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2 May 2023
That supposed image maybe was to compare year 1 sales only. We also don't know if they are counting there PC sales or not in the estimate.

Because notice they only show Spider-Man 2-3-Wolverine with 10-15M sales estimations. When pretty likely all 3 will go easily above 20M, specially if also counting PC.

And well, they were estimations at least for the unreleased games. And we don't know how old this image is: maybe they made it before releasing Ratchet.
i only care about the point that full priced PC ports are worth 10x more on day 1 than day 730.

Wraith Phantom

Active member
22 Jun 2022
And people wonder why Jim got retired.His short sighted ,short money gains are damaging long-term.That's why he's retired.It's a mess as nhomnhom as said. No one else opens up their platform as foolish as Jim did.

PC games with garbage numbers out of 300mill PC guys.These are garbage numbers.Can't argue the math.Whoever thought their games would hit on a platform with different taste need sackin.Those sales numbers are worse as they have to give away 30% and lost millions on piracy. It's really low stuff.

Short money aint worth it. Not all money is good money.

I thought the gaas games were cut in half.But it's bascially only multiplayer studios just asking Gaas games. Which it should of been from the beginning.WTF was going on up there.How was Jim talking about 12 gaas games. Without knowing Gaas is an operational a money pit.

They had to get Jim out of there it's clear. PS last selling point was exclusives and they fucked it. Only way out of this.Is for Xbox to go the way of Sega.
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25 Mar 2023
And people wonder why Jim got retired.His short sighted ,short money gains are damaging long-term.That's why he's retired.It's a mess as nhomnhom as said. No one else opens up their platform as foolish as Jim did.

PC games with garbage numbers out of 300mill PC guys these are garbage numbers.Can't argue the math Whoever thought their games would hit on a platform with different taste need sacking. Those sales numbers are worse as they have to give away 30% and lost millions on piracy.

Short money aint worth it. Not all money is good money.

I thought the gaas games were cut in half.But it's bascially only multiplayer studios just asking Gaas games. Which it should of been from the beginning.WTF was going on up there.

They had to get Jim out of there it's clear. Ms ready to with consultand all the money MS willing to lose
They probably assumed their games would be major hits on PC early on and somewhat in line to how they were huge hits on PlayStation. You could tell they had no idea about what they were getting into from day one since they didn't even bother with DRM on games that are single player only.

At best PlayStation games have been a success on the high seas as far as the PC market is concerned.
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8 May 2023

PC gamers are truly retarded, they can’t even match 10% of sales after 2 years. Horizon nearly 4 years, with prices as low as $15, and still only 3m sales, while ps4 did 20m in 2.5 years. But they think they’ll magically save the day with a day 1 port. Seriously, how dense do you have to be?

PlayStations image is truly in the gutter now that they’re associated with these monkeys forever.

Wraith Phantom

Active member
22 Jun 2022
They probably assumed their games would be major hits on PC early on somewhat in line to how they were huge hits on PlayStation. You could tell they had no idea about what they were getting into from day one since they didn't even bother with DRM on games that are single player only.

At best PlayStation games have been a success on the high seas as far as the PC market is concerned.

It's just embarrassing.They bent the knee to steam. Buckling to empty threats. Instead of taking 50million upfront from Epic.To cover the poor sales.They chose 30% sales loss & piracy over upfront money. Not to mention time wasted by studios patching up the games.

Herman Hulst another one needs serious questioning. That whole Jim camp might need to go. Shocking decisions. The Gaas thing wtf.


8 May 2023
It's just embarrassing.They bent the knee to steam. Buckling to empty threats. Instead of taking 50million upfront from Epic.To cover the poor sales.They chose 30% sales loss & piracy over upfront money. Not to mention time wasted by studios patching up the games.

Herman Hulst another one needs serious questioning. That whole Jim camp might need to go. Shocking decisions. The Gaas thing wtf.
I pray Hermen goes next, he's horrible at his job. He pushed gaas just as much, acquired unproven studios in Haven, Firewalk, flopped partnership with Deviation, got fleeced 3.7b in Bungie, but was against Japan Studios and other Japanese partnerships, and bought Nixxes, his neighbors. Him and Jims last 4 years have set PlayStation back 10 years.


21 Jun 2022
And people wonder why Jim got retired.His short sighted ,short money gains are damaging long-term.That's why he's retired.It's a mess as nhomnhom as said. No one else opens up their platform as foolish as Jim did.

PC games with garbage numbers out of 300mill PC guys.These are garbage numbers.Can't argue the math.Whoever thought their games would hit on a platform with different taste need sackin.Those sales numbers are worse as they have to give away 30% and lost millions on piracy. It's really low stuff.

