Phil Spencer: "....getting Nintendo would be a career moment and I honestly believe a good move for both companies."


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I just wanted to point out (and someone else likely already said this) I find it kinda remarkable that Phil thinks buying Nintendo would be a "career moment" but not fostering the release of great games that could be lifetime memories for people who play them. But writing a check with daddy's money would make him proud.

Guy is a total loser.
He’s like all the terrible Liberal Prime Ministers Canada has had.

So concerned with a “Legacy” that they do a total shit job and destroy what they’re in charge of, because they’re looking too hard at some big act that puts them in the history books.
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11 Jul 2023
He’s like all the terrible Liberal Prime Ministers Canada has had.

So concerned with a “Legacy” that they do a total shit job and destroy what they’re in charge of, because they’re looking too hard at some big act that puts them in the history books.
Funny how things are the same across countries as you're describing the current Australian PM perfectly!
24 Jun 2022
I believe all of that. Makes sense I've heard it before and I might have seen a rather vocal one elsewhere but I'm pretty sure ree is either a government psyop or is legitimately that crazy. I don't think ree gets paid to shill for microsoft their brains are just microscopic.

One of their moderators, Judge, literally has photos of himself rocking Xbox merch, swag, and is (IIRC) part of their Ambassador Program.

That's pretty close to being a shill if you ask me. And coincidentally, he's also a moderator on the forum. Shills can also be genuine hyper-fans; they just get used by corpos like Microsoft to push talking points and agendas that suit acceptance and proliferation of their product (often at the expense of designated competitors).
24 Jun 2022
Ok, I gotta ask:

On what planet was that the message Spencer was giving? He literally says he's playing the long game with Nintendo, that they're having people buy shares in hopes of leveraging them, and lamenting it's taking so long for them to "realize" they need to be owned by Xbox. That doesn't scream "lol I guess we can't own them, whoops".

How does one get reading comprehension that poor?

Trup1aya is one of the most extreme Xbox fanboys on ResetERA. If you read their posts in the ABK acquisition thread, you'd of been seen this. He's among the worst, alongside dubious company like Yoga_Flame, Vigilante Joker and Red Rum.

You can pretty much ignore EVERYTHING they post when it comes to having a civil discussion about Xbox or PlayStation, because every single word out of their mouths will be something to cap for Xbox and attack PlayStation in some way or another. Every. Single. Time. These sort of people are not worth listening to unless you want to see how bad brain rot from cheerleading for all things Microsoft & Xbox can look like.

A true case study, but little more.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
This is how I always figured it would happen for Valve, the guy is not getting any younger and I don't know if he has some kind of succession plan.
Not only isn’t he getting younger, he’s getting to baby elephant levels of grotesque obesity. Just look at Ryan Davis to see how that ends up.
24 Jun 2022
Era locked the thread lol

Typical. I'm sure more than a few of the Nintendo fans there who were using Xbox as a proxy to dunk on PlayStation have been having sobering realities that Nintendo is just as expendable and a target to extinguish (via acquisitions) by Microsoft as Sony is (via spending out of business).

You think they'd of learned a lesson from the Wii60 days where PS3 was the system that held up best at the end of that gen, while 360 ran out of gas and Wii crashed off a cliff. Hopefully this time they remember: the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.


10 Jan 2023

[Financial Times] Why Japan Should Sell Nintendo - A sale of one of its crown jewels could be transformative for the country​

There are two reasons why, however hard it is to imagine the pathway to that event, a sale process of Nintendo would be transformative — not least because it might convince consolidation-resistant Japanese companies to seek scale and protection through mergers.

The first is that for Japan as a whole, the intensely high profile of a Nintendo sale would finally crystallise the sense of how undervalued many of its crown jewels really are — and how many smaller jewels are being sold to private equity and others at bargain prices. Microsoft would merely be one of many potential buyers: it is easy to imagine Disney or Apple stepping in, followed quickly by Google and Sony. Activision's deal valuation would look small by comparison.

But the greater reason is that Japan may itself need the sort of moment that it foisted on the US in 1989 when Sony bought Columbia Pictures. That acquisition, in all its boldness and ferocity of ambition, was disruptive in a way that was ultimately as valuable to a then-chagrined Hollywood as it was to Japan's sense of achievement.

Disruption is not something that an individual company or a market tends to wish upon itself, but there is a risk that Japan's stock market has painted itself into a corner where only disruption will do. Until this actually comes, the country could do worse than think about how positive a disruptive Nintendo sale might be.

We all know why they pushing this propaganda