Short money aint worth it. Not all money is good money.

I thought the gaas games were cut in half.But it's bascially only multiplayer studios just asking Gaas games. Which it should of been from the beginning.WTF was going on up there.How was Jim talking about 12 gaas games. Without knowing Gaas is an operational a money pit.

They had to get Jim out of there it's clear. PS last selling point was exclusives and they fucked it. Only way out of this.Is for Xbox to go the way of Sega.
Jim retired because of his age. They are making more money than ever and growing in all areas, meaning they will make much more money in the future.

They are making hundreds of millions in profits on PC, while also selling record numbers in console with hardware, 1st party games and game subs. Absolutely nothing leads to think PC ports are damaging PS5 or its exclusive: the opposite.

I pray Hermen goes next, he's horrible at his job. He pushed gaas just as much, acquired unproven studios in Haven, Firewalk, flopped partnership with Deviation, got fleeced 3.7b in Bungie, but was against Japan Studios and other Japanese partnerships, and bought Nixxes, his neighbors. Him and Jims last 4 years have set PlayStation back 10 years.
Hermen is more successful than any of his predecessors. Most GaaS were greenlighted before he got this position, most of the games we know he greenlighted aren't GaaS.

Haven and Firewalk staff made record breaking new IPs such as Halo, Destiny, AC, Watchdogs or The Division plus other super successful games like Rainbow Six 6.

Most of the 12 GaaS weren't greenlighted by him, already where there when he became CEO. Most of the games we know he greenlighted aren't GaaS.

He didn't buy Bungie, Bungie isn't inside PS Studios. He restructured Japan Studio firing the people who after decades of not being able to release a single hit were making mobile games. Merged its development teams into one of them, Team Asobi. And gave their XDEV team a separate new office to work with more AAA games than before, but now not only from Japan like Deah Stranding 2 and Rise of the Ronin, but also from other Asian countries, like Stellar Blade.
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8 May 2023
Jim retired because of his age. They are making more money than ever and growing in all areas, meaning they will make much more money in the future.

They are making hundreds of millions in profits on PC, while also selling record numbers in console with hardware, 1st party games and game subs. Absolutely nothing leads to think PC ports are damaging PS5 or its exclusive: the opposite.

Hermen is more successful than any of his predecessors. Most GaaS were greenlighted before he got this position, most of the games we know he greenlighted aren't GaaS.

Haven and Firewalk staff made record breaking new IPs such as Halo, Destiny, AC, Watchdogs or The Division plus other super successful games like Rainbow Six 6.

Most of the 12 GaaS weren't greenlighted by him, already where there when he became CEO. Most of the games we know he greenlighted aren't GaaS.

He didn't buy Bungie, Bungie isn't inside PS Studios. He restructured Japan Studio firing the people who after decades of not being able to release a single hit were making mobile games. Merged its development teams into one of them, Team Asobi. And gave their XDEV team a separate new office to work with more AAA games than before, but now not only from Japan like Deah Stranding 2 and Rise of the Ronin, but also from other Asian countries, like Stellar Blade.
man stop please


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Jim retired because of his age. They are making more money than ever and growing in all areas, meaning they will make much more money in the future.

They are making hundreds of millions in profits on PC, while also selling record numbers in console with hardware, 1st party games and game subs. Absolutely nothing leads to think PC ports are damaging PS5 or its exclusive: the opposite.

Hermen is more successful than any of his predecessors. Most GaaS were greenlighted before he got this position, most of the games we know he greenlighted aren't GaaS.

Haven and Firewalk staff made record breaking new IPs such as Halo, Destiny, AC, Watchdogs or The Division plus other super successful games like Rainbow Six 6.

Most of the 12 GaaS weren't greenlighted by him, already where there when he became CEO. Most of the games we know he greenlighted aren't GaaS.

He didn't buy Bungie, Bungie isn't inside PS Studios. He restructured Japan Studio firing the people who after decades of not being able to release a single hit were making mobile games. Merged its development teams into one of them, Team Asobi. And gave their XDEV team a separate new office to work with more AAA games than before, but now not only from Japan like Deah Stranding 2 and Rise of the Ronin, but also from other Asian countries, like Stellar Blade.
How he is Hermen more successful than Shu?

We really need to start flagging your for propaganda
24 Jun 2022
I'm saying it's a no brainer, it's easy money, and the evidence is that Sony keeps ramping up. When the next CEO continues enthusiastically pursuing PC ports, it further backs what I've been saying.

You, and co-thinkers are blinded by console war mentality to the point where you think you know better than Playstation what's good for Playstation.

Accelerated PC releases has really worked out well for Xbox huh? They're setting 360 sales records to shame and are clearly on the path to 100 million units and record organic reven--

Oh...? They're selling worst in their 3rd year than the OG Xbox did? Oh!? Their only revenue spikes have come from buying big 3P publishers? Oh? Phil Spencer was complaining on X-Cast talking about Xbox struggling to find an identity?

Hmm...I wonder what initiative Microsoft began in 2015, could POSSIBLY have factored into this damned state for a once-promising console brand in Xbox? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔....


21 Jun 2022
How he is Hermen more successful than Shu?
Big 1st party games sell way more now, and also win more awards. As a side result, hardware, accesories and game subs also sell more, resulting in record revenues and profits.

And in addition to this, it's still early to see the results because nowadays games need many years, but he also grew all the studios to allow them to work in more games at the same time and acquired support studios to help them develop faster plus to get rid of tedious stuff main studios may not want to do.

He also made a ton of acquisitions in a few years to grow the team even more. He also did open the 2nd party to more teams both in the East and in the West.

But Hermen is managing more teams -and bigger- than they ever did before, which in the near future will mean a bigger amount of 1st party games being released.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Big 1st party games sell way more now, and also win more awards. As a side result, hardware, accesories and game subs also sell more, resulting in record revenues and profits.

And in addition to this, it's still early to see the results because nowadays games need many years, but he also grew all the studios to allow them to work in more games at the same time and acquired support studios to help them develop faster plus to get rid of tedious stuff main studios may not want to do.

He also made a ton of acquisitions in a few years to grow the team even more. He also did open the 2nd party to more teams both in the East and in the West.

But Hermen is managing more teams -and bigger- than they ever did before, which in the near future will mean a bigger amount of 1st party games being released.
Hermen has not done jack shit other than mess up the pipeline. So many cancelled projects under his belt. Naughty Dog a complete disaster under him, weakening 3rd party relationships under him, killing off Japan support and failure to expand Worldwide Studios including his very own Guerrilla...

But sure how lucky of him to inherit a well oiled machine thanks to Shu.
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21 Jun 2022
Hermen has not done jack shit other than mess up the pipeline. So many cancelled projects under his belt. Naughty Dog a complete disaster under him, weakening 3rd party relationships under him, killing off Japan support and failure to expand Worldwide Studios including his very own Guerrilla...

But sure how lucky of him to inherit a well oiled machine thanks to Shu.
As far as we know there's only one cancelled project: TLOU Online. And well, whatever the 12 Pixelopus guys were doing in their garage when they were shut down. Plus the mobile games that Japan Studio was working on when Hermen got in charge and a year later fired the woman who had such brilliant idea -during Shu's period- to put them to make mobile games (she now got hired at MS).

ND is releasing and working in more games at the same time than ever. He's growing them like his groing all his other teams, including the Japanese ones. Hermen did grow the pipeline in all the studios and made these recent acquisitions, not Shu.

Hermen has nothing to do with 3rd party relationship, he's in charge of 1st party games. Shu is the one who now working in 3rd party relationship, with the indies specifically.
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Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
As far as we know there's only one cancelled project: TLOU Online. And well, whatever the 12 Pixelopus guys were doing in their garage when they were shut down. Plus the mobile games that Japan Studio was working on when Hermen got in charge and a year later fired the woman who had such brilliant idea to put them to make mobile games (she now got hired at MS).

ND is releasing and working in more games at the same time than ever. He's growing them like his groing all his other teams, including the Japanese ones.

He has nothing to do with 3rd party relationship, he's in charge of 1st party games. Shu is the one who now working in 3rd party relationship, with the indies specifically.
David Jaffe said he heard a lot of bad things about Hermen and that he was very vindictive and petty.

The whole Naughty Dog situation, Japan Studio, lack of updates or announcements. More bugs and issues in games at release.
VASG situation was also under Hermen...

Losing MLB exclusivity.
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Here's the most damning stat - some of these games, GOW included, are genre-defining GOTYs. For them to only sell in the low millions (MAX) on a user base of 100m, and nowhere near PS5 sales, suggests there's a huge overlap between PC gamers and the Playstation audience (or that PC gamers have no taste. I jest, because they buy competing titles in these genres in droves from other publishers, so that's not it).

That means that PC-primary gamers originally bought PS consoles to play these games. They will no longer do that and will just wait for the port down the track, actively hurting PS5.

Sales picking up on PC for the next Spiderman or GoW title will prove this out definitively, but sales dropping or stagnating won't as PC gamers can just pirate the titles.

Terrible initiative. Cancel it now.
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